“Extinction is not inevitable—it is a political choice,” says a new petition calling for bold changes to the Endangered Species Act. The Center for Biological Diversity on...
“A renewable energy future,” the groups wrote, “is a peaceful and ultimately more prosperous one.” A coalition of over 200 groups on Wednesday called on President Joe...
The latest federal data, said Rep. Rashida Tlaib, should put “an end to the false myth that unemployment insurance benefits keep people from working.” Republican lawmakers...
The Food to Families program, touted by Ivanka Trump, gave tens of millions of dollars to unqualified firms and was also used to promote then-President Trump....
“Our nation’s infrastructure is not built to a standard that protects against the level of flood risk we face today, let alone how those risks will...
More than two dozen advocacy groups launched “extreme weather ads” in five state newspapers on Monday to pressure right-wing Senate Democrats to stop giving taxpayer money to the oil, gas,...
“The stench of corruption wafting up from Louis DeJoy’s office is so thick seagulls are flying in from the Jersey Shore and circling overhead.” A leading...
Hundreds of PPP Loans Went to Fake Farms in Absurd Places by Derek Willis and Lydia DePillis for ProPublica ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom....