With the patience of a much more mature individual (not unusual for this prodigy) a perfect retort nearly a year later
Using the exact text of a facetious and immature tweet, typical for Trump, Greta has the last word with an entirely appropriate, if sarcastic, tweet of her own.
We must all hope, that with Trump’s Twitter account finally silenced for good, we will see and hear more from Greta and the extremely important movements that she led. Instead of making snide comments about her and her cause, as Trump so often did, we can expect that the Biden administration will do its best to face the, very real, challenges of climate change head on and bring together many from around the world to find solutions. Or at least begin the process of admitting the scope of the dangers and begin to address them.
He seems like a very happy old man looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see! pic.twitter.com/G8gObLhsz9— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) January 20, 2021