New Jared Leto Images show him as Joker in the upcoming Zack Snyder ‘Justice League’ Epic - Lynxotic
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New Jared Leto Images show him as Joker in the upcoming Zack Snyder ‘Justice League’ Epic



A first look at his Crown Prince of Crime 

Two newly released Joker images played by Jared Leto, give fans a glimpse of a very different type of villain, free of his face tattoos as compared to the Joker in the 2016 “Suicide Squad”. 

Last week, Zack Synder, shared a sneak-peek image of Ben Affleck as Knightmare Batman for the upcoming release of “Justice League”.

The director did not initially have Joker as part of the original plan and decided to add him into his version of the DC Comics team up. The hotly anticipated release details and content reveal is now beginning to emerge, as weekly a new character seems to be featured in a missive from the director.

Read More: Justice League releases brand new Black and White Trailer for upcoming HBO Max 2021 movie release

“The Joker is really the only thing that I thought of in retrospect,” Snyder says in an interview with VF. “But I will say that it was always my intention to bring Joker into that world.”

In all the DCEU movies, Batman and Joker have never faced off, yet definitely have history (Joker killed Robin) thus the director is ultimately teasing fans, who will have to wait until its release on March 18, 2021 on HBO Max to finally see the two come head to head. 

The official full trailer as Snyder has shared in his twitter post, will be released on Valentine’s day, 2/14/2021.


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