Actor Bob Odenkirk, who portrays the iconic Jimmy McGill /Saul Goodman character in AMC’s “Better Call Saul” is currently wrapping up the show’s final season, which...
Get ready for Jimmy McGill’s transition into the iconic crooked criminal lawyer – Saul Goodman (played by the one and only Bob Odenkirk). The plot...
33 Anticipated TV Shows coming out, but there’s not enough time to watch them all! There will be no shortage of new series and movies one...
John Wick with a milquetoast twist? No, much better than that… Are you, like me, someone who just has to watch any movie with Liam Neeson...
Want know more about shorting? About the shady and complicated scams? And also see an incredible film? The Wolf of wall street is simply a great...
Confusing? Yea, but at the bottom it all it’s just…(parody) It you have followed any of the unfolding madness with the “retail investors” and the revolution...
The story that won’t stop and the very fine people on all sides No heroes, plenty of villains and lots and lots of nonsense and stupidity....
This is going way, way, over the edge, what’s next? Trump and his supporters continue to follow the rhetoric that the election was rigged, fraught with...