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Resilience, Adaptation, and Survival: How the Future is Shaped by the Names we Choose

Unspoken Taboos in Climate Discourse

Global warming continues to challenge humanity with its relentless impacts on our environment. And, as the consequences of global warming and climate change continue to make headlines worldwide, the urgency to find effective solutions grows.

In our quest for solutions, three terms have emerged as focal points: resilience, adaptation, and survival. While resilience and adaptation have become accepted and celebrated concepts in the mainstream, the term “survival” remains conspicuously absent from climate discussions.

Let’s explore the linguistic nuances surrounding these terms, exploring how the language we choose to describe our responses to the crisis can subtly influence the perception of danger and urgency.

Resilience: Building the Foundations for the Future

Resilience, a term resonating with hope and determination, embodies the capacity to withstand shocks and recover from disruptions. As global warming leads to extreme weather events and rising sea levels, resilience emphasizes the importance of building robust infrastructures and adaptive communities to endure these challenges.

Resilience has become a buzzword permeating discussions on climate change, embodies the ability to withstand shocks and recover from disruptions. From coastal communities fortifying themselves against rising sea levels to businesses adapting their practices to meet sustainability goals, the pursuit of resilience resonates deeply within society.

We witness how governments and organizations emphasize bolstering infrastructure and fostering innovation to future-proof against climate uncertainties.

The term carries a positive connotation, signaling our commitment to prepare for the future.

The emphasis on resilience in climate discourse fosters a sense of empowerment, inspiring collective action and innovative solutions to tackle climate change head-on.

Society applauds and amplifies stories of communities rising above adversity and rebuilding after natural disasters, portraying resilience as a virtue worth celebrating. Media outlets spotlight tales of hope amidst devastation, presenting an optimistic outlook on our collective ability to persevere.

Adaptation: Navigating Change with Flexibility

Adaptation, a sister concept to resilience, centers on proactively adjusting to the changing climate and minimizing vulnerability. The adaptation narrative captures the spirit of innovation and transformative thinking, as we seek to curtail emissions, develop green technologies, and shift toward renewable energy sources.

Adaptation encompasses the ability to adjust and thrive in the face of evolving climate conditions. It calls for individuals, industries, and governments to proactively modify practices and policies, reducing vulnerabilities to climate impacts.

Adaptation is a dynamic term, symbolizing humanity’s willingness to evolve and embrace transformative solutions.

The concept of adaptation carries an aura of ingenuity and responsibility, driving societal engagement in sustainable practices and promoting resilience at various levels.

Survival: The Rarely Spoken, “Forbidden”Word

Amidst discussions of resilience and adaptation, the term “survival” lurks in the shadows, rarely mentioned in the mainstream climate discourse. Survival signifies the fundamental instinct to endure and persist, encapsulating the gravity of the crisis and the urgent need for action.

The absence of “survival” from climate discussions might be attributed to the delicate balance between motivating action and evoking fear. While resilience and adaptation promote optimism, survival is considered taboo, as it may induce a sense of helplessness or fatalism.

The Power of Naming and Perceived Danger

Choosing names and words to describe our responses to global warming plays a pivotal role in shaping public perception of the level of danger and urgency. By highlighting resilience and adaptation, the discourse focuses on positive action and empowerment, portraying a future where innovation and determination will lead to solutions.

The absence of “survival” from climate discussions allows policymakers and the media to avoid framing the crisis in dire terms, steering away from potentially paralyzing public response.

While optimism is essential in motivating proactive action, avoiding the term “survival” might hinder the recognition of the urgency of the crisis. Striking a balance between optimism and urgency is crucial in conveying the gravity of global warming while maintaining a sense of hope and empowerment.

Getting real and fighting back against adversity

Resilience and adaptation have become emblematic of our collective response to the challenges posed by global warming, inspiring hope and action. However, the conspicuous absence of the word “survival” in mainstream climate discourse raises questions about the complexities of addressing the crisis without evoking fear and despair.

By recognizing the influence of language on our perception of danger and urgency, we can strike a balance in our messaging to inspire meaningful action while fostering a positive outlook on our ability to tackle the climate crisis together.

Media outlets might inadvertently downplay survival by featuring stories of resilience and adaptation as more approachable and hopeful narratives. While this strategy garners support and enthusiasm, it also conceals the underlying sense of urgency necessary to inspire the radical changes needed to combat climate change.

Acknowledging the concept of survival as an implicit undercurrent within resilience and adaptation empowers us to embrace a holistic approach, confronting the challenges ahead with unwavering determination. Only through this collective effort can we secure a sustainable future for ourselves and the planet.


Resilience refers to the capacity of a system, community, or ecosystem to absorb shocks, recover, and adapt in the face of changing conditions. In the context of global warming and climate change, resilience emphasizes building robust infrastructures, ecosystems, and societies that can endure extreme events and maintain functionality despite challenges. Resilience acknowledges the inevitability of change and the need to prepare for uncertainty.


Adaptation involves making adjustments to cope with the impacts of climate change and global warming. It entails implementing measures that help societies and ecosystems respond effectively to shifts in temperature, weather patterns, and sea levels. Adaptation can include infrastructure improvements, policy changes, technological advancements, and altering human behavior to reduce vulnerability and enhance long-term sustainability.


Despite being an implicit goal in the face of climate change, the term “survival” is often sidelined in mainstream discussions. Survival encompasses the fundamental drive to endure and persist in the face of adversity, which is ultimately what resilience and adaptation aim to achieve. However, the avoidance of the term may stem from its association with a sense of urgency and desperation, which can be daunting and unsettling to address directly.

The Pristine Future: Why Science Fiction Abandons Oil and Fossil Fuels

The future is clean because all the oil is gone

In the realm of science fiction, visions of the future often gleam with pristine, utopian landscapes and gleaming cities.

One striking commonality among these futuristic portrayals is the conspicuous absence of oil and fossil fuels, the once-dominant energy sources of our present.

But why do sci-fi creators consistently envision a world where such primitive methods have been left behind? The answer lies in the belief that advanced technology and futuristic civilizations would never rely on such archaic energy sources.

The Dawn of Futuristic Energy

In the world of science fiction, the distant future is synonymous with breathtaking technological advancements.

Spacecraft traverse galaxies with ease, cities float in the sky, and robots perform intricate tasks effortlessly. In these fantastical worlds, oil and fossil fuels appear as relics of the past, resigned to the history books of an era long gone.

The driving force behind this visionary shift lies in the very essence of futuristic technology.

Science fiction writers and filmmakers envision advanced civilizations with highly sophisticated energy solutions that surpass the limitations of oil and fossil fuels. The idea is that such primitive methods, while once integral to our world, would be rendered obsolete by superior alternatives.

The Limitations of Oil and Fossil Fuels

Science fiction creators recognize the inherent shortcomings of oil and fossil fuels as energy sources. These resources are finite and subject to depletion, leading to resource wars and geopolitical tensions in our present reality.

They emit greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change and environmental degradation. In contrast, the future they imagine necessitates cleaner, more sustainable energy solutions to ensure the survival and prosperity of advanced civilizations.

Furthermore, the imaginative worlds of science fiction are driven by concepts like interstellar travel and space exploration. These endeavors demand extraordinary amounts of energy, making the reliance on oil and fossil fuels simply impractical.

For the creators of sci-fi, such primitive methods would be incapable of powering the fantastic technological marvels required to explore the cosmos.

The Paradigm Shift: Futuristic Energy Solutions

Science fiction offers a glimpse into the potential of renewable and advanced energy sources.

In these visionary worlds, technologies like antimatter reactors, fusion power, zero-point energy, or even harnessing energy from celestial bodies are imagined as the primary means of powering civilizations.

These theoretical energy sources, while still speculative in our present time, are perceived as the logical progression beyond our current reliance on oil and fossil fuels.

Moreover, as the genre explores themes of progress and evolution, it assumes that futuristic civilizations would have unlocked the secrets of limitless, sustainable energy.

By embracing these advanced energy solutions, the sci-fi future avoids the pitfalls of pollution, environmental degradation, and resource scarcity.

Reflections and Aspirations

Beyond technological feasibility, the futuristic portrayal of clean energy also reflects our collective aspirations for a better world.

Science fiction often serves as a mirror to society, reflecting our hopes and dreams for the future. By depicting advanced civilizations free from the shackles of fossil fuels, sci-fi inspires a collective longing for a more sustainable and harmonious existence.

In essence, science fiction presents a vision of a world where human ingenuity has transcended the limitations of our present reality.

The rejection of oil and fossil fuels in these fictional realms becomes a symbolic representation of our yearning for a cleaner, brighter future—one where technology coexists with nature in harmony.

An urgent meaning for today

While science fiction may currently be a realm of imagination, its vision of a future free from oil and fossil fuels serves as an inspiration and a call to action for our own world.

As we grapple with the challenges of climate change and the urgency to transition to renewable energy, these futuristic dreams remind us that there is a path beyond our dependence on finite resources.

The shift to cleaner energy solutions is not a distant fantasy; it is an attainable reality that requires dedication, innovation, and global cooperation.

By drawing on the visions of science fiction, we can fuel our determination to build a sustainable future—one where the landscapes are pristine, and the energy that powers our world aligns with the marvels of the imagination.

Only then can we take confident steps toward turning the clean energy dreams of science fiction into the breathtaking reality of our own future.

Moloch Reimagined: Tracing the Malevolent Entity through Mythology and Modern Perils

Everything, everywhere, all at once things are looking scary…

These words echo the pervasive fear that Moloch, the demon, has instilled across cultures and epochs. A dark and ominous figure, Moloch’s name resonates through the annals of mythology, religious texts, and literature, evoking malevolence and sacrificial rituals. But beyond the ancient tales, the enduring fascination with Moloch finds uncanny parallels in the daunting challenges of our modern world.

Origins of Moloch:

Tracing Moloch’s origins reveals an ancient deity revered in Canaanite and Semitic cultures. Worshiped with chilling devotion, Moloch demanded the ultimate price—the lives of innocent infants, immolated as offerings. Archaeological evidence and ancient texts shed light on this haunting practice, spreading through regions like Carthage with Phoenician settlers.

Malevolent Entity in Religious Texts:

The Hebrew Bible holds accounts of Moloch’s abominable presence. Leviticus and the Book of Jeremiah recount sacrifices of children to appease Moloch, a pagan god. Prophets vehemently condemned such practices, denouncing them as an affront to the one true God.

Literary Examples:

In John Milton’s “Paradise Lost,” Moloch emerges as a fallen angel, wielding a warrior-like spirit against Heaven. Fierce and revengeful, Moloch’s pride-driven actions serve as a cautionary tale of the dangers of arrogance and blind obedience.

Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl” takes Moloch from the realm of deities to that of industrial society. In a metaphorical twist, Moloch embodies the voracious appetite of consumerism, devouring souls in the relentless pursuit of profit.

H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos weaves Moloch into a tapestry of cosmic horror. A fearsome demon, Moloch personifies chaos and malevolence, contributing to an eerie atmosphere in Lovecraft’s stories.

Modern Manifestations of Moloch:

As the ages have turned, Moloch’s concept metamorphoses into a metaphorical entity, embodying contemporary malevolence and exploitation. Though not directly linked to the ancient deity, Moloch finds relevance in modern challenges.

Consumerism and Materialism stand as symbols of rampant Moloch in today’s society. The insatiable hunger for profit leads to environmental exploitation and disregards ethical considerations.

Technological Advancements bring forth ethical dilemmas akin to Moloch’s temptation. The pursuit of progress may sacrifice ethical considerations in AI, privacy, and autonomous weapons development.

Societal Inequality and Exploitation mirror ancient sacrificial practices. The concentration of wealth and power, sacrificing the vulnerable for the privileged, perpetuates oppression.

Political and Ideological Extremism advocates for sacrificing liberties and human rights for perceived greater goods. Moloch-like ideologies prioritize agendas over the well-being of citizens.

Loss of Human Connection and Empathy epitomizes modern Moloch. The pursuit of efficiency detaches humans from genuine interactions, leading to social isolation.

Present-day Parallels and Connections:

Climate change, nuclear war, and mass extinction loom as existential Molochs. Humanity’s actions endanger the environment and perpetuate conflict, risking global catastrophe.

Moloch is not exclusive to any one tradition. Across cultures, figures like Baal Hammon, Tiamat, Thanatos, Mephistopheles, Mara, and Ahriman embody similar malevolence, guiding societies through their cyclical rise and fall.

As humanity faces modern Molochs, the call for reflection and action grows. Climate change’s wrath reflects Moloch’s destructive tendencies, while nuclear war mimics ancient sacrifices for greater ambitions. As technology advances, the temptation to sacrifice ethical values to progress evokes Moloch’s lure.

In the cyclical concept of Yugas, Moloch’s presence remains timeless, extending from ancient rituals to contemporary global challenges. It serves as a cautionary symbol, compelling us to confront the malevolence within and around us.

Perhaps, amidst the darkness of Moloch, humanity finds its true test—to transcend and seek a brighter future, united in purpose and compassion. The ancient demon’s legacy reminds us that within these trials lie the seeds of transformation, offering hope that we can emerge wiser, stronger, and more resilient. For in the face of Moloch, we learn that the courage to face malevolence and forge a better world is humanity’s ultimate strength.

Stress is Part of Life: Burnout doesn’t have to be

Above: Photo Collage / Publisher Ballantine Books

The time is now to start listening – to your body that is

It’s not uncommon, especially lately, at one point or another, to start asking ourselves some of the following questions: Am I working too hard? Why does life feel as if I can’t keep up? Why am I constantly feeling stressed and Exhausted? If any one of these questions resonant with you, it is very possible you are one of many experiencing burnout. But what exactly does the term burnout even mean? 

Burnout can look like different things to different people, yet it is almost always is characterized by an overwhelming feeling of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion. Burnout is often the result of prolonged exposure to stress, but there is a nuanced difference. 

Being stressed out means there is too much going on, but being burned out means not enough positive input causing a feeling of emptiness (such as; no motivation, not caring or ability to see hope or potential for positive change).

Usually burnout is associated with work, but there are definitely other factors that can contribute outside your job, including  personal lifestyle (e.g. too much responsibility and not enough support) or even personality traits (e.g. type A or need for perfection).  

Below are a few books that can help you recognize and take action to help better cope with the omnipresent burnout in our world, learn to listen to your body, and find methods to deal in healthier ways the many stressors and demands that today’s life can hold. 

Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle

This book focuses on helping women identify and explain burnout and how  we experience it very different than our male counterparts. 

A best-seller that relies on science-based finding also lays out realistic ways in which women can recover from burnout to  live a more joyful life by minimizing stress and managing emotions.

Also comes with worksheets and exercises that makes self-care and wellness within the realm of the possible. Click to see “Burnout“.

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

This hugely popular best-selling book delves into traumatic stress and how it impacts our body. Using scientific data, Van Der Kolk breaks down how trauma literally reshapes both the brain and body.

