Less of a diet and more of a way to regulate eating patterns… A lot of us have been spending much more time at home due...
With all the different types of weight-loss strategies available, it can be difficult to choose what the best method is, and what’s right for you. What...
Unlike what they say about missing sleep, stress can build up over weeks, months even years. True to the “silent killer” moniker it can eventually kill...
When the World is in Chaos – Control what you can – Yourself For many, January is Self-Improvement Month. Change can be be symbolic and a...
The time is now to start listening – to your body that is It’s not uncommon, especially lately, at one point or another, to start asking...
Everything, everywhere, all at once things are looking scary… These words echo the pervasive fear that Moloch, the demon, has instilled across cultures and epochs. A...
Unspoken Taboos in Climate Discourse Global warming continues to challenge humanity with its relentless impacts on our environment. And, as the consequences of global warming and...
The future is clean because all the oil is gone In the realm of science fiction, visions of the future often gleam with pristine, utopian landscapes...
During the first phase of the coronavirus “lock-down” there was, interestingly, a huge surge of interest in home cooking, and in particular, baking. And of all...
By Matthew Ricketson, Deakin University Donald Trump has been colonising the world’s attention for years, via television, on social media and in books. Ironically, given Trump...
Transportation has been the focus, due to Tesla’s rise, but houses and commercial buildings are next When Tesla was still just an oddball upstart, there was...
The time is now to start listening – to your body that is It’s not uncommon lately, at one point or another, to start asking ourselves...
There are many new books emerging recently covering health and wellness that align with the goal to make healthier lifestyle choices. Whether looking for alternative health options,...
“If we are finally going to start taking the IPCC’s findings seriously, it follows that we must begin advancing far more aggressive climate stabilization solutions than...
Copywriting is no longer strictly in the domain of advertising Once upon a time, in the long gone era that was so well depicted in Netflix’...
“What is happening in this country in terms of banning books in schools is unparalleled in its frequency, intensity, and success,” said the director of PEN...
The future of Ethereum, DAOs, Defi and Web3 set to become mainstream with movie tracing its history Ridley Scott’s production company, Scott Free Productions, is slated...
So much is going on in the area of Crypto-currencies, Blockchain, Alt Coins, and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) that it can make your head spin. And that...
The 50th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade is approaching, we are also dealing with the likelihood that the Supreme Court is now reconsidering the ruling, as...