Tag Archives: 60 Minutes

’60 minutes’ UFO segment was a recap of what’s known: What’s Next is Big

Above: Photo Collage by Lynxotic

Revelations already leaked into de-classified public domain are enough to shock and amaze

Now that UFO sightings, also known as UAP (“unidentified aerial phenomena”) encounters have become too numerous and too tangible to dismiss as “swamp gas” or “reflected light” or anything of the kind, the next step is for the Pentagon to reveal much more about what it already knows. And from all accounts; it’s a lot.

Recently, for example in the CBS “60 Minutes” segment that aired on Sunday, May 16th, 2021 the growing body of de-classified data and credible accounts from government, ex-government and military personnel has been thoroughly cataloged and competently explained, the the degree that it is possible to explain at all.

In an interview exchange between CBS correspondent Bill Whitaker and Lue Elizondo, who was in US military intelligence for 20 years and was part of “what The Pentagon called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP, the discussion turn to the amazing current state of publicly available information on UFO sightings by the military.

Lue Elizondo:

“The mission of AATIP was quite simple. It was to collect and analyze information involving anomalous aerial vehicles, what I guess in the vernacular you call them UFOs. We call them UAPs

Imagine a technology that can do 6-to-700 g-forces, that can fly at 13,000 miles an hour, that can evade radar and that can fly through air and water and possibly space. And oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity. That’s precisely what we’re seeing.

In some cases there are simple explanations for what people are witnessing. But there are some that, that are not. We’re not just simply jumping to a conclusion that’s saying, “Oh, that’s a UAP out there.” We’re going through our due diligence. Is it some sort of new type of cruise missile technology that China has developed? Is it some sort of high-altitude balloon that’s conducting reconnaissance? Ultimately when you have exhausted all those what ifs and you’re still left with the fact that this is in our airspace and it’s real, that’s when it becomes compelling, and that’s when it becomes problematic.”

A series of revelations that are building and increasing, not a scattered random sequence

The segment went on to interview two of the four pilots that were witnesses to an very close encounter with a UAP during a training mission with the USS Nimitz carrier strike group 100 miles southwest of San Diego, CA in 2004.

CBS News interviewed them, David Fravor, a graduate of the Top Gun naval flight school and commander of the F/A-18F squadron on the USS Nimitz; and flying at his wing, Lieutenant Alex Dietrich, who has never spoken publicly about the encounter:

“For a week, the advanced new radar on a nearby ship, the USS Princeton, had detected what operators called “multiple anomalous aerial vehicles” over the horizon, descending 80,000 feet in less than a second. On November 14, Fravor and Dietrich, each with a weapons systems officer in the backseat, were diverted to investigate. They found an area of roiling whitewater the size of a 737 in an otherwise calm, blue sea. “

The interview went on to describe in great detail the shockingly real and yet impossible to grasp behavior of the UAP and how hard it is to fathom the origin of something so advanced and so far beyond anything we can imagine as being possible to build by humans with current technological means.

‘Either or’ is a short list of what could explain the mysteries

According to various unnamed pilots, of the many that have had sometimes multiple highly corroborated and documented UAP encounters, there are three likely possible sources for these “anomalous aerial vehicles” origin:

  1. secret U.S. technology,
  2. an adversary’s spy vehicle
  3. something otherworldly.

What no-one, outside the “UFO fringe element” has speculated to is the exact meaning and source of “something otherworldly” being involved, or a 4th possibility that this is the most advanced and elaborate hoax ever devised to create the illusion of an ultra sophisticated entity “watching” us.

This last completely speculative statement underscores just how unlikely it is, with this much evidence already uncovered, that this is any kind of “hoax” at all, and how that would be even more far fetched than #3 above, an “otherworldly” explanation.

Now that, since last August, AATIP has been reactivated by the Pentagon, and it’s now called the UAP task force, more information has likely been cataloged since service members now are encouraged to report any strange encounters.

In December 2020, while still head of the intelligence committee, Senator Marco Rubio, of all people, asked the director of national intelligence and the Pentagon to present Congress an unclassified report.

That report will be next major step in this building story. It is scheduled to be released to the Senate on June 1st, 2021.

