This historic ruling may be the first, where a federal judge determined that a President appeared to have committed a crime while...
According to Mark F. Pomerantz, a former federal prosecutor that came out of retirement to work on the Trump investigation and then resigned last month, Trump...
CEO Mark Zuckerberg had repeatedly promised to stop recommending political groups to users to squelch the spread of misinformation Leaked internal Facebook documents show that a...
“Changing their name doesn’t change reality: Facebook is destroying our democracy and is the world’s leading peddler of disinformation and hate.” Tech ethicists and branding professionals on...
“This industry is rotten at its core,” said one critic, “and the clearest proof of that is what it’s doing to our children.” Internal documents dubbed...
Frances Haugen said the company’s leaders know how to make their platforms safer, “but won’t make the necessary changes because they have put their astronomical profits...
Stephanie Grisham’s new book exposes everything she knows about the Trumps after extensive time working in the White House. Reporters with galley proofs are exposing and...
The FEC’s inspector general has called for the agency to review its policies and internal controls after ProPublica revealed a key employee’s undisclosed ties to Trump....
Opinion and observation: The meaning of this ongoing assault on the truth One thing that was unavoidable during this unprecedented 2nd impeachment process was the sense...
Joseph diGenova — who is a former US attorney for the District of Columbia also an attorney for Trump, while he was appearing on the The...