The plot for Netflix’s newest original series, “Jupiter’s Legacy” is comprised of eight episodes is based off Mark Millar’s comic book series of the same name, originally published in 2013. The original comic book, with 5 issues printed, consisted of the plot of which spanned decades and centered around the world’s first generation of superheroes and their children, with the expectation their offspring would carry out in their parents’ legacy.
The series stars Josh Duhamel, Leslie Bibb, Ben Daniels, Elena Kampouris, Andrew Horton, Mike Wade, and Matt Lanter. Executive producers include Millar, Quitely, Lorenzo Di Bonaventura, Dan McDermott, Steven S. DeKnight, James Middleton, and Sang Kyu Kim.
“Jupiter’s Legacy” will be Netflix’s latest venture build another mega-hit original franchise – maybe even following in the footsteps of “Stranger Things” and “The Umbrella Academy”. Comic book adaptions already have built-in fan bases so the appeal is definitely there and Netflix plans to bank on it.
Millar has a long history of his comics being adapted to the big screen. Some of which include: “Kick-Ass” and “Kick-Ass 2” films, which released in 2010 and 2013, respectively, the four “Kingsman” films, the latest of which is set for premiere later this year in August. As well as the more popular titles like the “Fantastic Four”, “Captain America: Civil War” and the“Logan” films.
Netflix acquired Mark Millar’s comic-book publisher Millarworld in 2017 so there are much more Millar adaptions in store for the streaming platform for future release. Some other series that are still currently in delvelopment include “The Magic Order”, “American Jesus”, and “Super Crooks”.
Check out the trailer for “Jupiter’s Legacy” below. The show debuts May 7 on Netflix.