Apple TV+ Kicks off ‘Foundation’ series early: tonight at 6PM Pacific - Lynxotic
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Apple TV+ Kicks off ‘Foundation’ series early: tonight at 6PM Pacific



Enter the Galactic Empire – Foundation:

Apple’s tweet, presumably, to avoid a collision course with the iPhone 13 arrival day (big!) says it all. A sudden, last minute escalation of the time frame for this highly anticipated new series:

From @Foundation_’s epic debut to @TedLasso’s Emmy-winning antics, watch the latest episodes from Apple TV+ three hours earlier this week. Streaming begins Thursday at 9pm EST/6pm PST.

Apple TV tweet

Perhaps a planned sudden breaking news update to the years long scheduling for this big sci-fi event? Hard to say – maybe the iPhone 13 arriving in stores and for some folks arriving by UPS is more of a distraction than expected, in the eyes of the Apple TV+ big-wigs?

Of course, that’d be a good thing since it would mean that the futuristic phone has just too much juice for the venerated classic book series come-to-life as a streaming series on Apple TV+. Hooray for both, I suppose. If you are starting to become enamored with Apple TV+ shows after having fun with Ted Lasso or other recent hits (really a hit, seems so according to the Emmys ) that are perhaps the early beginnings of a trend…

And last, but definitely not least, is the long-awaited sci-fi adaptation of the timeless classic “Foundation” by Isaac Asimov.

click to see “Foundation
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The first 3 episodes of Apple TV’s “Foundation” will be live tonight (!) and will ultimately have a total of 10 episodes in total when all is said and done.

We Aren’t Alone – Invasion: 

That’s not all. Apple TV+ is also bringing us an extraterrestrial extravaganza. On October 22nd (when the first 3 episodes will be released), sci-fi fans can experience what it would be like to live through an alien invasion. Joy!

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