Tag Archives: biden harris

A Green American Future? Joe Biden’s Plan to combat Climate Change

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Biden pledges immediate action and calls climate change the #1 issue facing humanity

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President-Elect Joe Biden and President Donald Trump disagreed on many points during their respective 2020 campaigns, but their most divisive opposition might have been on climate change. While Trump is an open climate denier who rolled back environmental regulations and posed no plan to combat the issue, Joe Biden vows to make it a central focus of his presidency.

Biden ambitiously promises to work towards 100% clean electricity in America by 2035. He also aims for carbon neutrality by 2050, which will keep global temperatures within 1.5 degrees Celsius of pre-Industrial averages.

Further, he has vowed to reenter the Paris Climate Accords, likely immediately following his inauguration. Getting back into Paris will rekindle America’s clean energy aspirations on the international scale, reopening conversations with other carbon emitting powerhouses like China and the European Union as we strive for a healthier planet.

On that same international note, Biden also plans to follow up on (and perhaps inflate) an Obama Administration pledge of $3 million to the Green Climate Fund— a U.N. project helping developing nations create clean energy infrastructure. The first billion was already paid while Obama was in office, but since Trump came to power in 2017, the U.S. has not contributed a single penny.

This demonstrates that many of Biden’s environmental plans are contingent upon political cooperation now and in the future. Surely, he can set the seeds for fifteen or thirty year plans, but in order for them to have longevity, he will need consensus with his colleagues and successors, many of whom reside across the aisle.   

Restoring environmental safeguards Trump abolished is Job 1 but may prove an uphill battle

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Similar to the Obama Administration, Biden will have to work with and through a Republican Senate to pass environmental laws. While the President-Elect can enter international agreements and revoke many of Trump’s deregulation policies from a solely Executive standpoint, his overall plan involves creating green jobs, decreasing dependency on fossil fuels, and investing in sustainable clean energy. The whole lot will cost $1.7 trillion and need approval from Congress.

Luckily, for all of its turmoil, the 2020 election taught America that climate change is no longer a superfluous issue in the minds of voters. According to the Sierra Club, tangible heat waves linked to global warming may have swayed Arizona to go blue this year.

Meanwhile, even capitalistic institutions are seeing the economic viability in green energy, as several automakers have backed California’s push for electric vehicles. Independents, Republicans, and Democrats alike are all starting to notice the unavoidable scientific evidence. For politicians to remain relevant, they can no longer ignore or deny such a bipartisan topic.

Of course, this is an optimistic viewpoint. After all, it was just four years ago when America elected Donald Trump. Since then, he’s managed to retract over a hundred environmental regulations.

He retained heavy support even as he left the Paris Accords, championed the fossil fuel industry, allowed for drilling and mining on public lands, lifted protections on endangered species, and left vulnerable communities around the world even more susceptible to ecological crises.

Evidently, Biden’s election does not mean that America immediately becomes a nation united in conservation efforts. However, it’s a clear step in the right direction. Unlike many other presidents before him, Biden has a plan for climate change, and his election suggests that prioritizing the environment will be a political priority for many campaigns to come.

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A Look Back at the Strangest and Worst Administration Ever

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Can you miss something bad because it became familiar?

Are we going to miss DJT? He has predicted many times that we would, or at least that the media would miss the “ratings”. Now that, ever so slightly and with a surreal subtlety, his influence fades and begins to seem like a drunken nightmare from which we are awakening in a groggy stupor, bizarre thoughts appear.

Controlling the news cycle has been his thing from day 1. And, if this man has any real talent, it is for dominating the news with lies, nonsense and outrageous acts. Initially, like hostages with Stockholm Syndrome, we will struggle to adapt to a life with less drama from the White House, and, eventually, less doom-scrolling. 

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Was he a clown or a monster? Both, of course. It is hard to admit or even comprehend how we were all, even the anti-trump “libs”, on some level captivated by the show and the drama. 

At times laughing at him, tragic and bittersweet, as we suffer from his brutal senseless acts and incompetence, we still felt some strange enjoyment in being appalled. Ultimately, that was never anything we could accept or live with.

If only he had been even more incompetent, perhaps his buffoonery would have been harmless enough and we could have somehow tried to just go about our lives without thought of politics. But that was never the case.  

Anger and Rage belie the criminality that is at the core

It was, in the end and still today, the anger, as Bob Woodward put it, the “Rage” beneath it all that made it so dangerous, so intolerable that a culture war had to happen to oust this comical criminal.