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“Blood” clip from Lincoln Project is Succinct Summation of Trump & His Enablers Crimes

The most powerful moments hit home

Though known for a tsunami of anti-trump and pro-biden campaign ads, so successful that they may have help defeat Trump last November, this clip is designed to bring out the dramatic and deadly truth of the Insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021

Beginning by calling for justice for officer Brian Sicknick, who died as a result of the Capitol riot, the clip builds to point out the simple truth that the death and destruction of that day was fomented, not only by Trump in his speech in Washington D.C. shortly before the terrorist riot, but by the incitement and lies that were so blatantly and vehemently broadcast to his followers in the weeks and months before.

The video begins with a somber statement:

“In the Capitol Rotunda, the remains of a brave man rest in a place of honor, he died a hero, and now Brian Sicknick deserves justice.”

In many ways, by the very nature of a Senate impeachment trial, somehow simple unavoidable facts seem to become unfocused in the process: That a good, heroic man died protecting democracy and those that were in the Capitol that day to try and practice it.

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Trump’s Lawyers submit Legal Docs: Misspelling ‘United States’ – Twice

Downhill from the start, with proofreading as optional

The defense team for Trump issued a response for his upcoming impeachment trial to the House of Representatives last week.  The document was widely mocked because the article, besides having questionable content, had egregious grammatical and spelling errors (within the first page).

The major spelling error, on the first page, addressed members of the “Unites” (instead of United) State Senate. 

The same mistake! Again! “Unites” States: (fix your spell checker and proofread?)

Less than a week after submitting their initial legal brief, the 78-page brief, again referred to the country Trump used to be a President as “Unites States”.

Within the initial filings, the newly installed attorneys to lead the impeachment trail: Bruce Castor and David Schoen argued that former president Trump should not face impeachment relating to the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection because he is out of office. 

From the Independent: They’re also reminiscent of the president and his allies’ chaotic legal effort to overturn the legitimate election results, where lawyers backing the president bungled basic composition somewhat regularly, once writing “DISTRCOICT” instead of “district,” and submitting another lawsuit with a promise it contained “plenty of perjury.”

The legal team continued using Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that the 2020 presidential election was “suspect”.


Another element that Trump’s defense is using is that the his freedom of speech was protected under the First Amendment. 

“The actions by the House make clear that in their opinion the 45th President does not enjoy the protections of liberty upon which this great Nation was founded, where free speech, and indeed, free political speech form the backbone of all American liberties,” the legal memo says. 

Twitter users were quick to respond back that someone’s rights to the First Amendment does have limits, one of which is a violent insurrection. 


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Conspiracy Theories Are Infecting Millions of Brains – Are they all Toxic?

Above: Photo Collage / Lynxotic / respective publishers

The growing mistrust of institutions is a breeding ground for Disinformation, Kooks and Dangerous lack of common sense

Conspiracy theories have been around as long as so called civilization, although they are not an artifact that exposes the best of our species. Typically conspiracy theories begin to form when there is fear, mistrust and anxiety, uncertainty or even feelings of powerlessness. It is no surprise that for many Americans, there are warranted reasons to hold any of the above feelings.

This has laid the groundwork for misinformation, disinformation and propaganda to hold the new name “fake news” a moniker embraced by the most fake and most blatant propagandists. You can almost hear them chanting “I know you are but what am I” like some deranged schoolyard manic. Qanon, Cults and simple ignorant lack of recognizing simple lies, such as the “Michigan Man of the Year” award Trump has repeatedly claimed to have won (there is no such award) are seemingly everywhere.

Some theories turned out to be real – such as the Watergate Conspiracy that was simply covered up, and those examples are what make it so hard, particularly for the average person, to differentiate between the “wacko” and the plausible. 

The serious study of propaganda, particularly in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia is a great place to start to unravel the mess that seems to swirl all around us. Many of these, mostly simple, techniques are being reused with a digital amplifier and algorithmic acceleration. 

The Future remains Fertile Ground for even more Outrageous Theories

Regardless how 2021 will soon look with US elections finalizing, becoming familiar with the “dark arts” of how to initiate, propagate and benefit from “fake news” will be highly useful going forward.