In addition he explores ways to retrain the brain by activating parts of the brain that can help including: sports, yoga, meditation, and much more.

Discover “The Body Keeps the Score” at LynxoticBooks.

Winning the War in your Mind: Change your Thinking, Change your Life

Bad habits and unhealthy ways of thinking are part of what it is to be human. Author Groeschel understands that battle with negative thinking and helps you identify such “false thinking” and rewire your thought processes.

He also incorporates faith, allowing you to bring in a higher power to enable a life that brings more peace and joy. to Click for more on “Winning the War“.

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Trump Indicted by Manhattan Grand Jury

First in history to face charges of this magnitude

According to live updates, Donald J. Trump is facing an indictment by a grand jury in Manhattan for his alleged involvement in a hush-money payment to a porn star during his 2016 campaign, making him the first former US president to face criminal charges. The specific charges have not been disclosed, but the announcement of the indictment is imminent. Prosecutors will request that Mr. Trump turn himself in for arraignment on the charges. While an indictment or conviction would not disqualify him from running for president, it is anticipated that this development will impact the 2024 presidential race.

Trump, who has always claimed immunity to the law and has faced several investigations throughout his career, is dealt a severe blow with the indictment. This development is a historic milestone as no former US president has ever been indicted before. The nature of the charges against Trump is yet to be disclosed, but it is believed to be related to his 2016 campaign’s hush money payment to a porn star.

The news of the indictment has elicited a range of reactions from politicians, experts, and the public, with some applauding it as long-overdue accountability for Trump’s actions while others condemning it as a politically motivated move by prosecutors with an agenda.

The indictment’s impact on the US political landscape and the 2024 presidential race is expected to be significant, regardless of the outcome. As Trump assesses his next steps, the country watches with eager anticipation to see how this historic event will unfold.

Self-Improvement for the New Year: 9 Books to Spark the Inspiration to Improve

When the World is in Chaos – Control what you can – Yourself

For many, January is Self-Improvement Month. Change can be be symbolic and a good time to turn a new leaf (personally). Self- Help, Self- Improvement, Personal Transformation, whatever you want to call it, in the past have held the reputation for being too much “work”, however there are now many motivating, uplifting, and entertaining reads to help shift your perspective.

The Climate Book – pre-order at

2020-2022 in general has been extreme strange and disorienting to put it mildly. Yet in the literary world, most likely because of COVID-19 and stay at home orders, hundreds, and more accurately close to 600 books were set to be published in a single month! With so many different titles and genres to choose from, we have narrowed down and selected a handful of some of the most inspiring books that are available.

Below we have provided some additional information from the publisher and options for purchase if interested. Click any of the below book links to check out more booklists and how you can support your independent bookstores.

Practicing Mindfulness: 75 Essential Meditations to Reduce Stress, Improve Mental Health, and Find Peace in the Everyday

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Also Available on Amazon.

Mindfulness meditations are a great way to cultivate awareness and acceptance of the here and now-Practicing Mindfulness makes it easy and accessible with 75 evidence-based exercises designed to bring calmness and compassion into your day-to-day. From finding focus with a 5-minute The Power of the Mind exercise to embracing the experience with a 25-minute Open-Awareness Meditation, Practicing Mindfulness provides the tools you need to relieve stress, improve wellness, and practice peace of mind moment to moment and throughout the daily grind. 

Practicing Mindfulness includes: The daily mind-Discover exactly what mindfulness is, how it helps, and how these proven exercises can bring relief, relaxation, and resilience to your day-to-day.Practical advice-You’ll find plenty of help in dealing with distorted or wandering thoughts, how to handle mental blocks, and steps for staying cool and collected in all situations. Mind over matter-Ranging from short traditional meditations to longer creative exercises, you’ll find 75 easy-to-follow practices to ground yourself, like breathwork and body scans.

Let That Sh*t Go: A Journal for Leaving Your Bullsh*t Behind and Creating a Happy Life

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Also Available on Amazon.

From the author of bestselling journal Zen as F*ck, Monica Sweeney gives the gift of letting go with this journal for leaving your bullsh*t behind and creating a happy life. 

Harboring grudges and plotting revenge takes a lot of energy. While the wait for one true moment of schadenfreude sounds oh so sweet, true bliss can be found in simply not giving a f*ck. 

With Let That Sh*t Go, you’ll find moments of profanity-laced catharsis and joy through journaling activities and inspirations that are positive as f*ck. Within these truly charming pages, you’ll find ways to let go of the bullsh*t and lift your spirit a little f*cking higher. Click Here to See “Let That Sh*t Go” and help Independent Bookstores.
Also Available on Amazon.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

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Also Available on Amazon.

 Readers of all ages and walks of life have drawn inspiration and empowerment from Elizabeth Gilbert’s books for years. Now this beloved author digs deep into her own generative process to share her wisdom and unique perspective about creativity. With profound empathy and radiant generosity, she offers potent insights into the mysterious nature of inspiration. She asks us to embrace our curiosity and let go of needless suffering. She shows us how to tackle what we most love, and how to face down what we most fear.

She discusses the attitudes, approaches, and habits we need in order to live our most creative lives. Balancing between soulful spirituality and cheerful pragmatism, Gilbert encourages us to uncover the “strange jewels” that are hidden within each of us. Whether we are looking to write a book, make art, find new ways to address challenges in our work, embark on a dream long deferred, or simply infuse our everyday lives with more mindfulness and passion, Big Magic cracks open a world of wonder and joy.

Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving

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Also Available on Amazon.

Despite our constant search for new ways to optimize our bodies and minds for peak performance, human beings are working more instead of less, living harder not smarter, and becoming more lonely and anxious. We strive for the absolute best in every aspect of our lives, ignoring what we do well naturally and reaching for a bar that keeps rising higher and higher. Why do we measure our time in terms of efficiency instead of meaning? Why can’t we just take a break? 

In Do Nothing, award-winning journalist Celeste Headlee illuminates a new path ahead, seeking to institute a global shift in our thinking so we can stop sabotaging our well-being, put work aside, and start living instead of doing. As it turns out, we’re searching for external solutions to an internal problem. We won’t find what we’re searching for in punishing diets, productivity apps, or the latest self-improvement schemes. Yet all is not lost–we just need to learn how to take time for ourselves, without agenda or profit, and redefine what is truly worthwhile.


Click Here to See “Untamed” and
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There is a voice of longing inside each woman. We strive so mightily to be good: good partners, daughters, mothers, employees, and friends. We hope all this striving will make us feel alive. Instead, it leaves us feeling weary, stuck, overwhelmed, and underwhelmed. We look at our lives and wonder: Wasn’t it all supposed to be more beautiful than this? We quickly silence that question, telling ourselves to be grateful, hiding our discontent–even from ourselves.

 For many years, Glennon Doyle denied her own discontent. Then, while speaking at a conference, she looked at a woman across the room and fell instantly in love. Three words flooded her mind: There She Is. At first, Glennon assumed these words came to her from on high. But she soon realized they had come to her from within. This was her own voice–the one she had buried beneath decades of numbing addictions, cultural conditioning, and institutional allegiances. This was the voice of the girl she had been before the world told her who to be. Glennon decided to quit abandoning herself and to instead abandon the world’s expectations of her. She quit being good so she could be free. She quit pleasing and started living.

I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual

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With over 500,000 readers a month at her enormously popular blog,, Luvvie Ajayi is a go-to source for smart takes on pop culture. 

I’m Judging You is her debut book of humorous essays that dissects our cultural obsessions and calls out bad behavior in our increasingly digital, connected lives. It passes on lessons and side-eyes on life, social media, culture, and fame, from addressing those terrible friends we all have to serious discussions of race and media representation to what to do about your fool cousin sharing casket pictures from Grandma’s wake on Facebook.

With a lighthearted, razor sharp wit and a unique perspective, I’m Judging You is the handbook the world needs, doling out the hard truths and a road map for bringing some “act right” into our lives, social media, and popular culture. It is the Do-Better Manual.

Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts

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Also Available on Amazon.

Are your thoughts holding you captive? I’ll never be good enough. Other people have better lives than I do. God couldn’t really love me. Jennie Allen knows what it’s like to swirl in a spiral of destructive thoughts, but she also knows we don’t have to stay stuck in toxic thinking patterns. As she discovered in her own life, God built a way for us to escape that downward spiral. Freedom comes when we refuse to be victims to our thoughts and realize we have already been equipped with power from God to fight and win the war for our minds. 

In Get Out of Your Head, Jennie inspires and equips us to transform our emotions, our outlook, and even our circumstances by taking control of our thoughts. Our enemy is determined to get in our heads to make us feel helpless, overwhelmed, and incapable of making a difference for the kingdom of God. But when we submit our minds to Christ, the promises and goodness of God flood our lives in remarkable ways. It starts in your head. And from there, the possibilities are endless.

Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar

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Also Available on Amazon.

This bestselling book from the author of Wild collects the best of The Rumpus’s Dear Sugar advice columns plus never-before-published pieces. Rich with humor, insight, compassion–and absolute honesty–this book is a balm for everything life throws our way.

Life can be hard: your lover cheats on you; you lose a family member; you can’t pay the bills–and it can be great: you’ve had the hottest sex of your life; you get that plum job; you muster the courage to write your novel.

Sugar–the once-anonymous online columnist at The Rumpus, now revealed as Cheryl Strayed, author of the bestselling memoir Wild–is the person thousands turn to for advice.

Sabotage: How to Get Out of Your Own Way

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Also Available on Amazon.

A pocket-sized investigation into self-sabotage: what it is, why we do it, and how we can break our toxic patterns. Not quite out, this title will be released on September 29, 2020. Pre order option is available.

How do we get out of our own way?With personal stories and research-based insights multi-hyphenate Emma Gannon explores her own relationship with self-sabotage and presents a quick, meaningful guide to help you recognize your own forms of self doubt, identify what is holding you back, and the steps you can take to loosen its grip.

Click to See “Sabotage” and help Independent Bookstores. Also Available on Amazon.

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Baking for Fall: Bread and Comfort Foods to Indulge the Senses

Enjoy the season and learn to bake around the hearth and home

As we head into fall and winter, still most of us are staying indoors save for unavoidable trips to forage for supplies or, in the case of those unable to work from home, to work in a world that looks nothing like 2019, let alone 1859 when “A Tale of Two Cities” was first published. 

Read More: Healthy Whole Grains and Bread Culture for Building Resilience

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

At least now we have our digital networks of communication and our zoom meetings (?). While it may seem far more like “the age of foolishness” than the “age of wisdom”, perhaps it is wise to make a plan, now and today, to make the most of our present period, once again and just as we did in Spring and Summer of the year 2020, and bake, cook and create delights for us and those with whom we are sharing this novel time.

As follows some wonderful books for baking bread and other delights from scratch in our own kitchen to savor and enjoy. 

Flour Water Salt Yeast: The Fundamentals of Artisan Bread and Pizza

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Also available on Amazon.

There are few things more satisfying than biting into a freshly made, crispy-on-the-outside, soft-and-supple-on-the-inside slice of perfectly baked bread. For Portland-based baker Ken Forkish, well-made bread is more than just a pleasure–it is a passion that has led him to create some of the best and most critically lauded breads and pizzas in the country. 

In Flour Water Salt Yeast, Forkish translates his obsessively honed craft into scores of recipes for rustic boules and Neapolitan-style pizzas, all suited for the home baker. Forkish developed and tested all of the recipes in his home oven, and his impeccable formulas and clear instructions result in top-quality artisan breads and pizzas that stand up against those sold in the best bakeries anywhere. Click here to see “Flour Water Salt Yeast” and help Independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

Tartine Bread

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Also available on Amazon.

 It comes from Chad Robertson, a man many consider to be the best bread baker in the United States, and co-owner with Elizabeth Prueitt of San Francisco’s Tartine Bakery. At 5 P.M., Chad Robertson’s rugged, magnificent Tartine loaves are drawn from the oven. The bread at San Francisco’s legendary Tartine Bakery sells out within an hour almost every day. 

Only a handful of bakers have learned the bread science techniques Chad Robertson has developed: To Chad Robertson, bread is the foundation of a meal, the center of daily life, and each loaf tells the story of the baker who shaped it. Chad Robertson developed his unique bread over two decades of apprenticeship with the finest artisan bakers in France and the United States, as well as experimentation in his own ovens. Readers will be astonished at how elemental it is. Click here to see “Tartine Bread” and help Independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

The Bread Baker’s Apprentice, 15th Anniversary Edition: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread

Click here to see “The Bread Baker’s Apprentice
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Also available on Amazon.

Co-founder of the legendary Brother Juniper’s Bakery, author of ten landmark bread books, and distinguished instructor at the world’s largest culinary academy, Peter Reinhart has been a leader in America’s artisanal bread movement for more than thirty years. Never one to be content with yesterday’s baking triumph, however, Peter continues to refine his recipes and techniques in his never-ending quest for extraordinary bread. 

In this updated edition of the bestselling The Bread Baker’s Apprentice, Peter shares bread breakthroughs arising from his study in France’s famed boulangeries and the always-enlightening time spent in the culinary college kitchen with his students. Peer over Peter’s shoulder as he learns from Paris’s most esteemed bakers, like Lionel Poilâne and Phillippe Gosselin, whose pain à l’ancienne has revolutionized the art of baguette making. Then stand alongside his students in the kitchen as Peter teaches the classic twelve stages of building bread, his clear instructions accompanied by more than 100 step-by-step photographs. Click here to see “The Bread Baker’s Apprentice” and help Independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

Bread on the Table: Recipes for Making and Enjoying Europe’s Most Beloved Breads 

Click here to see “Bread on the Table
and help Independent Bookstores.
Also available on Amazon.

In this highly anticipated cookbook, culinary instructor and baker David Norman explores the European breadmaking traditions that inspire him most–from the rye breads of France to the saltless ciabattas of Italy to the traditional Christmas loaves of Scandinavia. Norman also offers recipes for traditional foods to accompany these regional specialties, so home bakers can showcase their freshly made breads alongside a traditional Swedish breakfast spread, oysters with mignonette, or country pâté, to name a few examples. With rigorous, detailed instructions plus showstopping photography, this book will surprise and delight bakers of all stripes.

The debut cookbook from cult favorite Austin bakery and beer garden Easy Tiger, featuring recipes from author David Norman’s time spent exploring bread traditions throughout Europe and North America, plus menu ideas for incorporating homemade bread into everyday meals. Click here to see “Bread on the Table” and help Independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

Bread Illustrated: A Step-By-Step Guide to Achieving Bakery-Quality Results at Home

Click here to see “Bread Illustrated
and help Independent Bookstores.
Also available on Amazon.

Many home cooks find bread baking rewarding but intimidating. In Bread Illustrated, America’s Test Kitchen shows bakers of all levels how to make foolproof breads, rolls, flatbreads, and more at home. Each master recipe is presented as a hands-on and reassuring tutorial illustrated with six to 16 full-color step-by-step photos.

