Elon Musk invites Putin to a Chat in Clubhouse App: Kremlin Responds - Lynxotic
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Elon Musk invites Putin to a Chat in Clubhouse App: Kremlin Responds



Above: Photo Collage / Lynxotic

Tesla CEO, Elon Musk took to Twitter and tagged the official account for the Kremlin to ask if Russian president, Vladimir Putin would like to join him in the new social networking audio-only app Clubhouse

Read More: Inside the Clubhouse App: YouTube and Change at the Speed of Sound

He then followed up with the initial question with a tweet in Russian, when translated, reads: “it would be a great honor to talk to”.  It is unclear what his ideas are on the topic or goal of having this highly visible, public, yet intimate chat. Speculations have pointed to issues that SpaceX, Starlink and Tesla have had getting opportunities in Russia, but the real reason or outcome could be something entirely different. Never a dull moment when Elon takes to social networking:

Read more: What is “Clubhouse” and Why is it The Next Big Thing in Social Media Networks?

According to Reuters:


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a conference call: “In general, this is of course a very interesting proposal, but we need to understand what is meant, what is being proposed… first we need to check, then we will react.”

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“We want to figure it out first. President Putin does not personally use social networks directly, he doesn’t have them” said Peskov.

This isn’t the first invitation Elon Musk has publicly asked of high profile people, last week he also asked and seemingly confirmed via Twitter that he and Kanye West would chat on the app. At this time there has been no confirmation of date or time when the two would be on Clubhouse, however there have been many rooms on the highly anticipated topic (Where is Kanye West?).

Prominent business and political figures have been propelling the Clubhouse app to a large increase in membership, even while the app is still invitation only and iOS-only (no android yet).


Mark Zuckerberg, who has allegedly been studying the app to produce his own copycat version, as well as celebs like Oprah and The Rock and many others have also all set up accounts and been involved in chats (room sessions).


Yesterday there was an hours long session hosted my Mr. Beast of YouTube fame who has nearly 50 million followers on the video streaming platform.

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