WaPo: Biden administration scrambled as its orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan unraveled - Lynxotic
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WaPo: Biden administration scrambled as its orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan unraveled



Photo by Sohaib Ghyasi on Unsplash

The speed and seeming ease of the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban this week shocked the world. First cities around the country fell, one after another, and then, just days later, the nation’s capitol Kabul was ready to go.

“The urgency bordering on panic laid bare how the president’s strategy for ending the 20-year U.S. military effort — leaving Afghan forces to hold off the Taliban for months as negotiators redoubled efforts to hammer out a peace deal — has undergone a rapid dismantling.”

Washington Post

The Kabul airport became virtually the last US controlled zone as scenes reminiscent of the fall of Saigon were broadcast over the weekend, showing the desperate scramble to evacuate remaining personnel.

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