Organized by level of difficulty to make bread baking less daunting, the book progresses from the simplest recipes for the novice baker to artisan-style loaves, breads that use starters, and more complex project recipes. The recipes cover a wide and exciting range of breads from basics and classics like Easy Sandwich Bread and Fluffy Dinner Rolls to interesting breads from around the world including Lahmacun, Panettone, and Fig and Fennel Bread. Click here to see “Bread Illustrated” and help Independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

Poilâne: The Secrets of the World-Famous Bread Bakery

Click here to see “Poilâne
and help Independent Bookstores.
Also available on Amazon.

To food lovers the world over, a trip to Paris is not complete without a visit to Poil ne. Ina Garten raves about the bread’s “extraordinary quality.” Martha Stewart says the P in Poil ne stands for “perfect.” For the first time, Poil ne provides detailed instructions so bakers can reproduce its unique “hug-sized” sourdough loaves at home, as well as the bakery’s other much-loved breads and pastries.

It tells the story of how Apollonia Poil ne, the third-generation baker and owner, took over the global business at age eighteen and steered it into the future as a Harvard University freshman after her parents were killed in a helicopter crash.  Beyond bread, Apollonia includes recipes for pastries such as the bakery’s exquisite but unfussy tarts and butter cookies. In recipes that use bread as an ingredient, she shows how to make the most from a loaf, from crust to crumb. Click here to see “Poilâne” and help Independent Bookstores. Also available on Amazon.

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Baking Bread can be a Great Comfort while in Self-isolation or just for the Taste of it Warm from the Oven

Photo / Adobe Stock

During the first phase of the coronavirus “lock-down” there was, interestingly, a huge surge of interest in home cooking, and in particular, baking. And of all the baking of pies, cookies and cakes, baking bread was the a favorite. We know because our sister site saw a sudden rise is inquiries and orders for fantastic bread baking books like the ones featured below.

Likely a combination of lots of “free” time in the house and a natural human tendency to crave comfort food during a time of stress, the feelings of baking and having the ability to feed and care for oneself was probably a very strong motivator. And what is more comforting than freshly baked, nay, home baked bread with a little butter and jam to beautify an afternoon spent at home. Even if the reason for being inside is not an ideal one.

Oddly, in the US and some other nations, bread and wheat products have been cast in the role of villain due to gluten intolerance and related illnesses. In the UK alone, in 2017, there were a reported 10% of the population suffering from some form of intolerance. Such a percentage would translate into tens of millions in the US.

Is bread really the culprit or is there something else going on?

Click to Buy “Tartine Bread” and at the same time help Lynxotic and All Independent Local Bookstores. Also on Amazon.

As a disclaimer, let it be stated up-front that there are certainly many people who suffer from conditions such as Celiac Disease who have a very real, hereditary response to gluten which is very serious. Many of the rest of us, however, who are not in that category, may have a situation brought on by a completely different set of circumstances.

Regardless of exact statistics, intolerance to gluten is clearly a “thing”, particularly in the US. Many theories are out there as to the cause, including industrial bread manufacturing methods, suspect ingredients such as emulsifiers used in baking and pesticides on wheat farms. Some have even reported that when intolerant individuals travel to Europe, symptoms disappear, although they eat bread and other gluten containing foods.

An entirely different culture producing a drastically different result: German baking tradition

Click to Buy “Bread on the Table” and at the same time help Lynxotic and All Independent Local Bookstores. Also on Amazon.

While American Style bread is also available in Germany, it is rare and not commonly sold in Bakeries but rather only in SuperMarkets. They call it “Toast-Bread” as it’s primary advantage is being square and machine cut, therefore a better fit for a common toaster than the various shapes and sizes of slices cut from what they consider “normal” loaves.

What is considered normal bread is, for example, never sold more than eight hours after baking (except at “day old” scavenger prices). The number of real bakeries, ones that take very seriously the task of making “the daily bread”, per capita is large compared to any US city. This can be dug up in statistics, but is easier to realize by just walking down any street in a German city. Literally every other shop is a small bakery with a dozen different types of bread baked that same morning.

Photo / Adobe Stock

Bakers up at 4am all across every town and city

Another factor is the wide range of fresh ingredients included. A short list of the types of bread and various ingredients is vast, and varies from region to region. Six hundred main bread types are well known and this does not include many specialty breads and rolls.

In addition to wheat, bread is often made with rye, barley, potato, oat, spelt, soy and other lesser known grains. Added seeds, nuts and fruit often include one or more of the following (partial list):

  • sunflower seeds
  • pumpkin seeds
  • poppy seeds
  • fled seeds
  • walnuts
  • raisins
  • currants
  • sesame seeds
  • olives
  • linseed
  • hazelnuts
  • almonds
  • oat flakes
  • whole gain groats
  • whey

In Germany, at any common bakery on the street, most, if not all of the items described above would be available on any given day. No need to go to a special, overpriced “organic” or “gourmet” bakery in some high end neighborhood. Just any average bakery will do.

Oddly, these same ingredients are often touted in online health advice articles – implying that there are health benefits to adding these “special” ingredients to one’s diet, all while other countries have had them as daily menu items for centuries if not thousands of years.

Taking all of the above into account, it should come as little surprise that, in the US, obscure health issues due to the lack or misuse of heretofore standard food items would be on the rise. In the case of gluten intolerance, it rises to practically epidemic proportions. Fixing this for any individual, short of taking residence outside the US, would require extra efforts and involve a possible increase in the cost of nourishment. However, considering the alternatives (suffering with a condition without a cure), it might be well worth it.

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These Books take a Hard look how Climate Change & Capitalism Clash

Above: Photo Collage / Lynxotic / Simon & Schuster

Naomi Klein’s new book is third in a venerated series on problems we face as a species

As the disasters mount and more and more are definitively linked to man-made climate change and global warming, millions around the globe recognize the need for solutions. More and more the solutions arise, only to be blocked or derailed by the same phenomena: corrupt governments beholden to status quo power and short-sighted corporate greed.

This dynamic; available solutions being actively opposed by business and governments that answer to those powerful corporate entities, even as they mount massive multi-million dollar ad campaigns to “green-wash” their image and try to appear aligned with the very solutions they violently oppose is nearly all pervasive.

Meanwhile, as the problems continue to grow, it has become clear that we, that is to say humanity and its future survivors, are not just fighting a battle against the problem itself, the rapidly deteriorating climate caused by Carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities, but even more so a political battle is underway which pits an entire entrenched, unequal and corrupt system (regardless of ideology) against the very issue that needs to be tackled in order for our species to survive.

Without solving the problem of Capitalism’s built-in bias toward profit at any cost, any solution to the climate crisis will be stopped or hindered before it can take root and make enough impact to give us a chance against the looming disasters.

Recently Greta Thunberg posted a statement that governments were literally doing nothing, while at the same time preaching and advertising their “commitment” to solving the problem.

Naomi Klein represents a voice, a top selling author, that has stayed focused on this specific aspect of the challenge for decades. The documentary based on her best-selling book “This Changes Everything” (trailer below) is now a classic and zeros in on the monumental importance of this problem, and how the political and economic systems of the world will require massive and immediate change if we are to survive.

This is not about the tired tropes of Socialism vs Capitalism vs Communism and so on, but rather about the specific corruption and suicidal deception that threatens us all, as fake dedication to solving the problem is paraded simultaneously with efforts that double-down on protecting the homicidal status quo of greed and destruction.

Now, with the Biden administration touting its green status and the green new deal, there must be accountability and more than just words and slogans. The new book shown below is an in-depth look at just what needs to happen to confront the political gridlock and the tendency for real solutions to be blocked or destroyed in the crib.

On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal

Click photo for more on “On Fire“.

Naomi has been at the forefront reporting on the many ways the economy has waged war one planet and people for over 20 years.

An instant bestseller, On Fire shows Klein at her most prophetic and philosophical, investigating the climate crisis not only as a profound political challenge but also as a spiritual and imaginative one. Delving into topics ranging from the clash between ecological time and our culture of “perpetual now,” to the soaring history of humans changing and evolving rapidly in the face of grave threats, to rising white supremacy and fortressed borders as a form of “climate barbarism,” this is a rousing call to action for a planet on the brink. An expansive, far-ranging exploration that sees the battle for a greener world as indistinguishable from the fight for our lives, On Fire captures the burning urgency of the climate crisis, as well as the fiery energy of a rising political movement demanding a catalytic Green New Deal.

Within this text, you will find her essays, written whilst in the midst of natural disasters, dire warnings of the future that is waiting for us if we do nothing to change. The long-forms essays display both the prophetic and philosophical while also challenging the spiritual and imaginative.

Her writings span events ranging from the smoky skies of the Pacific Northwest, the barren Great Barrier Reef to the post-hurricane Puerto Rico and many other climate crises.

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate

Click photo for more on “This Changes Everything“.

Author Naomi Klein wants readers to embrace the radical, that there is no longer the option to remain at the status quo. Climate Change isn’t just something to be “fixed” it is a crisis that requires immediate action. Also now a feature documentary.

In her book she exposes climate change deniers, delusions of geoengineers, why mainstream green initiatives have failed thus far and how capitalism will only make things worst.

The most important book yet from the author of the international bestseller The Shock Doctrinea brilliant explanation of why the climate crisis challenges us to abandon the core “free market” ideology of our time, restructure the global economy.

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

Click photo for more on “The Shock Doctrine“.

Klein introduces us to a new term, disaster capitalism, how those who experience catastrophic events (i.e. war/extreme violence or tsunami/ natural, ect) not only had to suffer from the disaster but also were being taken advantage by “rapid-fire corporate makeovers”.

The Shock Doctrine” shows how economic policies have capitalized on crises, how at the core of disaster capitalism is to use a cataclysmic event to radicalize privatization.

In her groundbreaking reporting, Naomi Klein introduced the term disaster capitalism. Whether covering Baghdad after the U.S. occupation, Sri Lanka in the wake of the tsunami, or New Orleans post-Katrina, she witnessed something remarkably similar. People still reeling from catastrophe were being hit again, this time with economic shock treatment, losing their land and homes to rapid-fire corporate makeovers. 

The Shock Doctrine retells the story of the most dominant ideology of our time, Milton Friedman’s free market economic revolution. In contrast to the popular myth of this movement’s peaceful global victory, Klein shows how it has exploited moments of shock and extreme violence in order to implement its economic policies in so many parts of the world from Latin America and Eastern Europe to South Africa, Russia, and Iraq.

Watch Trailer for Documentary: ‘This Changes Everything’

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Feeling the Stress? Yoga Techniques have been giving Relief For Thousands of Years

Above: Photo by RKTKN on Unsplash

Unlike what they say about missing sleep, stress can build up over weeks, months even years. True to the “silent killer” moniker it can eventually kill you. After basically the entire world has been in an extra stressful situation due to covid and the economic fallout from the preventative measures taken to stop it, we all need to begin finding ways, not only to reduce the current stress levels, which are likely high, but to work off the effects of the accumulated stress that has been building for at least a year.

And that is not accounting for the “normal” stresses we all face individually in our own worlds, lives and due to our own unique problems.

Enter the practice and lifestyle benefits of yoga. Estimates of the origins of Yoga peg the beginnings at at least five thousand years and believe the practice could have been developed as long ago as ten thousand. The study of yoga goes beyond just the familiar “pretzel poses” and encompasses a way of life and philosophy that is universal.

According to the “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” (wikipedia: Sutra in Indian literary traditions refers to an aphorism or a collection of aphorisms in the form of a manual or, more broadly, a condensed manual or text. Sutras are a genre of ancient and medieval Indian texts found in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.) there are eight “limbs” to the path of yoga:

1. yama (moral restraints) – how we relate to others
2. niyama (observances) – how we relate to ourselves
3. āsana (posture) – how we relate to our body
4. prāṇāyāma (breath extension) – how we relate to our breath or spirit

5. pratyāhāra (sensory withdrawal) – how we relate to our sense organs
6. dhāraṇā (concentration) – how we relate to our mind
7. dhyāna (meditation) – moving beyond the mind
8. samādhi (meditative absorption) – deep realization and inner union
(quoted from

As can be seen from the list above there are many levels of thought and action that can all coalesce to form a bulwark against stress and to improve the enjoyment of life as a whole. Wherever you begin and at whatever level your journey brings you to, any interaction with these thoughts, actions and choices can enhance your life in some way.

Even the simplest meditation or reflection on our breathing and its connection to our inner spirit can cause an instantaneous reduction in stress and psychic pain. Below we’ve put together a variety of books that could represent a first step toward discovering how yoga, in whatever level or aspect your choose to explore, can reduce stress and help you take a huge step on the road to recovery.

Descriptions are courtesy of and the individual publishers:

Yoga: A Manual for Life

Click here to see “Yoga: a Manual for Life” also available on Amazon.

A stand alone practice companion and beautiful coffee table book, Yoga: A Manual for Lifeis for anyone interested in yoga, mindful movement and meditation, and exploring how these practices fit within the modern world. 

As well as an extensive guide to poses, this book features a number of picture-led sequences with specific targets in mind: to combat stress and fatigue, to ground, to uplift, to inspire creativity and to sleep better.

These sequences are underpinned with essays on yoga’s relationship with different aspects of life, such as yoga and discipline, yoga and self-care, and yoga and difficulty.

Peppered throughout the book are mindful life hacks–simple ways to take yoga’s message of radical self-care off the mat and into daily life. Click here to see “Yoga: a Manual for Life” also available on Amazon.

Restorative Yoga: Relax. Restore. Re-Energize.

Click here to see “Restorative Yoga” also available on Amazon.

Are you seeking balance, healing, and a calmer mind? Unlike active styles of yoga that focus on stretching and movement, restorative yoga emphasizes mindful rest by using props to support your body in complete comfort and relaxation–no flexibility required!

Whether you already practice yoga or are just getting started, Restorative Yoga is your step-by-step guide to deepening the connection between your body and mind. Click here to see “Restorative Yoga” also available on Amazon.

Yoga: Relaxation, Postures, Daily Routines

Click here to see “Yoga” also available on Amazon.

Yoga is a popular physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that originated in ancient India.

Various traditions of yoga can be found in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, and in recent years Western culture has embraced yoga’s power of simplicity, stillness and mental poise.

This accessible new book focuses on a series of exercises, body motions and self-disciplines that offer the benefits of yoga to everyone.

Featuring specially commissioned practical photography, step-by-step instruction, and an introduction to the entire scope of the system of yoga. Click here to see “Yoga” also available on Amazon.

Restore and Rebalance: Yoga for Deep Relaxation

Click here to see “Restore and Rebalance” also available on Amazon.

Restorative yoga offers the body a chance to rest deeply and revitalize. Whether you are feeling weak, fatigued, stressed from daily activities, or simply need to slow down and tune into your body, this wonderfully adaptive practice is essential for well being.

Many of the practices are simple and accessible for people of all ages and in all states of health, using props that are readily available–like pillows and chairs. These deeply relaxing poses help you. Click here to see “Restore and Rebalance” also available on Amazon.

