The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is revealing new content to be released via Disney+, this time introducing the youngest superhero, Kamala Khan played by Iman Vellani, AKA Ms. Marvel.
At just under 2 minutes, the first trailer showcases some of the type villains a typical high school girl would presumably face, bullies at her high school. She gets picked on in particular because she’s an extreme comic book fangirl who idolizes Captain Marvel (aka Carol Danvers played by Brie Larson).
The original Marvel comic “Ms. Marvel” was first created in 2013, and if the comic is an indicator of the upcoming series story arc, there will be a focus on Kamala’s coming of age struggles (puberty, homework and yes, boys), becoming a superhero, and navigating teenage life with her Pakistani American Family.
“Ms. Marvel” will debut Kamala Khan as the first Muslim teenage superhero. The new series will be available to Disney+ subscribers starting June 8 with new episodes airing weekly. We will also see the young actress later next year sometime in 2023 reprising her role in the sequel to “Captain Marvel” called “The Marvels” which will feature Brie Larson’s Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel, alongside Vellani.
Watch the first official trailer of “Ms. Marvel” below: