An eco-system about to emerge at a level beyond what any other company can match The ultimate superiority of the “whole widget” concept at Apple: making...
Apple software upgrades are now so deep and extensive that it will take months to absorb the potential benefits Mac OS upgrades, which have been free...
The writing is on the wall – but it’s about to collapse: privacy wars 2021 While Apple apparently agreed to delay the surveillance-blocking privacy tools for...
2nd Bombshell ? Mac Pro and Pro Display XDR also Released Today World’s best Professional Notebook? Probably not even close Right up front let’s state the...
Secretive Media Giant about to Awaken? Although it’s been quietly hovering in the shadows since WWDC in May, Apple TV+ is about to explode onto the...
Logic Pro X, Apple's high end music production software, now has more under the hood, particularly when used with the new Mac Pro, which will be...
The parade of new hardware from Apple continues with a Mac Pro and the new Pro Display XDR. More big news from WWDC and a discussion...