Yin Yoga: Stretch the Mindful Way

Click here to see “Yin Yoga” also available on Amazon.

Yin yoga offer remedies to the stresses of your busy yang life. Each restorative pose targets your deeper fascia and connective tissues, helping you experience increased flexibility and improved joint health. 

Yin yoga also focuses on deep breathing and longer hold times, allowing you the time and space to clear your mind and enhance your mental acuity.

These meditative poses will help you attain a renewed sense of mindfulness and physical well-being, making them the perfect complement to an active yang lifestyle and helping bring you back into balance. Click here to see “Yin Yoga” also available on Amazon.

Sleep Recovery: The Five Step Yoga Solution to Restore Your Rest

Click here to see “Sleep Recovery” also available on Amazon.

Insomnia is reaching epidemic proportions: more than half of us will suffer from a sleep problem during our lifetimes.

In this practical, compassionate guide, renowned yoga teacher and sleep specialist Lisa Sanfilippo shows how to sweep out sleep saboteurs and rest wreckers, putting in place sustainable strategies that will boost your energy during the day, and help you access a good night’s rest.

Click here to see “Sleep Recovery” also available on Amazon.

As we began this article above sleep was mentioned and, in contrast to our initial statements, recovery is also possible and yoga is one way that improvement, that so many of us desperately seek, is available. We hope you enjoyed this selection of books to help combat stress and ask that you please visit us again and also our sister sites Cherrybooks and InforMinx.

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Cruelty, pettiness and real estate: in Confidence Man, Maggie Haberman wields eye popping anecdotes to plumb the Trump phenomenon

By Matthew Ricketson, Deakin University

Donald Trump has been colonising the world’s attention for years, via television, on social media and in books. Ironically, given Trump likes books about as much as he does germs, more than 100 books about him are listed on Wikipedia, ranging from biographies and exposés to paeans of praise (think his former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski) and scathing analyses of his presidency.

One work, Plaintiff in Chief, concerns the gob-smacking number of lawsuits Trump and his businesses have engaged in – 3500 – and is already well out of date, having been published in 2019. There is even a book about all the Trump books. Its nicely punning title, What were we thinking?, might also be said to apply to the publishers of Carlos Lozada’s book although that would undervalue his insights, and those of the authors whose work he examines.

Review: Confidence Man: The making of Donald Trump and the breaking of America –Maggie Haberman (HarperCollins)

With the application of all this intellectual muscle, though, what do we still need – or want – to know about Donald Trump? All of us probably do need to know the likelihood Trump will run again for president and, worse, win. On that hinges the future of democracy in a global superpower along with prospects for real action combating the effects of climate change.

The answer to this need-to-know question is undeniably important, but I still want to know whether Trump actually believes the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Is there some psychological wound from his childhood that renders him unable to bear loss? Or is his unblinking refusal to accept the election result yet another example of his lifelong habit of lying and grifting to get his own way?

If the answer is the former, I care less about what might have happened to Donald as a toddler than that he has managed to persuade about two thirds of Republican voters to his view, according to polls analysed by Politifact.

If the answer is the latter, which bespeaks a truly chilling level of cynical disregard for the consequences of his actions, it immediately raises another question. Exactly how has Trump been able to persuade so many Republicans to believe his lies, despite all evidence to the contrary, including Trump’s legal team losing 64 out of 65 cases brought contesting the result?

I ask these questions following publication of Maggie Haberman’s Confidence Man: the making of Donald Trump and the breaking of America. Since the mid-1990s, Haberman has reported on Trump, first for the Murdoch-owned tabloid, The New York Post, then for its rival, The New York Daily News, and, since 2015, for The New York Times.

The driving argument of her book is that to understand Trump you need to understand the New York real-estate and property development world in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. What he learnt there, she argues, about business, politics and people, was the template of behavior he took into the White House.

‘False’, ‘Totally false’, ‘Fake News’

During two campaigns and four years in office, writes Haberman, Trump treated the country like a version of New York City’s five boroughs. His aides soon realised he had imagined a presidency that functioned like one of the once-powerful Democratic Party machines in those boroughs. A single boss controlled everything in this kingdom and knew his support alone could ensure electoral success for others. This was an “us” versus “them” realm where racial dynamics changed from one block to the next.

The argument has explanatory power. But so too, to take one example, does James Poniewozik’s view, in his 2019 book, Audience of One, that the key to Trump’s worldview is his symbiotic relationship with television. Trump did seem to govern in much the same way as he behaved in The Apprentice, the reality TV program he starred in – making contestants beholden to his every whim and impulse.

As Poniewozik puts it, the Trump administration soon became a “dogpile of competitors, cronies and relatives throttling one another daily for survival”.

Haberman tells readers that on top of her daily reporting, she conducted 250 interviews for the book, including three with Trump, either in person or in writing. For the latter, Trump annotated her list of questions in his customary black “Sharpie” pen with comments like “False”, “Totally false” and “Fake News”.

Because Haberman has known Trump for so long she has been derided as a schill. Because she enjoyed good access to him on the campaign trail and during his presidency she has been called a “Trump whisperer”. She may at times have been both, but like almost any journalist who has reported on Trump her work has been labelled “fake news”.

She has borne, too, Trump’s seemingly casual but calibrated barbs: “Did you ever notice that her glasses are always smudged?” he said to his aides.

Confidence Man

More precisely, she reports him saying this to aides, but there is no source for the comment in the book’s end-notes. Does that mean he didn’t say it? Does Haberman take the same insouciant approach here to sourcing as the authors of Plagued, political journalists Simon Benson and Geoff Chambers, did in their recent book about the Morrison government’s response to the pandemic?

Like the authors of Plagued too, Haberman has fielded criticism for withholding information from her newspaper readers and saving it for her book. (Benson and Chambers knew about Morrison’s multiple ministerial portfolios but held onto that information for up to two years before it became public.)

In Confidence Man Haberman recounts Trump telling one aide days after the 2020 presidential election, “I’m just not going to leave”, and another, “We’re never leaving. How can you leave when you won an election?” (She also reports him in other conversations seeming to accept he had lost but does not probe the contradiction further.) Should she have reported those comments at the time rather than saving them for her book?

The information gathered by Haberman was clearly important and could, perhaps should, have been published in The New York Times contemporaneously but we don’t know the circumstances in which it was obtained. Perhaps the information was only revealed on condition it would not be published immediately. There is little doubt that people being interviewed for a book published well after the news cycle has pedalled on are willing to speak more candidly. If the aim of a book is to provide context and nuance about contested current events, then the trade-off between news now and understanding later may be worth it.

Responding to the criticism that she had witheld vital information from the public, a spokesman for The New York Times said,

Maggie Haberman took leave from The Times to write her book. In the course of reporting the book, she shared considerable newsworthy information with The Times. Editors decided what news was best suited for our news report.

Devastating observations

Returning to the “smudged glasses” barb, we know Trump has publicly insulted women and journalists countless times. The comment has the ring of truth, so it is probably not as important that this quote was unattributed. The end-notes of Confidence Man do run to 63 pages (providing a good deal more information than the sparse end-notes in Plagued.)

At several points Haberman also tells us about news stories she has written, how they were received, those whose accuracy was later vindicated and, occasionally, those that contained errors of fact or context. In other words, she is reflective and concerned to be as fair as possible in her reporting and judgements.

When Haberman’s book was released in early October, New York magazine listed 22 revelations from it while acknowledging they “feel less like bombshells and more like laundry lists of erratic presidential behaviour”.

For many readers the coverage of New York City’s property world will be unfamiliar, but the bulk of the book covers Trump’s political career and is very familiar: the 2016 campaign, the presidency, the unceasing stream of controversies – large, small or confected – the impeachment trials, the pandemic response, the 2020 campaign and the January 6 riots at the Capitol.

Familiar though these events are, their sheer volume means they are not discussed in any great depth and what discussion there is does not venture beyond the political journalist’s inside-the-Beltway frame of reference. This can be frustrating but the value of reading Confidence Man, in my view, is not in the explosive revelations or the private, never-seen-before details. It is how Haberman uses anecdotes to build up a devastating picture of character.

It is true there is some extraordinary material in the book but Haberman does not badge it up Bob Woodward-style. Instead, she quietly but frequently enough for it to look like a deliberate strategy, drops in eye-popping anecdotes and devastating observations about Trump’s behaviour.

You have to be on the lookout for them because they are nestled within 597 pages of detailed coverage of his life and career. Some come from her own reporting while others are drawn from earlier journalists’ and authors’ work.


Haberman spends little space on Trump’s childhood but enough to show his bullying began early: a neighbour in Queens, New York, was horrified when her baby sitting in a playpen in the backyard was pelted with rocks over the fence from a five-year-old Trump. Later, Trump proudly recalled gluing together his brother Robert’s blocks to build his own tower.

That Trump is profligate with others’ money but tight with his own is well known but Haberman reminds us that one of his early antagonists, the satirical magazine, Spy, used to mail cheques to his office for steadily diminishing amounts to see whether he would keep cashing them; he did, down to one for 13 cents.

When the Trumps moved into the White House in 2017, Donald loved being able to press a button on his desk to order a valet to bring him a Diet Coke. He remade the White House to suit his tastes, installing plenty of television sets, even in the bathroom, and telling guests he had renovated the entire area, including the toilet.

“You understand what I mean,” he said to one visitor, who interpreted it to mean he did not want to use the same bathroom as his African-American predecessor. Apart from the apparent racism, Trump’s statement was also untrue as officials told Haberman it was customary for toilet seats in the White House to be replaced between one administration and the next.

Trump may not be a book reader but, Haberman reports, he has near perfect recall of anything written about him in the media. He knew little and cared less about policies or how government actually operated but staff noticed he absorbed policies far better from television coverage than from their briefings.

They noticed his “singular interest” in whether those representing him on television appeared persuasive, and on their appearance full stop. He would comment on the lighting, the make-up, the women’s dresses, their hair. Trump had always been preternaturally aware of the appearance of things. Sleeping over at a friend’s house during primary school, he earnestly commented on the “wonderful” quality of the bed-sheets.

Extra ice cream and special glassware

Trump himself noticed how he could say almost anything and supporters at his MAGA rallies would forgive him. Haberman compares this revelation – and two others – to the scene in Jurassic Park when the velociraptors learn how to open doors.

Similar penny-dropping moments happened when Trump learned how to communicate by Twitter unburdened of staff controls and when he discovered presidential pardons. “For Trump, who never really accepted the fact that Congress was a separate and equal branch of government, the ability to deliver ‘justice’ on a case-by-case basis hit like a revelation,” writes Haberman.

The Faustian pact Trump appeared to strike with his MAGA base, though, was that just as they would forgive him if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue, as he infamously remarked, so he would shape his administration to suit their every demand, no matter how misconceived, extreme or counter-productive they might be.

Trump’s callousness and cruelty is well documented. (Haberman reports that one of the very few times Trump has cried was in private after his father, Fred, died.)
When he began building the notorious wall on the southern border of the US to keep out Latino immigrants and asylum seekers, he urged officials to put spikes on top and to paint it black so as to burn the skin of those trying to climb the wall.

John Kelly, one of the revolving door of chiefs of staff who tried and failed to bring order to the Trump administration, had a son in the military who died while on duty in Afghanistan, and Kelly had been a general himself. Once, when he and Trump were standing together at the Arlington National Cemetery grave site where Kelly’s son was buried, Trump wondered aloud why anyone would want to join the military.

Trump’s petty, venal behaviour has also been well documented, but the details Haberman has marshalled can still surprise. After winning the 2016 election, he invited a group of moderate Democrats to join him for dinner to discuss various pieces of legislation, but he couldn’t help needling them throughout. For dessert, he made sure he received one more scoop of ice cream than any of his guests.

More importantly, as early as 23 February 2020 Trump was not only aware of the dangers of COVID-19 but was taking precautions against it. On a trip to India Trump was reluctant to eat, pushing food around his plate and drinking only from “special glassware that he said Melania [Trump] had the White House staff pack for the trip, primarily for fear of contracting the coronavirus”.

During the pandemic he sometimes acknowledged the seriousness of COVID but mostly he downplayed or denied its impact on public health, with catastrophic results.

A deeper malaise?

Carlos Lozada, in his survey of all those Trump books, identifies many that seek to explain the Trump phenomenon through a single overriding cause, and he finds that limiting. Haberman tacitly acknowledges this when she quotes Trump saying he always aimed to “put some show business into the real estate business”. When he did, she writes, Trump learnt that “he could win as much press for projects he never completed as those he did”.

Poniewozik, from his vantage point as a television critic, makes the same observation: namely, that Trump enjoyed more success playing the role of a business titan on television than actually being one, before citing Fran Leibowitz’s acid line that Trump is “a poor person’s idea of a rich person”.

Closing Haberman’s book, I do think Trump knew he had lost the election quite soon after the results came in. Just how much his years in New York’s property development world shaped that decision is hard to say. It seems part of the explanation but only part.

In my mind her book jostles alongside Poniewozik’s work and for that matter, James Zirin’s Plaintiff in Chief, which underscores how Trump sees the law not as a “system of rules to be obeyed” but “as a potent weapon to be used against his adversaries”. We’re still seeing this play out in Trump’s unremitting efforts to stave off multiple investigations of his business and his behaviour.

Lozada prefers explanations of Trump as a symptom of longer term problems in American politics and society, an approach exemplified in BBC correspondent and historian Nick Bryant’s excellent book, When America Stopped Being Great.
Surely both explanatory approaches need to be deployed.

Trump may be a symptom of a deeper malaise afflicting American democracy but has there ever been a symptom quite like him? In 2020 the majority of voters opted to be cured of their Trump symptoms, but the treatment failed and the bacillus rages on.

Matthew Ricketson, Professor of Communication, Deakin University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Alternate day or Intermittent Fasting Diets – Can they improve Strength and Stamina?

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With all the different types of weight-loss strategies available, it can be difficult to choose what the best method is, and what’s right for you.

What is Intermittent Fasting

One recently popular way to lose weight is through intermittent fasting, which is an eating pattern where a person will regularly alternate between time periods of fasting and eating. One main distinction that sets fasting methods apart from other weight-loss programs, is the fact that the focus is concentrated more on when you eat, rather than what you eat. 

Having a specific time frame or window when you eat, and when you fast, allows the body a break from eating, since eating requires energy from your body to breakdown your foods, ect. Fasting is one way to retrain your body to learn to recognize when you are actually hungry and not just artificially satisfying your appetite. This is key for people that eat every two hours or enjoy frequent snacks. 

The reduction in calorie intake (as a result of eating fewer meals) should result in weight loss, however it’s recommended not to compensate by indulging in more food than you regularly would eat after the fasting periods. Overeating would defeat the purpose and most likely not yield the desired effects of shedding any pounds. 

There are different ways in which you can fast, below we highlight the three most common methods: the 16:8 regimen, the 5:2 plan, and the alternate day fasting diet. 

