Billie Eilish to perform Exclusive live event for Free before premiere of doc ‘The World’s a Little Blurry’ - Lynxotic
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Billie Eilish to perform Exclusive live event for Free before premiere of doc ‘The World’s a Little Blurry’



Above: Photo / Apple

Apple TV+ and YouTube event: Acoustic performance, interview and “surprises” in store

The release for the upcoming Apple TV+ documentary which follows Billie Eilish’s journey into fame, spotlighting a “sliver” of her life during the three year period the doc was filmed, is nearly here. Aside from the upcoming film, fans will also get another musical treat before the debut. Apple teamed up with the artist to commemorate the release with a livestream and exclusive performance, which will be available for all to watch for free. (Free!)

During the live event, Eilish will perform some (new) music, and maybe even talk about her new album that her and brother/co-writer created during her time at home due to covid-19 restrictions.

Billie Eilish has 16 new songs in the works: ‘in the groove’Above: rElated Article

The artist also recently launched a live version of the song, “ilomilo” which has the song lyric “the world’s a little blurry” from which the title of the doc is inspired. Check out video above.

In addition to the musical performance, there will also be an interview with director R.J. Cutler, hosted by Apple Music’s DJ Zane Lowe. The Apple press release also notes that the event will include “other special surprises” but you have to watch in order to find out what those may be.  

Eilish will perform live and can be streamed for free Thursday, Feb. 25 starting at 6 p.m. PT/ 9 p.m. ET via the Apple TV app, Apple Music app or Billie’s YouTube Channel.  Immediately following the event, her documentary will debut on the Apple TV+ streaming platform. 


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The trailer gives fans a peak of what’s to come, centered around Eilish’s rise to fame, offering behind the scenes of the inner workings of her highly successful album: “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?”. 

There is also footage of Eilish off stage, doing normal teenage activities like getting her driver’s license, as well as scenes of her at home hanging out with her brother and collaborator, Finneas.  

According to Apple:

Billie Eilish: The World’s A Little Blurry” tells the true coming-of-age story of the singer-songwriter and her rise to global superstardom. From award-winning filmmaker R.J. Cutler, the documentary offers a deeply intimate look at this extraordinary teenager’s journey, at just 17 years old, navigating life on the road, on stage, and at home with her family, while writing, recording and releasing her debut album “WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?”

For those that do not currently have Apple TV, subscription starts at $4.99 per month with a 7 day free trial. Any buyer of Apple hardware is given a free subscription for up to a year as well.

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