Netflix: True Crime Drama Why Did You Kill Me? - Lynxotic
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Netflix: True Crime Drama Why Did You Kill Me?



Netflix drama: Why Did You Kill Me still frame

Above: Still from “Why Did You Kill Me” / Photo Credit: Netflix

New and ready to stream is this true crime documentary from Netflix

Based on the 2006 murder case and the hunt for the real events that led to 24-year-old Crystal Theobald’s 2006 murder, “Why did you kill me?” intercuts footage of the family members of the victim, the detectives that were assigned to the case and the accused, alleged gang members, that were the primary suspects in the case.

The surprises comes to this otherwise standard plot and method due to the twist related to how the truth eventually begins to come to light. Surprisingly, it is Theobald’s mother, Belinda Lane, and then-teenage cousin, Jaimie McIntyre that do the sleuthing via Myspace “cat fishing” profiles that are meant to lure the possible guilty parties into divulging incriminating data.

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This bold attempt by the bereaved to ferret out the killer(s) was all the more emotionally poignant due to the use of Crystal Theobald’s actual personal photos in the profiles.

Unlike recent Netflix docs like “Red Dot” and “Crime Scene” that, while extremely suspenseful, had endings that did not offer closure or resolutions. Below is the “Why Did You Kill Me?” official trailer for more:

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