Time-Restricted Fasting

There are different names (16/8, the 16 hour fast or Leangains protocol) but the method, regardless of the moniker, involves restricting your daily eating to an eight hour period, then fasting for sixteen hours between (i.e. 16 hours of no eating then 8 hours to eat). For example, “fasting” from 8PM until noon would be followed by an eating period from noon until 8PM.

In the journal Nutrition and Healthy Aging, a study on obese adults during a 12 week period found that an 16/8 hour time-restriction in eating patterns resulted in an intake of fewer calories, some weight loss, and lowered blood pressure scores. 

The “Fast Diet”

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This method involves eating low calories for two out of seven days and then eating a normal calorie intake for the other five days (also known as the 5:2 plan). Various sources indicate that the daily calorie intake, on the low calorie days, should be typically in the 500-600 calorie range. This method is found to be the easiest and sustainable since it is not really fasting, but instead just limiting your calorie intake for two days out of the week.  

With this plan, there is no specific time frame within your “fast” day (“fasting” for this plan doesn’t involve not eating, rather how much you can eat). The intake during your fasting days, which should always be non-consecutive, will require that you budget your calories wisely as they are limited to the range mentioned above.

Again, the focus isn’t on the types of food you eat, although, generally and according to common sense, the foods should be “normal” (as in, not junk food), for best results.

“Fast Diet” was popularized by journalist Michael Mosley who authored a book of the same title.

Is it possible to eat normally, five days a week, and become slimmer and healthier as a result? Simple answer: yes. You just limit your calorie intake for two nonconsecutive days each week–500 calories for women, 600 for men. You’ll lose weight quickly and effortlessly with the FastDiet. Scientific trials of intermittent fasters have shown that it will not only help the pounds fly off, but also reduce your risk of a range of diseases from diabetes to cardiovascular disease and even cancer. “The scientific evidence is strong that intermittent fasting can improve health,” says Dr. Mark Mattson, Chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences, National Institute on Aging, and Professor of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University. This book brings together the results of new, groundbreaking research to create a dietary program that can be incorporated into your busy daily life. Also Available on Amazon 

Alternate Day Fasting / Eat-Stop-Eat

 This approach alternates the fast days and normal days throughout the whole week. With the fast days following the same limited caloric intake as in the “Fast Diet”, approximately 500-600 calories per day. During the normal days, a person can eat whatever they want, which is the greatest benefit in trying this diet since there isn’t sustained feeling of deprivation from the foods that you love to eat.

Since the outcome of this “every-other-day” fasting routine is to do a partial fast (reduced calorie intake not a complete liquid-only diet) either three or four of the seven days, it has the effect of reducing the weekly calorie intake slightly more than the “Fast Diet”.

Click to Buy “The Every Other Day Diet” and at the same time help Lynxotic and All Independent Local Bookstores. Also Available on Amazon 

Dr. Krista Varady has been researching intermittent fasting for over ten years and has written the widely popular title on the subject, “The Every Other Day Diet”.

That’s the satisfied declaration of a dieter who lost 41 pounds on the Every-Other-Day Diet. (And kept it off ) You too can expect dramatic results with this revolutionary approach to weight loss that is incredibly simple, easy, and effective. Created by Dr. Krista Varady, an associate professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois, the Every-Other-Day Diet will change the way you think of dieting forever. Among its many benefits: 

It’s science-tested, science-proven. Dr. Varady has conducted many scientific studies on the Every-Other-Day Diet, involving hundreds of people, with consistently positive results published in top medical journals such as the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Obesity. Unlike most other diets, the Every-Other-Day Diet is proven to work. Also Available on Amazon.

Tips to keep it up

Click to Buy “The 4-Week Fast Metabolism Diet Plan” and at the same time help Lynxotic and All Independent Local Bookstores. Also Available on Amazon .

Feeling hungry will most likely be inevitable, and is the main side effect when fasting. These feelings are usually temporary as your body needs to adjust to new eating schedule. 

Eating high fiber and / or high protein foods, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, beans and even high fiber chewable supplements, can ease the feelings of hunger during fasting. Drinking lots of water is another helpful tip. 

Black coffee and tea can help with low energy, focus and concentration with the added perk that both have no calories.

** It is important to consult your doctor prior to any diet, especially for pregnant women or people that have diabetes, weight issues, and/or any other medical conditions that makes fasting inadvisable. **

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Passive House is at the Heart of the Next Wave of Sustainable Infrastructure

Transportation has been the focus, due to Tesla’s rise, but houses and commercial buildings are next

When Tesla was still just an oddball upstart, there was plenty of skepticism that they would survive, let alone change the industry and define sustainable transportation and the future of EVs. This was before Tesla’s stock price soared, even as the climate crisis has become more serious.

Although the stock market is as irrational as ever, on another level the massive rise in market cap for the once underdog sustainable energy focused company can also be seen as a vote from the general public – a vote for the transition away from fossil fuels and toward a sustainable energy future..

Fast forward to 2022 and there is an entirely different situation in the automotive and transportation industries. The entire industry is shifting, rapidly, to 100% electric vehicle production and competing for the climate conscious upwardly mobile customer base that was first identified by Tesla’s “S3XY” marketing methods and designs.

Another underdog – Passive House is ready for the next wave of climate conscious changes

Although sustainable transportation infrastructure still has a long way to go and many issues to overcome, the speed of the transition over the last decade is, nevertheless, impressive.

The next phase of the transition toward sustainable energy infrastructure as a whole, however, is clearly going to be energy generation, solar, wind, geothermal and beyond. This will include design and construction of dwellings and commercial real estate with an eye toward efficient ways to decrease the carbon footprint and create structures that have a low carbon cost (embodied carbon and green cement, use of natural materials, etc.).

Passive house, a concept first pioneered in Germany, is at the center of the coming design revolution in architecture and sustainable construction. Andreas Benzing, of A.M.Benzing Architects PLLC has been at the forefront of the New York, NY movement (as executive director of NY Passive House) as it has grown for nearly two decades and is now ready to break out.

Emphasizing the active role that passive house can play in reaching ‘peak performance’ for dwellings and commercial structures, Benzing elucidates his credo and underscores the similarities to Tesla’s higher-end approach to EV’s, now poised to spearhead a similar revolution in architecture; “We strive to better user experience and comfort, engineer to easily achieve peak performance, and maximize the durability of quality materials.”

The books below are a few that show the history and concepts behind passive house from various perspectives. Houses and buildings that have a reduced carbon footprint, while at the same time generate energy from sustainable sources are becoming feasible and all have as a foundation the passive house standard for highly efficient design.

The New Net Zero

Click photo for more about The New Net Zero

The new threshold for green building is not just low energy, it’s net-zero energy. In The New Net Zero, sustainable architect Bill Maclay charts the path for designers and builders interested in exploring green design’s new frontier net-zero-energy structures that produce as much energy as they consume and are carbon neutral.

In a nation where traditional buildings use roughly 40 percent of the total fossil energy, the interest in net-zero building is growing enormously-among both designers interested in addressing climate change and consumers interested in energy efficiency and long-term savings. Maclay, an award-winning net-zero designer whose buildings have achieved high-performance goals at affordable costs, makes the case for a net-zero future; explains net-zero building metrics, integrated design practices, and renewable energy options; and shares his lessons learned on net-zero teambuilding.

Designers and builders will find a wealth of state-of-the-art information on such considerations as air, water, and vapor barriers; embodied energy; residential and commercial net-zero standards; monitoring and commissioning; insulation options; costs; and more.

The comprehensive overview is accompanied by several case studies, which include institutional buildings, commercial projects, and residences. Both new-building and renovation projects are covered in detail. 

The New Net Zero is geared toward professionals exploring net-zero design, but also suitable for nonprofessionals seeking ideas and strategies on net-zero options that are beautiful and renewably powered.

Passive House Details

Click photo for more about Passive House Details

Passive House Details introduces the concepts, principles, and design processes of building ultralow-energy buildings. The objective of this book is to provide design goals, research, analysis, systems, details, and inspiring images of some of the most energy-efficient, carbon-neutral, healthy, and satisfying buildings currently built in the region. Other topics included: heat transfer, moisture management, performance targets, and climatic zones. Illustrated with more than 375 color images, the book is a visual catalog of construction details, materials, and systems drawn from projects contributed from forty firms. Fourteen in-depth case studies demonstrate the most energy-efficient systems for foundations, walls, floors, roofs, windows, doors, and more.

The Greenest Home

Click photo for more about The Greenest Home

Passive is the new green. Passive Houses–well insulated, virtually airtight buildings–can decrease home heating consumption by an astounding 90 percent, making them not only an attractive choice for prospective homeowners, but also the right choice for a sustainable future. The Greenest Home showcases eighteen of the world’s most attractive Passive Houses by forward-thinking architects such as Bernheimer Architecture, Olson Kundig Architects, and Onion Flats, among many others. Each case study consists of a detailed project description, plans, and photographs. An appendix lists helpful technical information. Including a mix of new construction and retrofit projects built in a variety of site conditions, The Greenest Home is an inspiring sourcebook for architects and prospective homeowners, as well as a useful tool for students, and builders alike.

The Solar House

Click photo for more about The Solar House

Passive solar heating and passive cooling–approaches known as natural conditioning–provide comfort throughout the year by reducing, or eliminating, the need for fossil fuel. Yet while heat from sunlight and ventilation from breezes is free for the taking, few modern architects or builders really understand the principles involved.

Now Dan Chiras, author of the popular book The Natural House, brings those principles up to date for a new generation of solar enthusiasts.

The techniques required to heat and cool a building passively have been used for thousands of years. Early societies such as the Native American Anasazis and the ancient Greeks perfected designs that effectively exploited these natural processes. The Greeks considered anyone who didn’t use passive solar to heat a home to be a barbarian 

In the United States, passive solar architecture experienced a major resurgence of interest in the 1970s in response to crippling oil embargoes. With grand enthusiasm but with scant knowledge (and sometimes little common sense), architects and builders created a wide variety of solar homes. Some worked pretty well, but looked more like laboratories than houses. Others performed poorly, overheating in the summer because of excessive or misplaced windows and skylights, and growing chilly in the colder months because of insufficient thermal mass and insulation and poor siting.

In The Solar House, Dan Chiras sets the record straight on the vast potential for passive heating and cooling. Acknowledging the good intentions of misguided solar designers in the past, he highlights certain egregious–and entirely avoidable–errors. More importantly, Chiras explains in methodical detail how today’s home builders can succeed with solar designs.

Now that energy efficiency measures including higher levels of insulation and multi-layered glazing have become standard, it is easier than ever before to create a comfortable and affordable passive solar house that will provide year-round comfort in any climate.

Moreover, since modern building materials and airtight construction methods sometimes result in air-quality and even toxicity problems, Chiras explains state-of-the-art ventilation and filtering techniques that complement the ancient solar strategies of thermal mass and daylighting. Chiras also explains the new diagnostic aids available in printed worksheet or software formats, allowing readers to generate their own design schemes.

The Passivhaus Designer’s Manual

Click photo for more about The Passivhaus Designer’s Manual

Passivhaus is the fastest growing energy performance standard in the world, with almost 50,000 buildings realised to date. Applicable to both domestic and non-domestic building types, the strength of Passivhaus lies in the simplicity of the concept. As European and global energy directives move ever closer towards Zero (fossil) Energy standards, Passivhaus provides a robust ‘fabric first’ approach from which to make the next step.

The Passivhaus Designers Manual is the most comprehensive technical guide available to those wishing to design and build Passivhaus and Zero Energy Buildings. As a technical reference for architects, engineers and construction professionals The Passivhaus Designers Manual provides: 

  • State of the art guidance for anyone designing or working on a Passivhaus project;
  • In depth information on building services, including high performance ventilation systems and ultra-low energy heating and cooling systems; 
  • Holistic design guidance encompassing: daylight design, ecological materials, thermal comfort, indoor air quality and economics; 
  • Practical advice on procurement methods, project management and quality assurance;
  • Renewable energy systems suitable for Passivhaus and Zero Energy Buildings; 
  • Practical case studies from the UK, USA, and Germany amongst others;
  • Detailed worked examples to show you how it’s done and what to look out for;
  • Expert advice from 20 world renowned Passivhaus designers, architects, building physicists and engineers.

Lavishly illustrated with nearly 200 full colour illustrations, and presented by two highly experienced specialists, this is your one-stop shop for comprehensive practical information on Passivhaus and Zero Energy buildings.

The New Net Zero
Passive House Details
The Greenest Home
The Solar House
The Passivhaus Designer’s Manual

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Burnout Rescue: Books to help figure out what is Draining you in Life

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The time is now to start listening – to your body that is

It’s not uncommon lately, at one point or another, to start asking ourselves some of the following questions: Working too hard ? Life ever feel as if you can’t keep up? Always stressed or tired? If you answered yes, it’s possible you are one of many experiencing burnout. But what is burnout? 

Burnout can look like different things to different people, yet it is almost always is characterized by an overwhelming feeling of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion. Burnout is often the result of prolonged exposure to stress, but there is a nuanced difference. 

Being stressed out means there is too much going on, but being burned out means not enough positive input causing a feeling of emptiness (such as; no motivation, not caring or ability to see hope or potential for positive change). Usually burnout is associated with work, but there are definitely other factors that can contribute outside your job, including  personal lifestyle (e.g. too much responsibility and not enough support) or even personality traits (e.g. type A or need for perfection).  

Below are a few books that can help you recognize and take action to help better cope with the omnipresent burnout in our world, learn to listen to your body, and find methods to deal in healthier ways the many stressors and demands that today’s life can hold. 

Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle

This book focuses on helping women identify and explain burnout and how  we experience it very different than our male counterparts. 

A best-seller that relies on science-based finding also lays out realistic ways in which women can recover from burnout to  live a more joyful life by minimizing stress and managing emotions.

Also comes with worksheets and exercises that makes self-care and wellness within the realm of the possible. Click to see “Burnout“.

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

This hugely popular best-selling book delves into traumatic stress and how it impacts our body. Using scientific data, Van Der Kolk breaks down how trauma literally reshapes both the brain and body.

In addition he explores ways to retrain the brain by activating parts of the brain that can help including: sports, yoga, meditation, and much more.

Discover “The Body Keeps the Score” at LynxoticBooks.

Winning the War in your Mind: Change your Thinking, Change your Life

Bad habits and unhealthy ways of thinking are part of what it is to be human. Author Groeschel understands that battle with negative thinking and helps you identify such “false thinking” and rewire your thought processes.

He also incorporates faith, allowing you to bring in a higher power to enable a life that brings more peace and joy. to Click for more on “Winning the War“.

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8 Best Health and Wellness Books: Ways to Get Strong and Svelte

There are many new books emerging recently covering health and wellness that align with the goal to make healthier lifestyle choices. Whether looking for alternative health options, proven ways to build good healthy habits, wholesome food recipes, mind and bodyoptimization, or to find the best ways to shed weight, it’s better than ever now to choose a book to get started.