To that end, we’ve assembled some suggestions for reading and reflection on the subject. Perhaps understanding the telltale signs of misinformation can be useful even if you are not considering a career as a CIA operative or anti-propaganda czar. Or maybe the past examples of extreme theories, and how they caught the imagination of so many, can serve as entertainment for any who are fascinated by the possibility of a trip down the rabbit hole. 


Click here to see “1984
and help Independent Bookstores.
Also available on Amazon.

1984 has come and gone, but George Orwell’s prophetic, nightmare vision in 1949 of the world we were becoming is timelier than ever.

“1984” is still the great modern classic “negative Utopia” – a startling original and haunting novel that creates an imaginary world that is completely convincing from the first sentence to the last four words.

No one can deny this novel’s power, its hold on the imagination of whole generations, or the power of its admonitions – a power that seems to grow, not lessen, with the passage of time.Click here to see “1984
and help Independent Bookstores.Also available on Amazon.

The United States of Paranoia: A Conspiracy Theory

Click here to see “The United States of Paranoia” and help independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

Jesse Walker’s The United States of Paranoia presents a comprehensive history of conspiracy theories in American culture and politics, from the colonial era to the War on Terror.

The fear of intrigue and subversion doesn’t exist only on the fringes of society, but has always been part of our national identity. When such tales takes hold, Walker argues, they reflect the anxieties and experiences of the people who believe them, even if they say nothing true about the objects of the theories themselves.

With intensive research and a deadpan sense of humor, Jesse Walker’s The United States of Paranoia combines the rigor of real history with the punch of pulp fiction. This edition includes primary-source documentation in the form of archival photographs, cartoons, and film stills selected by the author. Click here to see “The United States of Paranoia” and help independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

Understanding Nazi Ideology: The Genesis and Impact of a Political Faith

Click here to see “Understanding Nazi Ideology
and help Independent Bookstores.
Also available on Amazon.

Nazism was deeply rooted in German culture. From the fertile soil of German Romanticism sprang ideas of great significance for the genesis of the Third Reich ideology–notions of the individual as a mere part of the national collective, and of life as a ceaseless struggle between opposing forces. This book traces the origins of the “political religion” of Nazism.

Ultra-nationalism and totalitarianism, racial theory and anti-Semitism, nature mysticism and occultism, eugenics and social Darwinism, adoration of the Fuhrer and glorification of violence–all are explored. The book also depicts the dramatic development of the Nazi movement–and the explosive impact of its political faith, racing from its bloody birth in the trenches of World War I to its cataclysmic climax in the Holocaust and World War II. Click here to see “Understanding Nazi Ideology” and help Independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

Hidden History: An Exposé of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics

Click here to see “Hidden History
and help Independent Bookstores.
Also available on Amazon.

Starting with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Don Jeffries chronicles a wide variety of issues that have plagued our country’s history. Whether it is the assassinations of MLK and RFK, Iran-Contra, the Oklahoma City bombing, TWA Flight 800, voting fraud, or 9/11, every major disaster or war that we’ve witnessed has somehow been distorted by those who are supposed to be protecting us.

Jeffries also delves into extensive research on the death of John F. Kennedy, Jr. – and what he finds will shock you. So whether you’ve only heard bits and pieces of these stories or you’ve read several books on the topics, Hidden History is the book that belongs in every conspiracy theorist’s library, as the information included here has never been collected together in any other published work available. So sit down, strap in, and get ready to be shocked and awed by how much has been hidden by our government over the past fifty years. Updated, this version features a new introduction by political insider Roger Stone. Click here to see “Hidden History” and help Independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

Conspiracy in the Streets: The Extraordinary Trial of the Chicago Eight

Click here to see “Conspiracy in the Streets
and help Independent Bookstores.
Also available on Amazon.

Reprinted to coincide with the release of the new Aaron Sorkin film, this book provides the political background of this infamous trial, narrating the utter craziness of the courtroom and revealing both the humorous antics and the serious politics involved.An afterword by the late Tom Hayden examines the trial’s ongoing relevance, and drawings by Jules Feiffer help recreate the electrifying atmosphere of the courtroom.