Meanwhile, 70 million are still falling for his childish nonsense conspiracy theories and his mirroring and projection of all his own negative traits. He tried, in plain sight to “rig the vote” even as he screamed constantly that the Democrats were the ones doing exactly that (they weren’t).

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This tired playbook – a man lies constantly and at the same time shouts that the actual truth is “fake news”, which sycophants like Kellyanne Conway explain away his obvious garbage with terms like “alternative facts”. 

In the end, as his toxic anger grew, the 75-150 million that are not Trump followers had to rise up and do something, no matter how entertaining his schtick might be, at times. 

The remaining 70 million, those that were mesmerized or star-stuck (really?) or just shallow and dim-witted, will also have to adjust to a political landscape without the magic-clown they so love and adore. 

Loving him as anti-communist Vietnamese and Cuban immigrants accepted the nonsense idea that Biden and all Democrats are communist loving socialists and that only DJT could save them from a return to the horrors they escaped under actual communism. Never mind that he is an obvious Putin lover and exchanged lovely letters with a certain North Korean dictator. 

Or buying into his boasts about the economy virtually none of which were based on fact (other than the massive tax cuts for huge corporations, that the majority of his followers would not benefit from). In virtually every case there is a superficial nonsense reason that these individuals expanded into a justification for blind allegiance and even hero worship. 

It’s unlikely that many of those people will be open to rethinking their views anytime soon, unfortunately. 

All twerking aside, there a deeper story here

First, the imminent victories for Biden-Harris in Georgia and Arizona, after the huge win in Pennsylvania have a huge message to the GOP and all wannabe racist-tyrants. 

The demographics of America do not favor populist leaders like Trump and the shift away from racism and all that Trump stood for will inevitably accelerate across the USA in the coming years. 

Both Georgia and Arizona were lost to the GOP due to a demographic voting shift, one that is unlikely to reverse course.

The future is now embedded in the minds of the young after they witnessed the horrors of Trump

Tiktok recently exhibited a shift away from being a lip-syncing dance and entertainment platform to becoming a showcase for the thoughts, intelligence and gifted viewpoints of the young and politically aware.

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While “Trump trolls” also posted plenty during this election season, it is the depth and quality of the discourse among the left or liberal leaning that is most impressive. 

A generation of Americans, particularly those currently between the ages of 15-25 have come of age during a brutal, ugly time – the last 4 years, and many have come away with a new awareness of the real costs of political apathy. 

And it is precisely the challenges that affect them most – like the possibility that the planet may not survive long enough for them to live out their lives, which inspires them to be vocal and active. 

Apathy will not be an option in the future, or all is lost. The young see this most clearly of all, and are demonstrating, on platforms like TikTok and Twitter, how they are going to become a bigger factor in the future of our country. Amen to that, brother. 

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Trump Defeated by Biden: Celebrations Ensue

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Trump Era Closes with Joy at its ending

Almost exactly four years ago to the day, on November 8th, 2016, Trump shocked America and the world by defeating Hillary Clinton. There was already a sense of foreboding among many, based on having witnessed Trump’s behavior during the campaign and throughout his public life before entering the political arena as a candidate. 

The full extent of the danger and menace he would come to embody and represent was something that unfolded, nonstop, during the years he clutched onto power like a rabid dog.  

Read More:Insanity Receding: How a Lack of Trump and his Neuroses is already Healing us All

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Like traumatic witnesses to a heinous crime, many of us who have wished for the day he would be defeated are experiencing a mixture of relief, elation and post-traumatic-stress on the news that his (first) day of reckoning has finally arrived. 

On the announcement that Joe Biden had won Pennsylvania and its 20 electoral votes, and would be the 46th President of the United States, jubilant celebrations broke out across the country. 

Starting around noon on Saturday, November 7th, the various news outlets began to confirm that the threshold of 270 electoral votes required for victory had been surpassed by the Biden-Harris ticket. 

Unbridled joy almost instantly swept across the land, at least among the nearly 75 million that voted blue, and likely among many of those some 70+ million that did not take the time, or were unable, to mark a ballot. 

