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Live on HBO Max: Brené Brown ‘Atlas of the Heart’ Docuseries



Photo / Collage / Random House

Best Selling Author takes to HBO in new Documentary-series

Professor, Researcher, and multiple best-seller Brene Brown has a new 5 part docuseries starting March 31st on the streaming platform HBO Max. The series, which was filmed in front of a studio audience shows Brene asking the crowd meaningful questions about the trajectory of their lives. Themes of envy, anxiety and fear are some of the topics discussed in the series and how language is the portal that takes us through those themes in our own lives.

Her new book continues to share her expertise on the ways of courage, vulnerability, shame and empathy  

In her newest released book “Atlas of the Heart”, Dr. Brené maps out both an actionable framework and the necessary skills to make meaningful connections.

Check out “Atlas of the Heart” on Bookshop

By using her 20 year experience in the field, Brown is able to artfully explain to readers the journey of our emotions and experiences and how jointly the two help define what it means to be a human being. 

The connection with others, being brave and sharing vulnerable moments she believes in the true language of the human experience. 

Finding our way back to ourselves and each other, especially in the midst of uncertainty, anxiety and fear – building confidence, courage to walk along side people 

Her docuseries based on her book is coming out at the very important time, with the pandemic still not eradicated and when many of us have been very disconnected.

Not once, not twice, not even three times, but her books have reached the #1 best-selling position five times. That illustrious list includes: “Daring Greatly”, “Braving the Wilderness”, “Dare to Lead”, “I Thought it was Just Me (But it isn’t)” and “Rising Strong”. 

Her TED Talk “The Power of Vulnerability” has been viewed over 50 million views .

Brown shares, “I want this book to be an atlas for all of us, because I believe that, with an adventurous heart and the right maps, we can travel anywhere and never fear losing ourselves.”

Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience” is currently available to order; available on Bookshop and Amazon

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