Last Christmas, Official Trailer: Former Game Of Thrones Princess Triumphs in London Based Rom-Com - Lynxotic
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Last Christmas, Official Trailer: Former Game Of Thrones Princess Triumphs in London Based Rom-Com



Official Trailer – Universal

“Emilia Clarke as Kate and Henry Golding playing Tom do, surprisingly, display chemistry, despite “Tom” playing the same dream-boat dashing Prince Charming as he dutifully smiled through in “Crazy Rich Asians”…

Two things stand out from the trailer; London is a really, really romantic backdrop for a Christmas love story, and Emilia Clarke has loads of charisma playing an elf, a princess, pretty much anything one can think of, apparently.

Adding George Michael songs, paired with the London mise en scène, is a sort of emotion pulling machine, even before the adorable elf and the dashing prince begin to mesh.

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Directed by Paul Feig and written by playwright Bryony Kimmings and Academy Award Winner Emma Thompson, this is, as long as you are open to a straight up romantic comedy, with emphasis on romantic, and ready to re-live whatever 80s memories George Michael songs will conjure up, a perfect holiday film in a tradition that goes way back. Perhaps all the way back

Congratulations to Emilia Clarke for moving on to a role beyond dragons so soon, and for her performance that appears to show her wit, humor and humanity.

Photo / Universal

The trailer hints at a darker side, deeper romance, just a straght ahead love story…or?

Based on the trailer (see above) there are definitely funny moments in the film, and, yes, an “opposites-attract” chemistry is evident, but what people are wondering, in response to a view of the first trailer, is if that is enough?

Shortly after the trailer appeared online a twitter guessing game erupted, on the question of the possible plot twists:


Many of us are already looking forward to this one. In theaters on November 8, 2019

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