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‘Firefly Lane’ hits top spot on Netflix: Katherine Heigl celebrates on Twitter



Netflix’s newest drama, “Firefly Lane” has jumped to the first spot on the platforms top 10.  The series follows the decade-long friends, Tully Hart played by Katherine Heigl and Kate Mularkey played Sarah Chalke.  The young girls original meet in the early 1970’s when then the two teens move across from one other on ….Firefly Lane. 

The two become inseparable friends through 30 years of the good and bad times, as well as everything that in between that can happen when you’ve been friends for multiple decades. The series follows the two young ladies from their teens years up to their 40’s.

Click to see “Firefly Lane” and help independent bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

Katherine Heigl, who many people recognize her name from the very famous ABC series “Grey’s Anatomy”.

The actor who has been working for decades, was labeled in Hollywood as “difficult” back in the early 2000’s and was essentially blacklisted for a period of time. “Firefly Lane” is the actresses latest comeback, and by looks of her tweet, she is very happy about it!

The episodic, based on the bestselling novel by Kristin Hannah (with same title) premiered February 3rd, and those that have already binged it, are already wanting to know, desperately when season 2 will be out. 

Those that have read the book, without giving away any spoilers, knows that there will be a dramatic ending to the season.

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