A Total Solar Eclipse is going to happen on December 14th – Lynxotic
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A Total Solar Eclipse is going to happen on December 14th



Above: Photo by Justin Dickey on Unsplash

In a year filled with celestial shows, another big and special one

The only time there will be a total solar eclipse in 2020 is coming on December 14th.  The relatively rare and mesmerizing event will unfold as the the moon blocks the sun, it will gradually shift in front of it until the earth (in the path of totality) is plunged into darkness and only a ring of light will remain. 

Since the same day, December 14th, will feature a new moon and a Meteor Shower (not to mention it being the deadline for the electoral college certifications in the U.S.) there will be busy and somehow magical feeling in the air. 

Read more: Christmas Star: alignment of Jupiter and Saturn will be closest in 800 years

The path of totality will follow a track across the southern end of South America, which will include and be visible to Chile and Argentina where, clear skies permitting, it will be possible to watch live. In certain parts of the Pacific and Atlantic, people at sea would also experience the event.

If you are in North America or, in any case not in the path of the eclipse,  NASA’s map gives a more exact overview of the viewing zones and NASA will also offer a Spanish-language program with shots from the eclipse on NASA TV.

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