Opening at the end of 1969–a politically charged year at the beginning of Nixon’s presidency and at the height of the anti-war movement–the Trial of the Chicago Seven (which started out as the Chicago Eight) brought together Yippies, antiwar activists, and Black Panthers to face conspiracy charges following massive protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, protests which continue to have remarkable contemporary resonance. Click here to see “Conspiracy in the Streets” and help Independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents

Click here to see “Caste
and help Independent Bookstores.
Also available on Amazon.

In this brilliant book, Isabel Wilkerson gives us a masterful portrait of an unseen phenomenon in America as she explores, through an immersive, deeply researched narrative and stories about real people, how America today and throughout its history has been shaped by a hidden caste system, a rigid hierarchy of human rankings. 

Beyond race, class, or other factors, there is a powerful caste system that influences people’s lives and behavior and the nation’s fate. Linking the caste systems of America, India, and Nazi Germany, Wilkerson explores eight pillars that underlie caste systems across civilizations, including divine will, bloodlines, stigma, and more. Using riveting stories about people–including Martin Luther King, Jr., baseball’s Satchel Paige, a single father and his toddler son, Wilkerson herself, and many others–she shows the ways that the insidious undertow of caste is experienced every day. Click here to see “Caste” and help Independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

Chaos: Charles Manson, the Cia, and the Secret History of the Sixties

Click here to see “Chaos
and help Independent Bookstores.
Also available on Amazon.

Over two grim nights in Los Angeles, the young followers of Charles Manson murdered seven people, including the actress Sharon Tate, then eight months pregnant. With no mercy and seemingly no motive, the Manson Family followed their leader’s every order — their crimes lit a flame of paranoia across the nation, spelling the end of the sixties.

Manson became one of history’s most infamous criminals, his name forever attached to an era when charlatans mixed with prodigies, free love was as possible as brainwashing, and utopia — or dystopia — was just an acid trip away.
Twenty years ago, when journalist Tom O’Neill was reporting a magazine piece about the murders, he worried there was nothing new to say. Then he unearthed shocking evidence of a cover-up behind the “official” story, including police carelessness, legal misconduct, and potential surveillance by intelligence agents. Click here to see “Chaos” and help Independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

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Trump’s Mystery Companion Revealed


According to White House insiders, using a double is a known technique, used since at least 2017

In a soon to be moot “conspiracy” theory that has gone on since around 2017, both evidence and speculation has pointed to a body-double replacing Melania at various times when “Melania” is seen next to her husband.

Original on FB: Trump’s Charade Exposed

Since Trump’s loss to Biden in November, it seems that the effort in trying to hide the subterfuge has been lacking, and many photos of the double have surfaced, particularly during Trump’s recent trip to his resort residence in Florida.

Read More: Bye Don! Twitter video goes viral as Biden is announced Official Victor

This post is an updated and expanded version of our recently published story: Trump Travels with Mystery Double: zero mention in media, which compiled some of the many instances of photographic evidence (some seen again herein), mostly published originally on twitter accounts. As we pointed out in the original article, the fact that the press continued to caption and refer to these charades as “President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump…” is, in and of itself, an additional strange feature of the phenomenon.

Read More: Prediction: January 6th will be the Biggest Failure in Trump’s Entire Life, which is saying a lot

Read More: Trump’s wonderful family album of Bad Behavior from 2020

Thanks to a tip from a reader’s comment to the original piece, it does appear, at least to the eyes in the Lynxotic Newsroom, that the double is, in actuality, Melania’s sister, Ines Knauss, seen below. Two years older than her sister, at 52, Ines differs from Melania in the cut of her nose and lips, though they are very similar. This may also be due to a lack of surgical enhancement, which can be seen by comparing older and more recent photos of Melania.

Read More: Apple Innovation in 2020 and Beyond

Melania’s “squinting cat eyes” which may also benefit from artificial enhancement, are typically not an issue for the double since huge very dark sunglasses are usually employed to make any direct eye-to-eye comparison impossible.

Ines Knauss/Facebook

Melania’s doppelgänger, based on a tip from a reader, is likely her sister: Ines Knauss

Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Communications Director, once appeared on Have You Been Paying Attention?, an Australian game show, and was apparently able to confirm that the First Lady, in fact, does have body double.