The books below are chosen to represent an eclectic selection on health and wellness featuring the authors’ wide ranging expertise in their respective fields. Clinical herbology, integrative medicine, neuroscience, naturopathy, nutrition, and human behavior are all represented.

Our curated selection contains the best selling and most recommended in the category of health and wellness thus far for 2020:

Wild Remedies: How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine

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Millions of people are interested in natural or alternative health–but many of them are missing out on the most important ingredient: Nature itself Wild Remedies inspires readers to rekindle their connection with nature by identifying, tending, and harvesting the plant medicine they find growing around them. Experts Rosalee de la For t and Emily Han explain the benefits of 25 commonly found wild plants, many of which are also easy to grow. Readers will also find a wealth of recipes, remedies, crafts, and activities to bring the healing and transformative powers of these herbs to life. After reading Wild Remedies, readers will view their lawns, parks, community gardens, and other natural spaces in a whole new way. Instead of “weeds,” they will see delicious foods like Dandelion Maple Syrup Cake, Nettle Frittata, and Mallow and Quinoa Patties. They will also begin to revel in nature’s medicine chest as they make remedies like herbal oils, salves, teas, and more.

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

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No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving–every day. James Clear, one of the world’s leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. If you’re having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don’t want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Here, you’ll get a proven system that can take you to new heights.

The Defined Dish: Whole30 Endorsed, Healthy and Wholesome Weeknight Recipes

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Alex Snodgrass of is the third author in the popular Whole30 Endorsed series. With gluten-free, dairy-free, and grain-free recipes that sound and look way too delicious to be healthy, this is a cookbook people can turn to after completing a Whole30, when they’re looking to reintroduce healthful ingredients like tortillas, yogurt, beans, and legumes. Recipes like Chipotle Chicken Tostadas with Pineapple Salsa or Black Pepper Chicken are easy enough to prepare even after a busy day at work. There are no esoteric ingredients in these recipes, but instead something to suit every taste, each dish clearly marked if it is Whole30 compliant, paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free, and more. Alex includes delicious variations, too, such as using lettuce wraps instead of taco shells, to ensure recipes can work for almost any diet. And for anyone looking to stick to their Whole30 for longer, at least sixty of the recipes are fully compliant.

In the Flo:Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life

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The bestselling author of WomanCode presents a biohacking program for women, teaching them how to use their natural 28-day cycle to optimize their time, diet, fitness, work, and relationships.

Women have a important biological rhythm they experience every month that affects productivity, weight, sex drive, energy, and mood. It is essential to be aware of and take care of this rhythm, but it has been widely ignored by medical, nutrition and fitness research. So as women, we diet, we deprive, and we cram as much as possible into our day, striving to accomplish impossible to-do lists, and scheduling our lives based on a 24-hour time cycle, ignoring the intuitive time our bodies naturally keep: a monthly cycle with four hormonal phases that offer incredible advantages.

Boundless: Upgrade Your Brain, Optimize Your Body & Defy Aging

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What if the ability to look, feel, and perform at peak capacity wasn’t the stuff of lore but instead was within easy reach? Sure, some of us find ways to hit peak performance in one area or another–there are professional poker players, computer programmers, and race car drivers hunched over card games, keyboards, and steering wheels with optimized minds; UFC and NFL gladiators fighting for glory on television with optimized bodies; and monks and meditators roaming the planet with optimized spirits. But in a perfect world, you would be able to have it all: complete optimization of mind, body, and spirit.In Boundless, the New York Times bestselling author of Beyond Training and health and fitness leader Ben Greenfield offers a first-of-its-kind blueprint for total human optimization.

The Keto Reset Diet: Reboot Your Metabolism in 21 Days and Burn Fat Forever

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Mark Sisson–author of the mega-bestseller The Primal Blueprint–unveils his groundbreaking ketogenic diet plan that resets your metabolism in 21 days so you can burn fat forever. Mounting scientific research is confirming that eating a ketogenic diet could represent one of the greatest nutritional breakthroughs of our time–and that it might be the healthiest and most effective weight loss strategy ever. Going “keto” by eating high fat, low-to-moderate protein and low-carb foods enables you to break free from the disastrous effects of carbohydrate dependency by resetting your metabolism and promoting metabolic flexibility–where your body learns to burns fat instead of sugar for energy, even when you go off plan.

The Healing Self: A Revolutionary New Plan to Supercharge Your Immunity and Stay Well for Life

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After collaborating on two major books featured as PBS specials, Super Brain and Super Genes, Chopra and Tanzi now tackle the issue of lifelong health and heightened immunity.We are the midst of a new revolution. 

For over twenty-five years Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D. have revolutionized medicine and how we understand our minds and our bodies–Chopra, the leading expert in the field of integrative medicine; Tanzi, the pioneering neuroscientist and discoverer of genes that cause Alzheimer’s Disease. After reaching millions of people around the world through their collaborations on the hugely successful Super Brain and Super Genes books and public television programs, the New York Times bestselling authors now present a groundbreaking, landmark work on the supreme importance of our immune system in relation to our lifelong health.

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“This isn’t another gimmicky diet–it’s a powerful eating strategy that will take your extra pounds off quickly, safely, and permanently.” –Mark Hyman, MD, Director, Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Eat Fat Get Thin“The best gift you can give yourself is a slim, beautiful, healthy belly–and in this book, Dr. Kellyann, an expert I trust, tells you exactly how to get it.” –Mehmet Oz, M.D. The New York Times bestselling author of Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet reveals her powerful belly-slimming plan that will help you lose up to 10 pounds in 10 days

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Fight Climate Emergency by Nationalizing US Fossil Fuel Industry, Says Top Economist

“If we are finally going to start taking the IPCC’s findings seriously, it follows that we must begin advancing far more aggressive climate stabilization solutions than anything that has been undertaken thus far,” writes Robert Pollin.

In the wake of a United Nations report that activists said showed the “bleak and brutal truth” about the climate emergency, a leading economist on Friday highlighted a step that supporters argue could be incredibly effective at combating the global crisis: nationalizing the U.S. fossil fuel industry.

“With at least ExxonMobil, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips under public control, the necessary phaseout of fossil fuels as an energy source could advance in an orderly fashion.”

Writing for The American Prospect, Robert Pollin, an economics professor and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, noted the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and high gas prices exacerbated by Russia’s war on Ukraine.

“If we are finally going to start taking the IPCC’s findings seriously,” Pollin wrote, “it follows that we must begin advancing far more aggressive climate stabilization solutions than anything that has been undertaken thus far, both within the U.S. and globally. Within the U.S., such measures should include at least putting on the table the idea of nationalizing the U.S. fossil fuel industry.”

“With at least ExxonMobil, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips under public control, the necessary phaseout of fossil fuels as an energy source could advance in an orderly fashion”

Asserting that “at least in the U.S., the private oil companies stand as the single greatest obstacle to successfully implementing” a viable climate stabilization program, Pollin made the case that fossil fuel giants should not make any more money from wrecking the planet, nationalization would not be an unprecedented move in the United States, and doing so could help build clean energy infrastructure at the pace that scientists warn is necessary.

The expert proposed starting with “the federal government purchasing controlling ownership of at least the three dominant U.S. oil and gas corporations: ExxonMobil, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips.”

“They are far larger and more powerful than all the U.S. coal companies combined, as well as all of the smaller U.S. oil and gas companies,” he wrote. “The cost to the government to purchase majority ownership of these three oil giants would be about $420 billion at current stock market prices.

Emphasizing that the aim of private firms “is precisely to make profits from selling oil, coal, and natural gas, no matter the consequences for the planet and regardless of how the companies may present themselves in various high-gloss, soft-focus PR campaigns,” Pollin posited that “with at least ExxonMobil, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips under public control, the necessary phaseout of fossil fuels as an energy source could advance in an orderly fashion.”

“The government could determine fossil fuel energy production levels and prices to reflect both the needs of consumers and the requirements of the clean-energy transition,” he explained. “This transition could also be structured to provide maximum support for the workers and communities that are presently dependent on fossil fuel companies for their well-being.”

Pollin pointed out that some members of Congress are pushing for a windfall profits tax on Big Oil companies using various global crises—from Russia’s war to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic—to price gouge working people at the gas pump. The proposal, he wrote, “raises a more basic question: Should the fossil fuel companies be permitted to profit at all through selling products that we know are destroying the planet? The logical answer has to be no. That is exactly why nationalizing at least the largest U.S. oil companies is the most appropriate action we can take now, in light of the climate emergency.”

The economist highlighted the long history of nationalizing in the United States, pointing out that “it was only 13 years ago, in the depths of the 2007–09 financial crisis and Great Recession, that the Obama administration nationalized two of the three U.S. auto companies.”

In addition to enabling the government to put the nationalized firms’ profits toward a just transition to renewables, Pollin wrote, “with nationalization, the political obstacles that fossil fuel companies now throw up against public financing for clean energy investments would be eliminated.”

Nationalization “is not a panacea,” Pollin acknowledged. Noting that “publicly owned companies already control approximately 90% of the world’s fossil fuel reserves,” he cautioned against assuming such a move in the U.S. “will provide favorable conditions for fighting climate change, any more than public ownership has done so already in Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, or Iran,” without an administration dedicated to tackling the global crisis.

Pollin is far from alone in proposing nationalization. Writing for Jacobin last month, People’s Policy Project founder Matt Bruenig argued that “an industry that is absolutely essential to maintain in the short term and absolutely essential to eliminate in the long term is an industry that really should be managed publicly.”

“Private owners and investors are not in the business of temporarily propping up dying industries, which means that they will either work to keep the industry from dying, which is bad for the climate, or that they will refuse to temporarily prop it up, which will cause economic chaos,” he wrote. “A public owner is best positioned to pursue managed decline in a responsible way.”

In a piece for The New Republic published in the early stage of the pandemic a few years ago, climate journalist Kate Aronoff—like Pollin on Friday—pointed out that nationalization “has a long and proud tradition of navigating America through times of crisis, from World War II to 9/11.”

As Aronoff—who interviewed New College of Florida economist Mark Paul—reported in March 2020:

In a way, nationalization would merely involve the government correcting for nearly a century of its own market intervention. All manner of government hands on the scales have kept money flowing into fossil fuels, including the roughly $26 billion worth of state and federal subsidies handed out to them each year. A holistic transition toward a low-carbon economy would reorient that array of market signals away from failing sectors and toward growing ones that can put millions to work right away retrofitting existing buildings to be energy efficient and building out a fleet of electric vehicles, for instance, including in the places that might otherwise be worst impacted by a fossil fuel bust and recession. Renewables have taken a serious hit amid the Covid-19 slowdown, too, as factories shut down in China. So besides direct government investments in green technology, additional policy directives from the federal level, Paul added, would be key to providing certainty for investors that renewables are worth their while: for example, low-hanging fruit like the extension of the renewable tax credits, now on track to be phased out by 2022.

While Pollin, Bruenig, and Aronoff’s writing focused on the United States, campaigners are also making similar cases around the world.

In a June 2021 opinion piece for The Guardian, Johanna Bozuwa, co-manager of the Climate & Energy Program at the Democracy Collaborative, and Georgetown University philosophy professor Olúfẹ́mi O Táíwò took aim at Royal Dutch Shell on the heels of a historic court ruling, declaring that “like all private oil companies, Shell should not exist.”

“Governments like the Netherlands could better follow through on mandates to reduce emissions if they held control over oil companies themselves,” the pair added. “It is time to nationalize Big Oil.”


The Best Books on Copywriting: Must Read for Every Writer (Top 8 of all time)

Copywriting is no longer strictly in the domain of advertising

Once upon a time, in the long gone era that was so well depicted in Netflix’ ‘Madmen’, copywriting, the writing of marketing copy, was a Madison Avenue exclusive and a deep mysterious art in the psychology of persuasion.

Starting with men like David Ogilvy (it was almost always men back then), known as the father of advertising, and Joseph Sugarman, authors of Ogilvy on Advertising and The Adweek Copywriting Handbook, respectively, the established advertising methods and best practices for the creation of powerful advertising and effective copywriting were forged.

Long before the existence of content creators or online content (let alone the internet), America’s top copywriters studied classic copywriting books to elevate the art of copywriting. It became a quest, and a lucrative one at that, to become the best copywriters possible.

Today, with online content exploding in both variety and importance, from blog posts to emailed sales letters, to breakthrough advertising for direct marketing and content marketing, becoming a good copywriter or even a master copywriter is more vital than ever.

This article is a potential start on your journey to that end. Regardless if it is new customers that you seek, or just crafting a good advertisement or perhaps more traffic, likes and follows in social media, the fastest route to learning the best ways to influence people for your online business is to get ahold of these awesome books and dig into the expert advice.

And with these classic titles, there’s no fluff and the content and magical knowledge is as relevant today as it was in the 1950’s and 1960’s, the so-called Madmen era.

Ultimate sales letter or direct marketers dream, breakthrough copywriting awaits

You may have a need to learn the art of copywriting to craft the best titles, sub-heads or ad copy. You may just need a slogan for your personal brand or blog. You may even be considering becoming a successful copywriter in your own right, in order to make a living or even a small fortune selling your skills in this ever growing market.

With content creation being such an exploding area of online commerce, and great copy being so essential for small business owners to global corporations, the quickest way to get the knowledge you need is to take this list of the best copywriting books of all time. Once you dive in you will be able to use them to unlock the ultimate secrets of the written word and apply same to produce seductive web copy for better conversion rates and top flight digital marketing.

Writing copy that’s an easy read, and will focus reader’s minds on your good content, will be enhanced exponentially by the self-created copywriting course that will be the inevitable outcome of absorbing the practical advice and essential reading in these case studies.

A great book can change your life and a step guide toward great sales copy will be an incredibly useful tool and great resource for any new copywriter.

After all, writing well and conveying the right message is based on understanding and internalizing the core principles of good copywriting. We believe that these are the best books to help you do exactly that.

Ogilvy on Advertising

Click photo for more on “Ogilvy on Advertising” on Bookshop.

A candid and indispensable primer on all aspects of advertising from the man Time has called the most sought after wizard in the business. 

Told with brutal candor and prodigal generosity, David Ogilvy reveals: 

How to get a job in advertising, How to choose an agency for your product, The secrets behind advertising that works, How to write successful copy–and get people to read it, Eighteen miracles of research and What advertising can do for charities And much, much more.

Click photo for more on “Adweek Copywriting Handbook

The Adweek Copywriting Handbook

Great copy is the heart and soul of the advertising business. In this practical guide, legendary copywriter Joe Sugarman provides proven guidelines and expert advice on what it takes to write copy that will entice, motivate, and move customers to buy.

For anyone who wants to break into the business, this is the ultimate companion resource for unlimited success.

Made to Stick

Click photo for more on “Made to Stick” on Bookshop.

Made to Stick will transform the way you communicate.

It’s a fast-paced tour of success stories (and failures): the Nobel Prize-winning scientist who drank a glass of bacteria to prove a point about stomach ulcers; the charities who make use of the Mother Teresa Effect; the elementary-school teacher whose simulation actually prevented racial prejudice. 

