A potent commentary on the Presidency — and our country After a CNN documentary aired last Friday – centered on the official White House photographer during...
Rules that favor the sane are clearly unpopular with the chief of interruptions and accusations The final Presidential debate, currently scheduled for Thursday October 22 will...
Undercover FBI agent gathered detailed audio evidence on elaborate and deadly plot The FBI released an affidavit on Thursday, October 8th, charging six members of a right-winged private...
The Wannabe Emperor’s Clothes are on Full Display and growing more revolting by the day Trump’s penchant for propaganda has taken a steroid filled-turbo-charged turn for...
Books are a unique personal resource and powerful in solitude and reflection It is one thing to promote health, wellness, exercise and self-care in a generalized...
huge colorful and visual reminder of Trump’s years of lying… A 50 foot wide by 10 foot tall wall mural went up Saturday, October 3, 2020...
Writing and singing parody send-ups, this 17 year old is adding joy where depression reigns Looking back on 2020 from a safe future distance, mostly it...
Made in secrecy during the past 6 months with interviews from administration insiders Just when it seemed like 2020 could not get any stranger, President Donald...
“Stand back and Standby” ?! Mr. Trump, you can cry and whine all you want. You can refuse to “accept” that the ballots, once counted, hand...
This debacle was caused by one loser, not 3 The first 2020 presidential debate was, according to many pundits, a sh*t show, and that’s no lie....
Seven new books you don’t want to miss this fall season Some of the new releases coming this October season examine how to deal with a...
Lindsey Graham is a liar aka “Lying Lindsey” There have been many a flip-flops on record related to the 2016 versus the pending 2020 Supreme Court...
From the looks of it Moscow Mitch and his sycophantic GOP senate will slam through Trumps SCOTUS pick with little the Dems can do to stop...
A “typical” American family trying to deal with pandemic isolation, safety and all with “advice” from a president who is a proven liar and a sociopathic...
It should be pretty standard that the American people would be able to reliably expect the loser of the presidential election to accept their defeat. However,...
Trump leaning more towards dictatorship than democracy On Thursday, September 24, 2020 , the Senate passed a resolution to reaffirm its support for a peaceful transition...
“Get rid of the ballots and there won’t be a transfer” During a White House news briefing when asked the question if he loses this year’s...
Trump to fill vacancy despite RBG’s ‘fervent’ wish President Trump and @FLOTUS Melania Trump pay their respects as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg lies in repose at...
Among all Trump’s lackeys and sycophants, one stands out as the biggest loser of them all. A former attacker of the orange menace, his hypocrisy is...
Stats don’t lie While he will be happy to blame his failure on the “Chinese Virus” and jawbone the stock market on any bounce upward, past...
Has Trump learned anything? Or was it all Intentional. Sara Gideon, the Maine House speaker is taking a jab at both Donald Trump and Maine Republican...
The outrage may have peaked but the details continue to enrage – massive conflicts of interest and more… Trump needs to destroy the post office and...