New Memoji Videos Released In Time For 2019 Grammy Awards - Lynxotic
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Apple Produces More Singing Heads

Grammy Awards 2019 Apple Releases New Memoji Videos

3 new Apple Memoji videos hit the street today, and, like previous Animoji clips are basically Karaoke Music Videos. Timed to coincide with the 2019 Grammy Awards, today’s batch feature heads crafted to look like the original artists themselves, as a way to emphasize the “me” in Memoji.

In previous “Animoji” video clips Apple used anonymous people that were carefully chosen to match pre-set characters, such as the Cat or Unicorn. Generally, the entire Animoji project appears to be a fringe benefit from the face ID security system, and as a gift from the Steve Jobs Pixar legacy. Ok, true or not, in any case, they look like Toy Story style characters.

It’s a mystery why the talking heads always sway from side to side. Perhaps this is meant to show off the head tracking response, for example, but by now one would think that’s a given.

Although extremely cute and more responsive and adaptable all the time, it looks like third-party apps will have to fill the void, if virtual actors with more range are to emerge.

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It would be great to see a talking avatar that has more realism or at least a personality that goes beyond “cute” and “super cute”.

When this concept finally goes beyond fun, games and Karaoke, a wide variety of potential uses could become possible. Just ask Max Headroom.


All the angst over AI taking over service and manufacturing jobs notwithstanding, by now you’d think someone would have created an automated Megyn Kelly. The 69 million pay-out she received when she was fired could have recouped any prior outlay for research and development. And, hey, at least the animated anchor would have stayed on script.

In November of last year the world’s first AI news anchor started working in China. The Chinese-English speaking bot “…can read texts as naturally as a professional news anchor”, the state-run Xinhua news agency that created the bot, claimed in a statement. Judge for yourself:

If you know of any third party apps trying to graduate from cute when it comes to Memoji recording, please contact our video department. Here at Lynxotic News we could definitely use a few new spokes-bots.

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