Watch Trump’s Downward Descent: this time, It’s Personal – Ad from LP – Lynxotic
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Watch Trump’s Downward Descent: this time, It’s Personal – Ad from LP



As Trump bellows, brags and attacks from his podium, reflection on the last 4 years is due

“…In this time of national crisis Donald Trump did what he always does He lied, he bragged, he blamed. He never lead because Donald Trump is not a leader. This time it’s personal

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Thinking back over four years of disgusting, demented lies and offensive behavior, it’s hard not to wonder why it took this long to even begin a process for his removal from office. Incredibly, in the end, only an election and the vote of the people can remove this man. And even with a massive anti-Trump tsunami, he might well try to remain.

It has been said that the “f**k Trump Party is the largest voting block in the US, perhaps in history. That sounds about right. Perhaps it is our fate, as a nation, to experience what other countries, such as Belarus recently did, a despot clinging to power until millions rise up, physically occupy the capital, in that case Minsk, here Washington D.C., and refuse to move until the despot is removed.

Postal Fraud and Sabotage, Endless Threats and Intimidation, Foolish Boasts of a Madman…

Never happened in the US. Not always a great outcome anywhere else. But the F**k Trump Party will be the one that “wins” if all traditional means have been exhausted. Again, the astounding thing is that a country can function at all, 4 years long no less, with a dysfunctional head of state. God bless America.

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