U.S. Afghanistan mistakes lasted 20 Years, Read these to help prevent 20 more - Lynxotic
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U.S. Afghanistan mistakes lasted 20 Years, Read these to help prevent 20 more



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Better than the blame game: learn and try to help

There are many ways, in hindsight, to explain the seemingly sudden collapse of the local, US backed, forces in Afghanistan. Clearly also plenty of blame to go around and, obviously, huge changes are needed to prevent a repeat of this great, long tragedy.

There are some amazing people who are actively trying to help, such as STELP.eu, based in Germany, and supporting them and others can be a big first step.

Looking further ahead, perhaps now is the time, also, to do something to prevent this from repeating or continuing in the same tragic way.

A war is bad, a “forever war” is something to be prevented in any way possible. The books below, give history, thoughts and ideas, in many cases simple alternatives that could have helped to avoid this terrible outcome.

Learning the mistakes of the past, especially in Afghanistan, can only help to inform and prepare for the great challenges that still lay ahead.

The American War in Afghanistan: A History

The American War in Afghanistan: A History

One of the longest armed conflicts in our nation’s history is now winding down with American troops set to fully evacuate at the end of the month. Author Carter Malkasian writes a comprehensive and vivid portrait of the nearly two decade long war.

Malkasian is the leading academic authority on the subject, he spent years working in the Afghan countryside and later went to serve as senior advisor to General Joseph Dunford, the U.S. military commander in Afghanistan.

Learn more on “The American War in Afghanistan

The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War

The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War

The upcoming investigative story of how three presidents as well as their military commanders deceived the public about the longest war in American History.

Washington Post and three time Pulitzer Prize finalist, Craig Whitlock unearthed documents by President Bush and other administrations and provides readers with a shocking account of everything that went wrong.

This book comes out August 31, if you want to pre-order, check out more information on “The Afghanistan Papers

The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan, 2001-2014

The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan, 2001-2014

Starting shortly after 9/11, reporter Carlotta Gall has been on the scene, getting an inside scoop from both Afghanistan and Pakistan. With American troops now leaving, the time to reflect and learn about the full history is now.

Gall uses both personal accounts as well as portraits from ordinary Afghanis who have had to endure the terrors of war for more than a decade, she knows first hand the costs to the Afghan people.

Check out “The Wrong Enemy

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