Entertainment Five Movies in Theaters: Holiday Film Choices Published 5 years ago on December 25, 2019 By Kat Lee Share Tweet Now that the final days leading up to 2020 are here, it’s a great time to check out what films are currently available in theaters… Bombshell photo-link to Bombshell article and trailer Uncut Gems photo-link to Uncut Gems article and trailer Richard Jewell photo-link to Richard Jewell article and trailer Rise of Skywalker photo-link to Rise of Skywalker article and trailer Spies in Disguise photo-link to Spies in Disguise article and trailer Find books on Big Tech, Sustainable Energy, Economics and many other topics at our sister site: Cherrybooks on Bookshop.org Enjoy Lynxotic at Apple News on your iPhone, iPad or Mac and subscribe to our newsletter. Related Topics:BombshellMovieRichard JewellRise of SkywalkerSpies in DisguiseThe Rise of SkywalkerUncut Gems Up Next Keanumania: “John Wick 4” and “The Matrix 4” Set To Release on the Same Day Don't Miss “Spies In Disguise”: Will Smith and Tom Holland get crazy Cartoony in New Disney Release Advertisement