This upcoming Horror-slash-Gore-slash Sci-Fi explores a future world where humans live in a more synthetic environment, forcing the body to undergo new mutations and transformations. And...
In any particular month, on any given streaming platform, besides the “endless” searching to find something you want to watch, there usually is one, or at...
In what has become a monthly Netflix ritual, some great films have just hours left for you to stream them As is customary when each month...
As the end of one month ends and another begins, that means many things, but for the Netflix streaming platform, is always means an influx of...
Every kill…brings…him……you… Warner Bros. is set to release its next big horror movie. The film is helmed by James Wan. If that name doesn’t strike a...
Insomnia plays the #1 villain The next global catastrophe movie is coming to Netflix, its called “Awake” and the premise has quite the spin. This apocalyptic...
Will you venture out into theaters to watch Part 2…? Over a year of release date delays, “A Quiet Place Part II” is has finally made...
Will you venture out into theaters to watch Part 2…? Over a year of release date delays, “A Quiet Place Part II” is almost on its...
Dark, Suspenseful, Thriller and Swedish, yes please Netflix has released a number of crime related documentary series like that of “Crime Scene” and “Night Stalker”....
Listen and watch our curated songs below that we have compiled for you. It’s a great way to groove into the Halloween season this October! 1....
It’s All Grown Up: Monster Stephen King novel takes a Scary Jump into Adulthood… This week, the most anticipated horror movie of the year finally hits...