This upcoming Horror-slash-Gore-slash Sci-Fi explores a future world where humans live in a more synthetic environment, forcing the body to undergo new mutations and transformations. And...
Six years ago a terrorist in Vienna took hundreds of hostages and the rescue attempt was totally botched. Veteran Henry Pelham (played by Chris Pines), a...
The new sci-fi action film debuted at SXSW’s opening night. The title says its all “Everything Everywhere All At Once” deals with the chaotic adventure of...
You can see the new trailer starring Sandra Bullock in new role for “The Unforgivable” below. The film will be the first turn for the actress...
Remake of the Danish Award winning hit will surely translate to big-time US success Back in 2018, during the Sundance film festival, Jack Gyllenhaal watched a...
Love in an Arid Wasteland of the Absurd Made for Love, is a new half-hour dramedy series streaming now on HBO Max. The first three episodes...
Sex, Drugs, Florida, Strip Clubs, what can go wrong? “Zola” emerged initially as a tweet thread (of approximately 148 tweets) which captivated and vent viral at...
The Dystopian drama will proceed after almost 2 year hiatus Hulu’s biggest hit series will continue starting on April 28th. After Season 3, almost two years...
Sometimes visiting 2013 is a cozier watch More and more these days a search for something to enjoy on Netflix leads the the top 10 list...
Check out the trailer below: The movie “Braven” follows the story of a logger and his father who head to their hunting cabin for a...
Arduous production and distribution woes make for a slimmer Holiday fare: we found the best hopes for 2020 Because of COVID-19, 2020 will go down in...