“You know Michael Cohen, the President’s lawyer, insists that there is a body double and insists that actually her sister sometimes replaces her on the campaign trail,” he told viewers.

Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Communications Director, once appeared on Have You Been Paying Attention?, an Australian game show

Scaramucci went on, adding “Usually when you see somebody more affectionate with Mr. Trump,” referring to Melania’s body-double. “Let me put it to you this way, when he loses [the election] on Tuesday, I’m going to be a happy camper, but nobody is going to be happier than Melania.”

📷 M in Milano Italy #FBF 1992

Posted by Ines Knauss on Friday, 24 June 2016

Clearly, looking at these photos and tweets it’s crazy obvious that an entirely different person than Melania is standing next to Trump, holding has hand (enthusiastically, no less) and smiling, waving and then chatting with him in ways completely out of character compared to the typical behavior of FLOTUS herself.

Above: Photo / Twitter

Even more odd are the ubiquitous captions stating that the photos are of “President Donald Trump standing next to First Lady Melania Trump” when that is so obviously not the case. In the first wave of fake Melania sightings, folks on Twitter began a guessing game and many felt that it was an established probability, if not a fact, that the real Melania was M.I.A. and a body double had been hired to take her place.

At this point the resemblance is so far off and the various features, hair color, nose, lips, breasts half the size, the whole lack of corresponding features is so incredibly, blatantly, visible that it is a form of unintentional fraud for news outlets, large and capable ones such as CNN, Wapo and more, to be playing along with the ruse.

This is the kind of omission of ‘news’ that is mind boggling; only Twitter cares?

Some still seem to believe that Melania changed her body, face, hair and so forth and others, apparently, just want to play along and accept the non-explanation from Trump as the automatic truth; as if he is saying, “it’s all fine here, my wife is definitely not avoiding me or refusing to been seen with me in public together…”

Others on Twitter are mentioning the fact that they both seemed to have abandoned Barron Trump, who is usually seen next to Melania, and whom, presumably she would not leave behind during Christmas break in Florida. Some, as is to be expected on Twitter, poked fun at Trump’s complaints about FLOTUS not getting magazine cover shoots and adds the twist of the mystery double for good measure…

And, of course, many are reveling in the observation that the “real” Melania would not be so cheerful, and definitely not be seen enthusiastically squeezing Donald’s hand and chatting with him so willingly and attentively. There have been so any memes of her pulling away and smiling “fakely” only to suddenly frown when she thinks that the cameras are not focused on her, and have been shared over the last weeks and months, that it’s impossible to take any of this seriously.

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Trump Travels with Mystery Double: zero mention in media


Melania’s doppelgänger re-appears and is now being accepted as “real” without question

Clearly, looking at these photos and tweets it’s crazy obvious that an entirely different person than Melania is standing next to Trump, holding has hand (enthusiastically, no less) and smiling, waving and then chats with him in ways completely out of character compared to the typical behavior of FLOTUS herself.

Read More: Trump’s Mystery Companion Revealed

Above: Photo / Twitter

Even more odd are the ubiquitous captions stating that the photos are of “President Donald Trump standing next to First Lady Melania Trump” when that is so obviously not the case. In the first wave of fake Melania sightings, folks on Twitter began a guessing game and many felt that it was an established probability, if not a fact, that the real Melania was M.I.A. and a body double had been hired to take her place.

Read More: Trump’s Mystery Companion Revealed

At this point the resemblance is so far off and the various features, hair color, nose, lips, breasts half the size, the whole lack of corresponding features is so incredibly, blatantly, visible that it is a form of unintentional fraud for news outlets, large and capable ones such as CNN, Wapo and more, to be playing along with the ruse.

Read More: Trump’s Mystery Companion Revealed

This is the kind of omission of ‘news’ that is mind boggling; only Twitter cares?