Unlike other political victory celebrations, this was not a “lesser of two evils” situation for any of those mentioned in the previous paragraph. Some of the internet memes, like the brilliant “America Endgame” video mash-up that mythologizes the election as an Avengers inspired clash between ultimate good and almost unspeakable evil


The clip, for many, was an emotional and inspirational confirmation of what they had been feeling for fourteen-hundred and fifty-nine days as a dark shadow of racist ignorance and hate cast a shadow across our lives.

Looking ahead: days to reflect, heal and rebuild

Next we must all begin to take the sudden feelings of empowerment and democratic vindication and apply that energy toward reclaiming and rebuilding all that the would-be tyrant had spend 4 years undermining and trying to destroy. 

No small task, no easy road, but, nevertheless, a chance to learn from this close encounter with a near-collapse of our system and what it has meant throughout the best moments of our history. 

The damage wrought by the 1,459 days of terror-tweets, and more dangerously, the behind-the-scenes dismantling of the skeleton that holds our system upright, can finally begin to be reconstructed and reclaimed. 

Symbolically, the ending of our participation in the Paris Climate Accords, which ended, literally, hours before Trump’s loss was announced, marks the end of an era of destruction, and the beginning of one pointing firmly toward a possible future of survival and repair. Biden has pledged to re-join the accords as his first act as President. 

And now for the 70 million + souls that, who, out of a susceptibility to propaganda and the spell of a fascist cult of personality, voted for Trump, the avalanche of lies will go silent (other than from the sycophants that remain in positions of power). Next, the country and media can, hopefully, allow real facts and information (remember those?) to flow again and reclaim at least some minds where possible. 

Sadly after more than 4 years of hard-line indoctrination, only individuals under a certain age or who were only partially damaged, will be receptive to any kind of a return to a more civil national discourse.  

These are all thoughts for a later date, but for now a well deserved moment of relief and celebration, and thank our stars for the 75 million of us that rose up and made it possible for the chance of a better future to emerge. 

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When Trump says he might “have to leave the country”, he’s not joking: he’s soliciting invitations

Snowden may indeed receive a pardon and shortly after a bunk-mate in the form of the same soon-to-be ex-President  

Trump says so many crazy things on any given day, it is easy to let any one particular thing just float on by and get ready for whatever the next outrageous or just wacko thing that comes out of his mouth.

Ascribing some kind of motivation is often a fools errand of second convolution logic that leads to a parlor game of either elevating this mental-midget to a “very stable genius” or trying to follow clues as to his source for the “idea” (like what was aired on Fox News in the 12 hours prior to his tweet or crazy proclamation).

Read More: Trump rejects everything about the final debate yet vows to attend anyway

The idea he came up with of leaving the country, after he loses to “the worst candidate in the history of politics”, is not one of those run-of-the-mill , dime-a-dozen utterances. No. It is a very real concern that appears to be weighing heavily on his mind, and that he feels the need to discuss with thousands of his closest friends (the audiences at his super-spreader rallies).

If there is a genius to Trump, it is his ability to go so far beyond the pale that even those that know his predilection for bizarre suggestions and actions have not followed his twisted logic quite as far as he is about to take it. 

Floating the idea of a Pardon for Snowden was Clue #1

The backward inverted idea of a pardon initiated by Trump for someone he once called a “traitor” is pure, simple Trump-ian thought at it’s most absurd. All Snowden needed to do to become Trump’s new friend was to hang out for a while with Trump’s other friend; Putin. So, as is so often the case with the most obtuse and simultaneously transparent maniac, one only has to connect the dots to reach a simple rock-solid conclusion: Trump is shopping for a post-election-loss safe-haven and joining Snowden in Moscow is his very first choice. 

Now, never mind that Snowden is not a Trump supporter or sycophant, his proximity alone, to Putin, in Trump’s bent mind, makes him an ally of sorts. And if pushed, I am certain Trump would somehow use this thought process to link Wikileaks, which he “loves” when they leak Democratic dirt,  and Assange, though strange bedfellows don’t begin to cover that trio of compatriots. 

The phrase: “Banana republic” comes to mind 

This prediction, written on this very parchment at 21:21 on October 21, 2020, is herby put forth – however, in fairness, it is actually at least 3 predictions.

First, that Trump will lose Bigly on or around November 3rd. Second, that he will opt for plan c, after his wannabe civil warriors fail to show up for any dubious would-be battles, and leave the USA forthwith. Third that he is already entertaining offers but has Moscow very high on his list, since the shit-hole countries, that he bad-mouthed on the way up the ladder of infamy, do not have an interest in harboring him.

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