Trickster god Loki, show dedicated to the brother of Thor
Spinoff series from Marvel out today is Loki, which will premiere on, where else, Disney+ , originally slated to start June 11, 2021 is is now available with a new episode coming each Wednesday. The only way to watch Loki on Disney, currently, is via subscription. In the new trailer below Tom Hiddleston appears as the title character and the clip reveals just a bit more about his new role.
Taking place in a Marvel-esque alternative universe, with a shadow of Umbrella Academy attitude we see Loki approached by Mobius, embodied by the inimitable Owen Wilson, the upshot helps to put right the timeline that was disturbed via the Tesseract influence from The Infinity Saga
Loki takes the Marvel universe into yet another version of alternative directions, and yet it manages to feel fully believable within its own invented genre.