Some still seem to believe that Melania changed her body, face, hair and so forth and others, apparently, just want to play along and accept the non-explanation from Trump as the automatic truth; as if he is saying, “it’s all fine here, my wife is definitely not avoiding me or refusing to been seen with me in public together…”

Others on Twitter are mentioning the fact that they both seemed to have abandoned Barron Trump, who is usually seen next to Melania, and whom, presumably she would not leave behind during Christmas break in Florida. Some, as is to be expected on Twitter, poked fun at Trump’s complaints about FLOTUS not getting magazine cover shoots and adds the twist of the mystery double for good measure…

And, of course, many are reveling in the observation that the “real” Melania would not be so cheerful, and definitely not be seen enthusiastically squeezing Donald’s hand and chatting with him so willingly and attentively. There have been so any memes of her pulling away and smiling “fakely” only to suddenly frown when she thinks that the cameras are not focused on her, and have been shared over the last weeks and months, that it’s impossible to take any of this seriously.

This is not Melania, right?

Above: Photo / Twitter

Left or right?:

Above: Photo / Twitter

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Prediction: January 6th will be the Biggest Failure in Trump’s Entire Life, which is saying a lot

A “big” day is brewing ahead of the January 6th official electoral vote count, but don’t expect a revolution

Trump tweeted an invitation to his followers to come to Washington D.C. on January 6th for a “wild time”. There are many tweets and a social media barrage to make this into a public spectacle, ardently in the hope that a large turn-out will somehow have an effect on the official counting of the electoral votes. It won’t.


In typical Trump style, the plausibly-deniable-adjective “wild” is meant to imply, depending on which way you spin it, to be harmlessly “high-energy” or a kind of veiled threat of violence by the militant fringes of the far-right. 

Many are on edge ahead of this attempt to turn the 6th into something dangerous sounding – and it is right to remain vigilant with all the bizarre twists that have already happened.

Now, on top of all the other chaotic factors, the confusion around two major funding packages that are near finalization, could complicate matters.

As we have stated before, in previous articles, whatever “malarky”, to use Joe Biden’s go to phrase, Trump and his wacko band of followers are planning they will fail and fail miserably. 

The telegraphed, scheduled-coup attempt has awoken counter-measures, you can be certain

The massive failures can be easily predicted for one simple reason: everything beyond a “peaceful” and benign protest is against the law and we still have laws and a constitution. For each illegal act the response by the “state” will be 100 times larger and more consequential. And, of course, it won’t take more than a tiny response by law enforcement to quell this fake unrest. 

”The massive failures can be easily predicted for one simple reason: everything beyond a “peaceful” and benign protest is against the law and we still have laws and a constitution.”

— D.L.

Trump will whine and bellow that it is not the sate, but rather the “deep-state” that is against him, as it has been (in his mind) all along. He will try to turn himself into some bizarre kind of martyr- hero who is at the same time also a carnival-barker clown. 

In his mind, just as with the original run for the presidency, it’s a no lose situation. Either he somehow manages to succeed beyond all reason, or he can continue to monetize the chaos and his position as King of Fools, a world where his marks are, at the same time, his most ardent followers. 

Read more: Resisting and Overthrowing Fascism is the Most Patriotic and All American Activity Ever

There will be no need for him to end up like Mussolini, or to be taken seriously with his tin-pot army. It’s highly likely now, actually, that the military, FBI, CIA and all the rest of the national security apparatus is receiving two messages, related to this publicly telegraphed “coup” attempt. 

Be on heightened alert for any activities inspired by Trump’s, basically ridiculous, stunt, and at the same time, do not say or do anything to draw attention to its existence. 

Read More: When Trump says he might “have to leave the country”, he’s not joking: he’s soliciting invitations

Even if there are small disruptions and illegal acts by his most crazed “supporters” these will be small, not-coordinated and local. Washington D.C. will be, as we have seen in Portland and elsewhere, a lot of pick-up trucks with waving flags and people wearing silly red hats. 

There is no reason not to be on guard, considering the statements and thinly veiled threats that have been made by so many

This is not to say don’t remain alert. It is truly sad that this kind of behavior is being drummed up by Tump and the least informed and most gullible amongst the population. At the extreme edge, of course, organizations such as Qanon and Proud Boys are very deranged and should not be excused or tolerated in any way. 

But the veiled threats that some kind of uprising to bring down democracy and execute a coup by a deluded minority is about to take place , both in the general population and among lawmakers, is just wishful thinking by a deranged man that still, technically, remains president for a few more weeks. 

