Scorsese’s latest and long awaited big project, titled “Killers Of The Flower Moon,” has been in development under Paramount since early 2019. The Apple Studios film...
Streaming Power on the Rise in Production Finance Last November, legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese made his debut into the world of streaming with “The Irishman.” After...
Netflix Ignores Creative Intention as they Scramble After gimmicky Innovation Ever since Netflix got the world hooked on online streaming, the company has innovatively transformed how people consume...
Alfonso Gomez-Rejon’s Reshoot Aims To Overcome The Weinstein Company’s Creative Stains At the end of this week, David Glasser’s young 101 Studios will release director Alfonso Gomez-Rejon’s latest film,...
With Buzz Building, Hits Theaters October 4th The teaser trailer starts with an aggressively contemporary drone shot of a city. Gotham City? The Batman / Joker...