Above: short video introducing our iphone photography awards series
In this, the Sixth Article in a Series Featuring all the Winners, See Photos of the Top Three Awards for the Categories: News / Events and Floral
Once again, these photos show the dynamic advantages of a small, light, powerful camera in your pocket. Particularly for News / Events where “right time / right place” is essential, but even floral involves a process where unique and natural occurrences must be seen, and captured, at a precise time and place. And you don’t have to wait for the “iPhone 14xs” to produce high quality images, in fact, some of the winners used an iPhone 6s, such as Lianyu Lu, or 7, like Silveira, not necessarily iPhone 8 or XS Max.
In all the winning photos, in every category, it is the emotion and the beauty that has the power to transport the viewer into another world. Don’t overlook the “honorable mentions” either. The two mosaic galleries below show how high the competitive artistry was and how difficult it must have been to choose.
Established in 2007, IPPAWARDS have featured the worlds best iPhone photographers and photos since the iPhone’s inception. The deadline to enter the next years program is March 2020, so, use these great images as inspiration to take your best shot. Who knows, it might be you taking the Grand Prize in 2020!
First Place Winner, News/Events : Lianyu Lu
First place News/Events photo shot in Meizhou, China, on an iPhone 6S by Lianyu Lu – IPPAWARDS
Photo of Lianyu Lu – IPPAWARDS
”Lianyu Lu is a mobile phone photographer, videographer and colorist who prefers to use a mobile phone to record interesting moments in daily life.”
”This photo was taken at the Lantern Festival in Buzhai Town. It is the tradition of this small southern town to hold a dragon dance performance for Lantern Festival that dates back to the Qing Dynasty. It is a spectacular scene with the fire dragon being lifted by more than 30 adults while it dances and fireworks are set off from its body. Thousands of people came to watch the event and to pray for their family to be safe and healthy for the New Year.”
Second place News/Events photo shot in Aleppo, Syria, on an iPhone X by Yanan Li – IPPAWARDS
Photo of Yanan Li – IPPAWARDS
”This photo was taken in an abandoned house in Aleppo, Syria. In the Syrian civil war, almost the entire city of Aleppo became a ruin of war and there was hardly a building left intact. In January 2018, I walked into many rooms in the ruins. I found that lives were abruptly stopped by the war, and many rooms still retained the pre-war look.”
Mosaic Gallery, Honorable Mentions: News/Events
Third Place, News/Events : Gabriel Ribeiro
Third place News/Events photo shot in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, on an iPhone 8 by Gabriel Ribeiro – IPPAWARDS
Photo of Gabriel Ribeiro – IPPAWARDS
”Gabriel Ribeiro is a photographer and videomaker in Campo Grande, MS. His main interest in photography is to record ephemeral moments that, by virtue of chance, happen daily.”
I photographed this wedding with my father in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. During the religious ceremony, each person kneels to hold a prayer with all present for the purpose of blessing the wedding.
First Place, Floral : Dan Liu
First place Floral photo shot in Joshua Tree National Park, California, on an iPhone XS Max by Dan Liu – IPPAWARDS
Photo of Dan Liu – IPPAWARDS
”Dan Liu, a professional photographer living in China. I have been traveling around the world to more than 40 countries to conduct humanities and landscape photography projects, in which I focus on exploring and recording the independent features of different social and natural groups, as well as the relationship between them.”
”In Joshua Tree National Park in the United States, there is a valley called the Cholla Cactus Garden which is covered by a large number of Teddy-Bear Chollas. This species of Cholla grows freely under the scorching sun, unafraid of the heat and dryness.”
Second Place, Floral : Ted Silveira
Second place Floral photo shot in Santa Cruz, California, on an iPhone 7 by Ted Silveira – IPPAWARDS
Photo of Ted Silveira – IPPAWARDS
”Ted Silveira started in film photography (rangefinder), moved to digital photography (mirrorless), and is now an enthusiastically unprofessional mobile photographer. Less gear, more photos, more fun.”
”I’ve taken quite a few photos of this agave plant, which is tucked away in the corner of a courtyard in downtown Santa Cruz, and every time I walk by it, I take another. The close-up view, especially in black & white, seems to draw out a part of the agave’s beauty that’s easy to miss in real life when it’s surrounded by flowers and sidewalks and benches.”
Mosaic Gallery, Honorable Mentions: Floral
Third Place, Floral : Guoxi Chen
Third place Floral photo shot in Shenzhen, China, on an iPhone X by Chuangcheng Jin – IPPAWARDS
Photo of Chuangcheng Jin – IPPAWARDS
”I’ve been passionate about mobile photography since 2014. My interest in photography brings me a lot of inspiration. I like to record the enthusiastic and moving parts of life by taking photos so that they can tell the stories of life.”
”During a trip to Shenzhen, China I was captivated by these volcanic rock steps hidden in a secluded corner, embraced by strikingly red flowers on both sides.”