More likely, we will all be witness to Trump’s greatest day of failure in his entire life. Bigger than his 6 chapter 11 bankruptcies, bigger than his many humiliating business and personal defeats, this will be the day that every hope he has to milk some kind of benefit out of losing the 2020 election will die. 

And, afterwards, starting on January 7th, 2021 he will have to decide wether he should flee the country and go into exile, or stay and try to avoid the arrests, convictions and incarcerations that are likely in his near future. 

Barack Obama invokes Navy Seals as way to remove Trump from WH in flashback to Bin Laden Take-down


The former POTUS gave a scathing, hilarious interview on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”

In Barack Obama’s latest book “A Promised Land” he writes how the Navy Seal team was charged the take-down of Osama Bin Laden.  On the late night show, Jimmy Kimmel Live!”. During an appearance to promote his book, the former President laughed with the host as to what steps might be needed to get Trump out of the White House come January.

Jimmy Kimmel asked the former POTUS if there was “a place somebody could hide in the White House if they knew they were going to be removed” — and Obama jokingly responded, “Well, I think we can send some navy seals in to dig him out,”.

Click to see ” A Promised Land
and help independent bookstores. 
Also available on Amazonand Walmart.

Jimmy also noted that Obama’s new book is 701 pages long, and asked if he had purposely made the book so long so Trump wouldn’t pick up it. Obama made reports that he planned, at least initially to write a 500 page memoir within a years time, then, he instead wrote a whopping 700 pages.  It will now be the first of an anticipated two set volume, as the book ends with the Bin Laden episode in May of 2011.  Watch the video clip above to hear Barak’s response that hilariously roasted the soon-to-be-booted current resident of 1400 Pennsylvania Ave. 

Obama’s book went on sale on Nov. 17, 2020;  the memoir sold 890,000 copies in the U.S. and Canada in the first 24 hours of release, setting a record for publisher Crown, an imprint of Penguin Random House. “A Promised Land” continues to hold steady at #1 on Amazon and as one of the top leading non-fiction bestsellers since its release. 

To read more information Barak Obama’s book and help independent bookstores click the link for “Barak Obama’s book”, also available on Amazon and Walmart.

A Promised Land 

In the stirring, highly anticipated first volume of his presidential memoirs, Barack Obama tells the story of his improbable odyssey from young man searching for his identity to leader of the free world, describing in strikingly personal detail both his political education and the landmark moments of the first term of his historic presidency–a time of dramatic transformation and turmoil.

Obama takes readers on a compelling journey from his earliest political aspirations to the pivotal Iowa caucus victory that demonstrated the power of grassroots activism to the watershed night of November 4, 2008, when he was elected 44th president of the United States, becoming the first African American to hold the nation’s highest office.

Reflecting on the presidency, he offers a unique and thoughtful exploration of both the awesome reach and the limits of presidential power, as well as singular insights into the dynamics of U.S. partisan politics and international diplomacy. Obama brings readers inside the Oval Office and the White House Situation Room, and to Moscow, Cairo, Beijing, and points beyond.

We are privy to his thoughts as he assembles his cabinet, wrestles with a global financial crisis, takes the measure of Vladimir Putin, overcomes seemingly insurmountable odds to secure passage of the Affordable Care Act, clashes with generals about U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, tackles Wall Street reform, responds to the devastating Deepwater Horizon blowout, and authorizes Operation Neptune’s Spear, which leads to the death of Osama bin Laden.

This beautifully written and powerful book captures Barack Obama’s conviction that democracy is not a gift from on high but something founded on empathy and common understanding and built together, day by day.

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Should-be Hero to the Age of “Fake News” Mike Wallace is the Investigative Reporter We Are All Missing Today


Know it or Not, We All Need the Power he Once Had

“Serious Journalist”, a phrase that, these days, almost seems like an oxymoron. “Investigative Reporter”, where have those all gone?

According to the New York Post, over 500 daily newspapers went out of business between 1970 and 2016. More recently, between January, 2017 and April 2018, one third of the largest newspapers in the US reported layoffs. Buzzfeed and Huffington Post among other “new media” outlets reported massive layoffs in 2017, 2018 and again in February of this year.

The Huffington Post, as just one example among many, paid most writers “nothing” for years and, although they had ad revenue of tens of millions of dollars in 2018, nevertheless, failed to show a profit.

