This upcoming Horror-slash-Gore-slash Sci-Fi explores a future world where humans live in a more synthetic environment, forcing the body to undergo new mutations and transformations. And...
Six years ago a terrorist in Vienna took hundreds of hostages and the rescue attempt was totally botched. Veteran Henry Pelham (played by Chris Pines), a...
The new sci-fi action film debuted at SXSW’s opening night. The title says its all “Everything Everywhere All At Once” deals with the chaotic adventure of...
Book bodes well for Suspense and Action The 30 second teaser trailer from Sony Pictures starring Brad Pitt has just been released. The video clip comes...
Despite the title of the upcoming film, “Nightmare Alley”, the new Bradly Cooper / Cate Blanchett starrer is not a horror movie or anything in the...
A race against time in order to save the world is ostensibly the schema of the latest Netflix film “Don’t Look Up”. DiCaprio plays as professor...
You can see the new trailer starring Sandra Bullock in new role for “The Unforgivable” below. The film will be the first turn for the actress...
Prequel based on Game of Thrones: Fire will Reign, GOT fans will see the history of the Targaryens come to life During a panel for Television...
Royalty Arrives this Fall…. The official trailer for “Spencer” has been released, starring Kristen Stewart who looks like an absolute ringer for Princess Diana. There have...
What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow The new episodes will be based on the best-seller fantasy series of...
The Western novel The Power of the Dog is set in the 1920’s in Montana. The story follows the domestic drama of two brothers, one of...
High quality streaming fare is rising in focus with theatrical releases uncertain… A 4 minute standing ovation was the result of the first screening of “Power...
Streaming platform heading for a strong finish with tons of new content for the rest of ’21 Netflix has pumped up the volume for the remainder...
Remake of the Danish Award winning hit will surely translate to big-time US success Back in 2018, during the Sundance film festival, Jack Gyllenhaal watched a...
At sound of a whistling in teaser video evokes an eeriness and tension between characters…. It’s always great when an actual actor becomes a movie star....
The Ice Road is the latest venture for Liam Neeson, who, no stranger to action packed thrillers, already boasts a huge list of theatrical hits including:...
Coming from Focus Features, “Stillwater” follows an American oil-rig roughneck from Oklahoma who travels to the French city Marseille, to see his daughter, who is now...
Multigenerational Superheroes, yes please. The plot for Netflix’s newest original series, “Jupiter’s Legacy” is comprised of eight episodes is based off Mark Millar’s comic book series...
Love in an Arid Wasteland of the Absurd Made for Love, is a new half-hour dramedy series streaming now on HBO Max. The first three episodes...
After 2019’s ‘Last Christmas RomCom, finally some gritty drama and action from the G.O.T. star Coming just hours ahead of the new trailer for “Black Widow“,...
Building to a climax? A tough road but Black Widow still has potential to be worth the wait… A year since the first potential release window...
In the Director – Star pairing this marks the fourth try Has anyone noticed the seemingly sudden surge in new films announced and confirmed for release...