With spring now finally in full swing and pretty much all of us looking forward to getting out of our winter caves, taking to the wilds, in whatever part of the country we are in. Hiking while bird and animal watching can be an incredible treat to add more to the pleasure of the outdoors. Rather than relying on our trusty smart phones and a voice assistant or google search, why not go the tried and true route using a vinyl reinforced guide book with the photos and information right at your fingertips? If you do this right there won’t be cellular data reception anyway! Peterson just happens to have a fantastic assortment of guides for just this purpose, so, no matter what part of the US you find yourself in, or which species or category of living creature you expect to encounter check out the guides people as a perfect companion for your journey!
Peterson Field Guide to Birds of Eastern and Central North America, 6th Edition
Guide to birds of eastern and central north america guides a unique identification system, which has been called the greatest invention since binoculars.
This guide is illustrated with drawings and photographs in color and black and white and all provide up to date range information and the most useful descriptions, pinpoints key field marks for quick recognition and easy comparison of species.
This guide will feature updated text and range maps, and art updated to reflect current knowledge in ornithology. This is the most popular book for the area of the US that has the absolute highest number and greatest diversity of bird watching opportunities.
A comprehensive field guide that uses an innovative Sound Index to allow readers to quickly identify unfamiliar songs and calls of birds in western North America.
Bird songs and calls are at least as important as visual field marks in identifying birds. Yet short of memorizing each bird’s repertoire, it’s difficult to sort through them all. Now, with the western edition of this groundbreaking book, it’s possible to visually distinguish bird sounds and identify birds using a field-guide format.
At the core of this guide is the spectrogram, a visual graph of sound. With a brief introduction to five key aspects–speed, repetition, pauses, pitch pattern, and tone quality–readers can translate what they hear into visual recognition, without any musical training or auditory memorization.
This fourth edition has been completely rewritten, with all-new range maps and illustrations for all species
A Field Guide to Mammals of North America The most comprehensive, in-depth, and current guide to North American mammals, this book covers all the mammals found in North America north of Mexico, including those that live in near-shore waters.
The only guide to include paintings and photographs of the animals as well as photographs of mammal skulls, it has 80 color plates, plus 46 additional color illustrations and black-and-white drawings, nearly 400 range maps, and more than 100 color photographs.
With global warming on the horizon it’s more important than ever to learn about and appreciate the incredible mammals that exist on our planet.
Detailed descriptions of insect orders, families, and many individual species are illustrated with 1,200 drawings and 142 superb color paintings.
Illustrations – which use the unique Peterson Identification System to distinguish one insect from another – include size lines to show the actual length of each insect.
A helpful glossary explains the technical terms of insect anatomy.
Donald J. Borror has worked as a professor of entomology at Ohio State University. With Dwight M. DeLong, he is coauthor of An Introduction to the Study of Insects, a widely used textbook. Dr. Borror recorded The Songs of Insects, one of the Sounds of Nature disks in the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology series, with Richard D. Alexander.
A completely updated edition, including 122 newly recognized or recently established non-native species of reptiles and amphibians.The new edition of this definitive guide reflects 25 years’ worth of changes in our knowledge of reptiles and amphibians.
It includes descriptions of 122 newly recognized or recently established non-native species, updated maps, and new figures and photos. Color illustrations and drawings show key details for accurate identification. More than 100 color photographs and 322 color distribution maps accompany the species descriptions.
Clear and concise species accounts provide key characteristics, similar species, habitats, and ranges, as well as subspecies, voice descriptions, and conservation status. This edition will be a crucial resource for professional and amateur herpetologists, naturalists, outdoor enthusiasts, and students.
There are nearly 1,000 species of freshwater fishes in North America alone, and identifying them can sometimes be a daunting task. In fact, in just the twenty years since publication of the first edition of the Peterson Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes, the number of species has risen by almost 150, including 19 marine invaders and 16 newly established nonnative species.
This second edition incorporates all of these new species, plus all-new maps and a collection of new and revised plates. Some of the species can be told apart only by minute differences in coloration or shape, and these beautifully illustrated plates reveal exactly how to distinguish each species.
The guide includes detailed maps and information showing where to locate each species of fish–whether that species can be found in miles-long stretches of river or small pools that cover only dozens of square feet. The ichthyologic world of the twenty-first century is not the same as it was in the twentieth, and this brand-new edition of the definitive field guide to freshwater fishes reflects these many changes.