Provocative, eye-opening, and often surprisingly funny, Made to Stick shows us the vital principles of winning ideas–and tells us how we can apply these rules to making our own messages stick.

Thinking, Fast and Slow

Click photo for more on “Thinking, Fast and Slow” on Bookshop.

System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. The impact of overconfidence on corporate strategies, the difficulties of predicting what will make us happy in the future, the profound effect of cognitive biases on everything from playing the stock market to planning our next vacation–each of these can be understood only by knowing how the two systems shape our judgments and decisions. 

Engaging the reader in a lively conversation about how we think, Kahneman reveals where we can and cannot trust our intuitions and how we can tap into the benefits of slow thinking. He offers practical and enlightening insights into how choices are made in both our business and our personal lives–and how we can use different techniques to guard against the mental glitches that often get us into trouble. Topping bestseller lists for almost ten years, Thinking, Fast and Slow is a contemporary classic, an essential book that has changed the lives of millions of readers.

Copywriting Strategies

Click photo for more on”Copywriting Strategies” on Bookshop

Messaging is the single most important factor in the success of any business or endeavor. This invaluable book will teach you strategies for identifying your target consumer, creating a strong message, and writing powerful copy that connects your message with your audience. 

What sets this copywriter’s handbook apart from other copywriting books:  Copywriting 101–Learn the essentials for crafting persuasive copy, including the Ten Commandments of copywriting, common misconceptions, and writing in the digital age.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

Click photo for more on”Influence” on Bookshop.

The foundational and wildly popular go-to resource for influence and persuasion–a renowned international bestseller, with over 5 million copies sold–now revised adding: new research, new insights, new examples, and online applications.

In the new edition of this highly acclaimed bestseller, Robert Cialdini–New York Times bestselling author of Pre-Suasion and the seminal expert in the fields of influence and persuasion–explains the psychology of why people say yes and how to apply these insights ethically in business and everyday settings. Using memorable stories and relatable examples, Cialdini makes this crucially important subject surprisingly easy. With Cialdini as a guide, you don’t have to be a scientist to learn how to use this science.

Persuasive Copywriting

Click photo for more on “Persuasive Copywriting” on Bookshop.

Enhance your copywriting skills with psychology-driven techniques to create stand out copy that taps into consumer decision making and sells, using this second edition of the ultimate copywriting survival guide for the 21st century – essential to every marketing or creative professional’s bookshelf. With many professionals now developing their skills on the job, it is notoriously difficult to benchmark successful copy.

This book provides a step up for those who already know the basics of writing copy, and are seeking more advanced, psychology-driven techniques to gain the competitive edge. With practical insight into human decision making and consumer engagement, it will inspire the clear-cut confidence needed to create, quantify, and sell stand out copy in a cluttered marketplace.

Never Split the Difference

Click photo for more on “Never Split the Difference” on Bookshop.

After a stint policing the rough streets of Kansas City, Missouri, Chris Voss joined the FBI, where his career as a hostage negotiator brought him face-to-face with a range of criminals, including bank robbers and terrorists. Reaching the pinnacle of his profession, he became the FBI’s lead international kidnapping negotiator. Never Split the Difference takes you inside the world of high-stakes negotiations and into Voss’s head, revealing the skills that helped him and his colleagues succeed where it mattered most: saving lives. In this practical guide, he shares the nine effective principles–counterintuitive tactics and strategies–you too can use to become more persuasive in both your professional and personal life.

Life is a series of negotiations you should be prepared for: buying a car, negotiating a salary, buying a home, renegotiating rent, deliberating with your partner. Taking emotional intelligence and intuition to the next level, Never Split the Differencegives you the competitive edge in any discussion.

Ogilvy on Advertising
The Adweek Copywriting Handbook
Made to Stick
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Copywriting Strategies
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
Persuasive Copywriting
Never Split the Difference

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1,100+ Banned Books Across 26 States: Report Shows ‘Shocking’ Censorship

Above: photo / Adobe Stock

“What is happening in this country in terms of banning books in schools is unparalleled in its frequency, intensity, and success,” said the director of PEN America’s Free Expression and Education program.

A report published Thursday by the free expression group PEN America details an “alarming” and unprecedented surge in book banning across the United States, with 86 school districts in 26 states prohibiting more than 1,100 titles in classrooms and libraries over just the past eight months.

“Book challenges in American schools are nothing new, but this type of data has never been tallied and quite frankly the results are shocking.”

Titled Banned in the USA, the report finds that districts representing 2,899 schools with a combined enrollment of more than 2 million students banned 1,145 unique book titles by 874 different authors, 198 illustrators, and nine translators between July 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022.  

In total, the new report documents 1,586 instances of individual books being banned as a right-wing censorship campaign and broader war on public education sweeps the country, prompting pushback from librariesstudents, and local residents. Some book bans have been reversed in recent months thanks to student resistance.

The top three banned titles, according to PEN America’s analysis, are “centered on LGBTQ+ individuals or touch on the topic of same-sex relationships: Gender Queer: A Memoirby Maia Kobabe banned in 30 districts, All Boys Aren’t Blueby George M. Johnson, banned in 21 districts, and Lawn Boyby Jonathan Evison, banned in 16 districts.”

Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Pérez, a love story between a Black teenage boy and a Mexican-American girl set in 1930s Texas, was also banned in 16 districts,” the report notes. “The Bluest Eye by the late Nobel Prize laureate Toni Morrison is the fifth most banned book, in 12 districts.”

PEN compiled a list of the books subject to bans here.

Jonathan Friedman, director of PEN America’s Free Expression and Education program and lead author of the report, said in a statement Thursday that “book challenges in American schools are nothing new, but this type of data has never been tallied and quite frankly the results are shocking.”

“Challenges to books, specifically books by non-white male authors, are happening at the highest rates we’ve ever seen,” said Friedman. “What is happening in this country in terms of banning books in schools is unparalleled in its frequency, intensity, and success.”

“Because of the tactics of censors and the politicization of books we are seeing the same books removed across state lines: books about race, gender, LGBTQ+ identities, and sex most often,” Friedman continued. “This is an orchestrated attack on books whose subjects only recently gained a foothold on school library shelves and in classrooms. We are witnessing the erasure of topics that only recently represented progress toward inclusion.”

According to PEN America, Texas—where the state legislature is dominated by Republicans—leads the country with the most documented book bans at 713. Pennsylvania ranks second with 456 bans, followed by Florida with 204.

“A probing look at the surge in book bans across the country exposes an alarming pattern of mounting restrictions targeting specific stories and ideas and the widespread abandonment of established procedures aimed to safeguard the First Amendment in public education,” said Suzanne Nossel, PEN America’s CEO.

“By short-circuiting rights-protective review processes,” Nossel added, “these bans raise serious concerns in terms of constitutionality, and represent an affront to the role of our public schools as vital training grounds for democratic citizenship that instill a commitment to freedom of speech and thought.”

PEN’s report also raises concern over state legislators’ increasing introduction and approval of “educational gag orders to censor teachers, proposals to track and monitor teachers, and mechanisms to facilitate book banning in school districts.”

The group notes that 175 educational gag order bills have been introduced in 40 U.S. states and 15 such measures have become law in 13 states.

“Parents and community members deserve a voice in shaping what is taught in our schools,” Nossel said Thursday. “But the embrace of book bans as a weapon to ward off narratives that are seen as threatening represents a troubling retreat from America’s historic commitment to the First Amendment rights of students.”

Originally published on Common Dreams by JAKE JOHNSON and republished under Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).

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Ridley Scott to Produce ‘The Infinite Machine’ ETH Origin Story from Camila Russo’s Book

The future of Ethereum, DAOs, Defi and Web3 set to become mainstream with movie tracing its history

Ridley Scott’s production company, Scott Free Productions, is slated to produce a feature film based the book, which tells the story of Ethereum, ‘The Infinite Machine‘ written by cryptocurrency crusader and journalist Camila Russo, and has Shyam Madiraju attached as director. Tom MoranVera Meyer, and Alejandro Miranda are also onboard, according to Deadline.

With Ridley Stott’s credits running the gamut from ‘Blade Runner‘, to ‘The Last Duel’, to Alien, to Gladiator, and too many more to count, plus production credits for Scott Free that are no less impressive, the upcoming films appears set to be big.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin will play prominently in the story, showing the early and incredible initial launch, inspired by the self-taught 19 year-old, into what is now the world’s second largest cryptocurrency (Ether) and, according to is a technology that’s home to digital money, global payments, and applications. The current ‘market cap’ for Ethereum is nearly $400 billion.

The story up to the present day is fascinating enough, with the meteoric rise of Ethereum from the founding in 2015 to the announcement of this project. Particularly noteworthy is the connection between the Ethereum blockchain technology and the invention of NFTs (Non-fungible tokens), DeFi (decentralized finance), D.A.O.s (Decentralized autonomous organizations) and more.

Camila Russo, author of “The Infinite Machine”, also founded TheDefiant( ) which “curates, digests, and analyzes all the major developments in decentralized finance, so that you can stay informed and smart about the most cutting-edge and fastest-changing corner of crypto and finance” according to the site itself.

The film project has already started to make waves and accomplish meaningful buzz in a deep layered, totally coherent approach to its creation. Namely, the fact that part of the fundraising for the film is taking place via NFT collections. This bold move has been incredibly well timed and successful, with the first @ETHMovie collection selling out completely within 28 hours and raising $670,000 in the process.

This funding, along with subsequent NFT collections offered are being managed via The Infinite Machine DAO community treasury, along with traditional film financing techniques. The DAO is, itself, the executive producer of the movie.

According to the official site for the film, the NFT collection sales will be equally distributed amongst the 36 intervening artist which will receive 22.5% of the budget. 10% will be sent to a community treasury pool to fund the DAO, and the 67.5% will be used for the movie.

It’s incredibly exciting to have Ridley Scott and the crew at Scott Free produce the movie of The Infinite Machine alongside us. I can’t imagine a better team to turn the riveting story about the people behind the most revolutionary technology since the internet into a feature film that will capture the hearts of our generation.

Camila Russo as per ‘DeaDline’

This groundbreaking funding mechanism, in this case for a movie that is intended to “become a blockbuster movie for the mainstream”, is part and parcel of the radical yet optimistic and hopeful changes that DAOs, NFTs, DeFi all were created to achieve, within the greater context of Web3 and the Ethereum blockchain itself. In other words, making this film is itself proof that the subject matter is alive, kicking and becoming more real (and dangerous, to some) in real time.

Traditional funding and monetary distribution channels, from the creative genesis of an idea (in this case the book) to a fully formed commercially released product and its proceeds, are by comparison, woefully inadequate and generally corrupt and unfair, according to many artists and creators super-pumped for the transition to these new methods made possible by Ethereum, blockchain, and soon, Web3.

So from the story, in both book and movie, to the NFT collections, the the DAO created to executive produce and partially fund the film, there is a thread of real-life proof-of-concept running throughout.

That proof is that, far from being a far flung, possible flash-in-the-pan, the entire saga, beginning with 19-year-old Vitalik Buterin’s idea to expand the potential of block chain, is destined to come to spectacular fruition, and sooner than you might believe.

Culminating the relatively short history of the last 7 years, all the way to the present day explosion of work, massive capital investments and development of Ethereum, along with its various applications and use-cases, we could be inexorably headed toward a moment in the near-future when the film will crash head-on into the realization of the very dream scenario it depicts. Oh boy howdy.

Below, the breakdown of the The Infinite Machine DAO funding plan:

Before the Movie Budget is Covered

Distribution of primary and secondary sales:

  • 22.5% in an equal basis amongst the 36 intervening artists
  • 10.0% to a community treasury pool used to seed The Infinite Machine DAO
  • 67.5% to cover the movie budget up to $16M. That number may be reduced depending on the amount of funds raised via traditional means.

After the Movie budget is covered

Distribution of secondary trading fees and any other revenues from all collections:

  • 22.5% will be received by the artists in this collection 
  • 25.0% will be received by the NFT Collection core team and contributors 
  • 52.5% will be used to fund a community pool to seed The Infinite Machine DAO

Camila Russo spent eight years at Bloomberg covering the Argentine market (bonds, stocks, FX) for 4+ years based in Buenos Aires; she wrote about European stocks with a focus on Southern Europe in Madrid; analyzed macro emerging markets moves for the Markets Live blog in New York; and was one of the most prolific and dedicated cryptocurrency reporters.


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A Virtual Lexicon of Trump’s Outrageous behavior recounted in ‘A Sacred Oath’

Former Defense Secretary, Mark Esper has a new memoir that is available, “A Sacred Oath”, in which he reveals his time spent during the Trump administration.  And like many that have served under Donald Trump, Esper fell from his grace, getting fired several days after the 2020 election.

The book is a whopping 752 pages, where he holds nothing back, capturing Trump as the ill-tempered, ill-informed President who was overly concerned with power and self-image.

Below are just some of the headlines and quotes from his book released and available for purchase starting May 10. 

‘Esper says Trump wanted to reactivate McChrystal, McRaven to court-martial them over criticism’ (The Hill)

“Worse yet, people were removed from positions simply because the White House wanted to replace them with more hard-core Trump loyalists, regardless of qualifications,” Esper wrote of Trump’s motive towards those that did not fall in line with his political agenda. 

‘Former Pentagon chief Esper says Trump asked about shooting protesters’ (NPR)

“We reached that point in the conversation where he looked frankly at [Joint Chiefs of Staff] Gen. [Mark] Milley and said, ‘Can’t you just shoot them, just shoot them in the legs or something?’ … It was a suggestion and a formal question. And we were just all taken aback at that moment as this issue just hung very heavily in the air.”

‘Mark Esper says Trump’s refusal to attend Biden’s presidential inauguration was ‘a final act of petulance’: book’ (Business Insider)

“Donald Trump did not even bother to attend the Inauguration — the first sitting and able president to skip his successor’s inauguration since 1869,” Esper wrote in his book, “It was a final act of petulance that defied tradition, tarnished our democracy, and further damaged Biden’s legitimacy with millions of Americans.”

‘Trump was the ‘biggest leaker of all’ in his administration and it was ‘generally bad’ for the country, his former Pentagon chief says’ (Business Insider)

“The individual motivations for the leaks ranged from advancing a preferred policy outcome to enhancing the leaker’s own role or credentials to currying favor with the president. It was a noxious behavior learned from the top. The president was the biggest leaker of all. It turned colleague against colleague, department against department, and it was generally bad for the administration and the country,” Esper writes in memoir.

As one would easily predict, Trump attempted to censor the release of the book. In response to a 60 Minutes interview with Esper promoting his book, the former President provided a statement on the interview, calling Esper a “Yesper”, “Weak and Totally Ineffective”. 

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The Best Books on Cryptocurrency

Above:Photo Credit / Krzysztof Kowalik on Unsplash

So much is going on in the area of Crypto-currencies, Blockchain, Alt Coins, and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) that it can make your head spin. And that is not to even mention Crypto Mining, Farming, Baking and Trading, all of which have had skyrocketing activity recently.