Read More: Online Media next Fatality after Coronavirus Causes 50% Ad Income Decline?

A Lost Art from a Bygone Era

For any of us in the current generation, all of this seems like old news. Yet, with all that is going on in the world, and facing down a, hopefully, longer future to endure within it, we should look to the past, even what seems like ancient history, to recapture a thread to what may have been lost, and to what a lone individual with “balls and a heart” can do. Mike Wallace was one such individual.

“We are, for the first time in modern history, facing the prospect of how societies would exist without reliable news”

Alan Rusbridger, The Guardian, editor-in-chief

In 2012 we lost a man who virtually defined both “serious journalist” and “investigative reporter” and all of us, in the media and the general public, would do well to look back at who Mike Wallace was, and what he did during his 93 years. Although rightfully revered, Woodward and Bernstein’s famous story of taking on the corrupt Nixon administration during the Watergate scandal was not the only blueprint for investigative storytelling that had the informative power to move the masses.

The truth hurts, as the saying goes. And it hurts more when you are a corrupt politician or a business mogul submersed in your own greed and lust for power.

Today’s world and future generations would be well served to view “Mike Wallace is Here” as a time-capsule showing what freedom of the press and the power of the Fourth Estate can produce in a country to attempts to practice democratic principles.

Could we see a Zuckerberg or a Bezos or a Trump or Trump supporter in Congress holding up well in an interview with Mike Wallace? Is there a modern equivalent of a interviewer or reporter who at once holds the power of his popularity, as a carrot to entice an interviewee to submit to an interview, and yet wields the stick of truth and is not afraid to use it? Or do we at least still comprehend the concept?

Sadly, no, and this points to how the release of this movie should really be seen: as a clarion call to current and future generations, to educate themselves on how it is possible to have the balls to stand up to greed, power and, yes, evil.

Spider-Man? Iron Man? This film should be seen and promoted as a Super Hero movie about the real world. Mike Wallace was not a perfect person. He was known to be a tough, cantankerous workaholic up to the very end. But his more than fifty years of standing up for principles of truth and the positive power of the press the affect change, amount to a legacy of which even Iron Man could be proud.

It was Wallace, who, at his peak, on 60 minutes in the 60s and 70s, could confront a scoundrel in an interview and change waves public perception in an instant, outing the evil and the corrupt.

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Clash of Corporate Interests, and One Man Standing Up

The Oscar-winning movie “The Insider” has a sequence showing the last vestiges of this power as Wallace, played by Christopher Plummer in the film, clashes with the corporate heads of CBS who want to block his plan to air an interview with whistle blower Jeffrey Wigand, played by Russell Crowe, who gave an on-air interview where he exposed some of the tobacco industry’s darkest secrets.

Although Wallace said he hated the film, primarily as it depicted him as not standing up enough against the top brass at CBS regarding the story’s airing, it shows his unflinching, abrasive style when the truth was on the line. His career was a master class in taking risks in order to change opinions about injustices perpetrated by evil men and women, and as a result, changing minds and a small part of the world. The Wigand interview finally aired on February 4, 1996, after a protracted battle to prevent it from being shown.

The tobacco industry eventually had to pay for at least some of it’s misconduct, but in retrospect, the media was already losing it’s power to use investigation and information to affect change and expose corruption.

This all seems like ancient history, with Russian fake news hackers electing presidents, people thinking of facebook as a source of “real” information, and the idea of a journalist having the ability to fight evil, using little more than a well timed, provocative live interview, seems like science fiction.

This film “Mike Wallace is Here” may not win an Oscar, but should be seen by anyone wanting to observe a master at work, standing up to anyone and everyone that crossed his path. And how Wallace used nerve and cunning to expose the truth, often at the expense of the truly corrupt and pernicious.

“Mike Wallace is Here” is scheduled for US release on July, 26, 2019.

Summary from IMDB:

For over half a century, “60 Minutes” fearsome newsman Mike Wallace went head-to-head with the world’s most influential figures. Relying exclusively on archival footage, the film interrogates the interrogator, tracking Mike’s storied career and troubled personal life while unpacking how broadcast journalism evolved to today’s precarious tipping point.

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