Still in dev but getting more traction Virtual reality (VR) workouts have been gaining popularity and it looks like (maybe!) 2023 might finally be the year...
It’s that time again! After possible indulgence or even over indulgence it’s could be time for a change Counting calories can be a useful tool for...
Enjoy the season and learn to bake around the hearth and home As follows some wonderful books for baking bread and other delights from scratch in...
Everybody knows that consuming too much salt is bad for your health. But nobody ever mentions the potential impact of the other condiment in the cruet...
There are many new books emerging recently covering health and wellness that align with the goal to make healthier lifestyle choices. Whether looking for alternative health options,...
Evangeline Mantzioris, University of South Australia Despite most of us knowing we should cut down on salt, Australians consume on average almost twice the recommended daily...
It is not easy to make the decision that you want to stop drinking. And once you make the decision to quit, there are many different...
Deconstructing “Ketogenic”, “Keto” and “Ketosis”… The Ketogenic Diet, popularly referred to as simply “Keto”, is on top of the list of many well-known ways in which...
It began with a basic “news you can use” feature from National Public Radio. Titled “5 ways to cope with the stressful news cycle,” producer Andee...
There is a natural human tendency to crave comfort food during a time of stress, the feelings of baking and having the ability to feed and...
Small short term sacrifices can bring big long term gains It seems as if so many of us have less robust digestion than we would like....
When the iOS 15.1 update drops for the general public (likely soon as it’s already been seeded to beta testers since Monday) it will feature the...
It is generally agreed that one reliable way to measure one’s intelligence is via aptitude tests like IQ scores. And a person’s IQ typically remains fairly...