‘Judas and the Black Messiah’: HBO Max Biographical drama has 30 Days left for subscribers to Stream Free - Lynxotic
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‘Judas and the Black Messiah’: HBO Max Biographical drama has 30 Days left for subscribers to Stream Free



Bringing back the legacy of Fred Hampton

Earlier in the year, Warner Bros. announced its plan to release ALL its 2021 movies in an unprecedented, unique hybrid, consumer-focused, yet very 2020 way. Releasing its films theatrically worldwide, while also adding exclusive access to the HBO Max streaming platform on the same day for a one month period (U.S. only). 

For January, we got “The Little Things” , next up and currently available, “Judas and the Black Messiah” the Golden Globe nominated film for best original screenplay.

The historical dramatization follows FBI informant William O’Neal played by LaKeith Stanfield who infiltrates (and ultimately betrays, hence Judas) the Illinois Black Panther Party and tasked on following its charismatic leader Fred Hampton played by Daniel Kaluuya. 

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