New ‘Wonder Woman: 1984’ Trailer and First Reactions to Sequel - Lynxotic
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New ‘Wonder Woman: 1984’ Trailer and First Reactions to Sequel



DC Fans, it’s the final countdown! 

Get ready!  “Wonder Woman: 1984” is on its final days until its release, which will be available in both theaters and HBO Max Christmas day.  Those that got to see an early viewing went online to give their reactions and …..

Read More: ‘Wonder Woman: 1984’ gets Twin Release on HBO Max and in Theaters on Christmas Day

Rest assured, there are no spoiler alerts. Aside from the initial reactions, on Sunday, Gal Gadot, shared the newest trailer for  “WW84” that features Wonder Woman flying through a lightning storm! 

From the rainbow tinted posters to the electrifying trailer, the movie is clearly invested in the 1984 setting. It looks like a disco-infused, fun-filled superhero flick, with quality humor, captivating visuals and a strong cast to carry it.

Based on Twitter reactions, for those of us that have to wait, it looks like it will be well worth it.  Check out the below to capture people’s praise for the “epic” “fantastic” “beautiful” upcoming movie. 


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