Judge Rules that Trump Likely Committed Felony Obstruction - Lynxotic
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Judge Rules that Trump Likely Committed Felony Obstruction

This historic ruling may be the first, where a federal judge determined that a President appeared to have committed a crime while…



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As reported by Politico, U.S. District Court Judge David Carter ruled on Monday that former President Trump more likely than not made attempts to obstruct Congress during the 2020 elections on January 6, 2021.

This historic ruling may be the first, where a federal judge determined that a President appeared to have committed a crime while in office. Carter’s decision will not have a direct correlation to the issue of wether Trump will be faced with criminal charges or not, however it could place more pressure on the Justice Department to do so.

“Based on the evidence, the Court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021”

U.S. District Court Judge David Carter

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