Who am I? I’m the person writing this. But is it really necessary for you to know that I am female, love only cats (no dogs)...
Cause and Effect of Convenience We have all experienced how, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be very challenging to break away...
Boring? Are you kidding me? Time to look under the hood… Somewhere in the land of media herding there was a familiar refrain. iOS 15 and...
2021-2022 Monthly Planner: Large Two Year Planner with Floral Cover This beautiful planner will help you schedule your appointments and daily activities, plan events, set goals,...
Finding Joy in the act of Tidying Up Marie Kondo wants to help others find joy in the act of tidying up. The opportunity to reassess...
Living on an earthquake fault line has all Southern California residents thinking about the next big one… Living in Southern California we all know that earthquakes...
At ELEVEN times the strength of the temblor on July 4th, just one day earlier, Friday’s earthquake has all of Southern California thinking about the next...