How much interest there is runs the gamut from the curious onlooker to the serious professional. And then there are predictions regarding the future of the world financial system, the political and legal ramifications of the rise of crypto and all the opinions going every which way, and more.

Based on all of the above it only makes sense to put together a list of fundamental ground floor guidebooks to help anyone who wants and needs to really understand what all the fuss is about. Bitcoin and the whole area of blockchain technology has come so far already, and is so established and entrenched that it is unlikely to disappear completely anytime soon, no matter which way the political winds may blow.

So if you are a beginner an intermediate or even advanced learner that wants to know more, these are the best books to really dig into the phenomena and explosion of information and viewpoints. To make it easier they are featured front and center, below, along with descriptions, provided courtesy of the Bookshop (and the various publishers), and with some links for a variety of options of where to purchase.

Mastering Blockchain – Third Edition: A deep dive into distributed ledgers, consensus protocols, smart contracts, DApps, cryptocurrencies

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Blockchain technology is the backbone of cryptocurrencies, and it has applications in finance, government, media, and many other industries. With a legacy of providing technologists with executable insights, the third edition of Mastering Blockchain is thoroughly revised and updated with the latest blockchain research, including four new chapters on consensus algorithms, Serenity (Ethereum 2.0), tokenization, and enterprise blockchains.

Apart from covering the basics, including blockchain’s technical underpinnings, cryptography, and consensus protocols, this book provides you with expert knowledge on decentralization, decentralized application development on Ethereum, Bitcoin, alternative coins, smart contracts, alternative blockchains, and Hyperledger.

Furthermore, you will explore how to implement blockchain solutions beyond cryptocurrencies, such as the Internet of Things with blockchain, blockchain scalability, enterprise blockchains, and tokenization using blockchain, and the future scope of this fascinating and disruptive technology.

By the end of this book, you will have gained a thorough understanding of the various facets of blockchain technology and be comfortable applying them to diverse real-world scenarios.

Key Features

  • Updated with four new chapters on consensus algorithms, Ethereum 2.0, tokenization, and enterprise blockchains
  • Dive deep into foundational pillars of blockchain technology such as decentralization, cryptography, and consensus protocols
  • Get to grips with Solidity, Web3, cryptocurrencies, smart contract development and solve scalability, security, and privacy issues
  • Discover the architecture of different distributed ledger platforms including Ethereum, Bitcoin, Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Sawtooth, Corda, and Quorum

Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Blockchain Technology& Altcoins For Beginners: Explore The Decentralized World, Investing in Crypto Blueprint, Mining Basics+

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Do you want to understand what Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency actually is? Do you want to understand how it could change the world & finance industry FOREVER? Do you want to discover how you can get started investing in Crypto TODAY?

By now we’ve all heard of it, yet few of us understand it, and without understanding it how could you even dream of investing in it?

You hear all the tech ‘bros’ talking about it, you hear the media slandering it, you can see the bankers are scared by it’s potential, but you still don’t quite get the fuss.

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

But, luckily, this book has been written for people just like you.

The purpose of it is to demystify the world of Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Decentralization & The Blockchain.

And, if those 4 words currently sound like a foreign language to you, you’re not alone. But, after this book, you’ll be the one explaining about the ‘Crypto Craze’ to everyone you see!

Inside, we will go over the origins & history of Bitcoin, it’s potential to change the world, as well as how it could all go wrong.

And, of course, we will go over how you can invest in potentially the greatest wealth transfer the world has ever seen.

Here’s a tiny Example of what’s inside..

  • Exactly What Bitcoin Actually Is And How It Is Drastically Disrupting The Global Economy 
  • Everything You Need To Know About The ‘Bitcoin Halving’ Cycles & How To Maximize Your Gains From Them
  • What Is A ‘Blockchain’ And How It Could Quite Literally Revolutionize EVERY Aspect Of Your Life In The Coming Decades
  • What Are ‘Altcoins’ And How They Are Different To Bitcoin & What Their Purpose In All Of This Is…
  • Why We Are Still In The VERY Early Days Of The Crypto ‘Boom’

And SO Much More!

So, If You Want To FINALLY Understand The World Of Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency So You Can Actually Understand What All The Fuss Is About And Whether You Want To Get Involved, Then Scroll Up And Click

Infinite Powers: How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe

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From preeminent math personality and author of The Joy of x, a brilliant and endlessly appealing explanation of calculus–how it works and why it makes our lives immeasurably better.

Without calculus, we wouldn’t have cell phones, TV, GPS, or ultrasound. We wouldn’t have unraveled DNA or discovered Neptune or figured out how to put 5,000 songs in your pocket.

Though many of us were scared away from this essential, engrossing subject in high school and college, Steven Strogatz’s brilliantly creative, down-to-earth history shows that calculus is not about complexity; it’s about simplicity. It harnesses an unreal number–infinity–to tackle real-world problems, breaking them down into easier ones and then reassembling the answers into solutions that feel miraculous.

Infinite Powers recounts how calculus tantalized and thrilled its inventors, starting with its first glimmers in ancient Greece and bringing us right up to the discovery of gravitational waves (a phenomenon predicted by calculus). Strogatz reveals how this form of math rose to the challenges of each age: how to determine the area of a circle with only sand and a stick; how to explain why Mars goes “backwards” sometimes; how to make electricity with magnets; how to ensure your rocket doesn’t miss the moon; how to turn the tide in the fight against AIDS.

As Strogatz proves, calculus is truly the language of the universe. By unveiling the principles of that language, Infinite Powers makes us marvel at the world anew.

The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking

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When a pseudonymous programmer introduced “a new electronic cash system that’s fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party” to a small online mailing list in 2008, very few paid attention. Ten years later, and against all odds, this upstart autonomous decentralized software offers an unstoppable and globally-accessible hard money alternative to modern central banks. The Bitcoin Standard analyzes the historical context to the rise of Bitcoin, the economic properties that have allowed it to grow quickly, and its likely economic, political, and social implications.

While Bitcoin is a new invention of the digital age, the problem it purports to solve is as old as human society itself: transferring value across time and space. Ammous takes the reader on an engaging journey through the history of technologies performing the functions of money, from primitive systems of trading limestones and seashells, to metals, coins, the gold standard, and modern government debt. Exploring what gave these technologies their monetary role, and how most lost it, provides the reader with a good idea of what makes for sound money, and sets the stage for an economic discussion of its consequences for individual and societal future-orientation, capital accumulation, trade, peace, culture, and art. Compellingly, Ammous shows that it is no coincidence that the loftiest achievements of humanity have come in societies enjoying the benefits of sound monetary regimes, nor is it coincidental that monetary collapse has usually accompanied civilizational collapse.

With this background in place, the book moves on to explain the operation of Bitcoin in a functional and intuitive way. Bitcoin is a decentralized, distributed piece of software that converts electricity and processing power into indisputably accurate records, thus allowing its users to utilize the Internet to perform the traditional functions of money without having to rely on, or trust, any authorities or infrastructure in the physical world. Bitcoin is thus best understood as the first successfully implemented form of digital cash and digital hard money. With an automated and perfectly predictable monetary policy, and the ability to perform final settlement of large sums across the world in a matter of minutes, Bitcoin’s real competitive edge might just be as a store of value and network for final settlement of large payments–a digital form of gold with a built-in settlement infrastructure.

Ammous’ firm grasp of the technological possibilities as well as the historical realities of monetary evolution provides for a fascinating exploration of the ramifications of voluntary free market money. As it challenges the most sacred of government monopolies, Bitcoin shifts the pendulum of sovereignty away from governments in favor of individuals, offering us the tantalizing possibility of a world where money is fully extricated from politics and unrestrained by borders.

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Best Roe v. Wade Books to Understand the SCOTUS Debate

The 50th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade is approaching, we are also dealing with the likelihood that the Supreme Court is now reconsidering the ruling, as a result, an interest on the issues surrounding abortion and reproductive rights has peaked.  

Reproductive justice, or the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy (in other words the ability to choose whether to have or not have children) has and most likely will always be a hot button issue, one that triggers immediate and intense reactions from both pro-life and pro-choice advocates. 

Understandably so, abortion touches on huge subject matters that can intersect with religious beliefs, what qualifies as life and death in which people tend to have their own very strong opinions. 

Below we have curated a list of 5 books that can help readers interested in educating oneself and understanding more on what is currently happening by looking at the past.  These texts break down legal, political and social foundations regarding abortion. As well as speak to the very real issues surrounding abortion like violence, stigma, politics, race, access to medicine and law.  

We have provided additional information on each book including publisher’s descriptions and where to learn more about each title: 

Liberty and Sexuality: The Right to Privacy and the Making of Roe V. Wade

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Roe v. Wade’s 1973 constitutional guarantee of a woman’s right to choose abortion emerged from a long and remarkable battle to extend Americans’ individual liberties to include a fundamental right to sexual privacy. Only in 1965 had the Supreme Court first begun to protect such intimate personal freedoms by finally invalidating an archaic Connecticut criminal law that had prohibited the use of birth control.

Despite the landmark importance of this crucial struggle, not until now has this legal revolution received the comprehensive treatment it deserves. Roe v. Wade’s origins lie not in the U.S. Supreme Court’s dramatic internal deliberations of 1971-72 or even in the grassroots women’s movement of the late 1960s but, instead, in the 1920s and 1930s efforts to win repeal of the Connecticut birth control law. Those initial attempts failed, but twenty years later Connecticut Planned Parenthood director Estelle Trebert Griswold launched a new crusade against the statute. After one appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court lost by the narrowest of margins in 1961, Griswold and a medical colleague were convicted for providing birth control services in open defiance of the law. When their appeal finally reached the Supreme Court, the justices held that such a fundamental constitutional right to privacy did indeed exist.

That resounding Supreme Court decision in Griswold v. Connecticut opened a previously unimagined constitutional door: the opportunity to argue that a woman’s access to a safe, legal abortion was a fundamental individual right. In 1969, the first abortion rights case was filed in federal court in New York, soon followed by others, including Roe v. Wade in Texas and Doe v. Bolton inGeorgia. After those two challenges were upheld by local federal courts, the U.S. Supreme Court – which so far had confronted the abortion issue on only one occasion – agreed to review both decisions. The comprehensive, once-secret files of former Justices William J. Brennan, William

Before Roe V. Wade: Voices That Shaped the Abortion Debate Before the Supreme Court’s Ruling

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The Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade legalized abortion-but the debate was far from over, continuing to be a political battleground to this day. Bringing to light key voices that illuminate the case and its historical context, Before Roe v. Wade looks back and recaptures how the arguments for and against abortion took shape as claims about the meaning of the Constitution-and about how the nation could best honor its commitment to dignity, liberty, equality, and life.

In this ground-breaking book, Linda Greenhouse, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who covered the Supreme Court for 30 years for The New York Times, and Reva Siegel, a renowned professor at Yale Law School, collect documents illustrating cultural, political, and legal forces that helped shape the Supreme Court’s decision and the meanings it would come to have over time.

A new afterword to the book explores what the history of conflict over abortion in the decade before Roe might reveal about the logic of conflict in the ensuing decades. The entanglement of the political parties in the abortion debate in the period before the Court ruled raises the possibility that Roe itself may not have engendered political polarization around abortion as is commonly supposed, but instead may have been engulfed by it.

Defenders of the Unborn: The Pro-Life Movement Before Roe V. Wade

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On April 16, 1972, ten thousand people gathered in Central Park to protest New York’s liberal abortion law. Emotions ran high, reflecting the nation’s extreme polarization over abortion. Yet the divisions did not fall neatly along partisan or religious lines-the assembled protesters were far
from a bunch of fire-breathing culture warriors. In Defenders of the Unborn, Daniel K. Williams reveals the hidden history of the pro-life movement in America, showing that a cause that many see as reactionary and anti-feminist began as a liberal crusade for human rights. For decades, the media portrayed the pro-life movement as a Catholic cause, but by the time of the Central Park rally, that stereotype was already hopelessly outdated. The kinds of people in attendance at pro-life rallies ranged from white Protestant physicians, to young mothers, to African American
Democratic legislators-even the occasional member of Planned Parenthood. One of New York City’s most vocal pro-life advocates was a liberal Lutheran minister who was best known for his civil rights activism and his protests against the Vietnam War. The language with which pro-lifers championed their
cause was not that of conservative Catholic theology, infused with attacks on contraception and women’s sexual freedom. Rather, they saw themselves as civil rights crusaders, defending the inalienable right to life of a defenseless minority: the unborn fetus. It was because of this grounding in
human rights, Williams argues, that the right-to-life movement gained such momentum in the early 1960s. Indeed, pro-lifers were winning the battle before Roe v. Wade changed the course of history. Through a deep investigation of previously untapped archives, Williams presents the untold story of New Deal-era liberals who forged alliances with a diverse array of activists, Republican and Democrat alike, to fight for what they saw as a human rights cause. Provocative and insightful, Defenders
of the Unborn is a must-read for anyone who craves a deeper understanding of a highly-charged issue.

What It Means to Be Human: The Case for the Body in Public Bioethics

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One of the Wall Street Journal‘s Top Ten Books of the YearA leading expert on public bioethics advocates for a new conception of human identity in American law and policy.The natural limits of the human body make us vulnerable and therefore dependent, throughout our lives, on others. Yet American law and policy disregard these stubborn facts, with statutes and judicial decisions that presume people to be autonomous, defined by their capacity to choose. As legal scholar O. Carter Snead points out, this individualistic ideology captures important truths about human freedom, but it also means that we have no obligations to each other unless we actively, voluntarily embrace them. Under such circumstances, the neediest must rely on charitable care. When it is not forthcoming, law and policy cannot adequately respond. What It Means to Be Human makes the case for a new paradigm, one that better represents the gifts and challenges of being human. Inspired by the insights of Alasdair MacIntyre and Charles Taylor, Snead proposes a vision of human identity and flourishing that supports those who are profoundly vulnerable and dependent–children, the disabled, and the elderly. To show how such a vision would affect law and policy, he addresses three complex issues in bioethics: abortion, assisted reproductive technology, and end-of-life decisions. Avoiding typical dichotomies of conservative-versus-liberal and secular-versus-religious, Snead recasts debates over these issues and situates them within his framework of embodiment and dependence. He concludes that, if the law is built on premises that reflect the fully lived reality of life, it will provide support for the vulnerable, including the unborn, mothers, families, and those nearing the end of their lives. In this way, he argues, policy can ensure that people have the care they need in order to thrive. In this provocative and consequential book, Snead rethinks how the law represents human experiences so that it might govern more wisely, justly, and humanely.

Abortion in America: The Origins and Evolution of National Policy, 1800-1900a

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“A fascinating book which sets to rest a number of preconceptions on the subject. Easy to read and yet hard-hitting.”–Marlette Rebhorn, Austin Community College

“Should be an eye-opener to those who think that religious objections were at the root of anti-abortion legislation and equally to those who think that abortion has been a matter of life and death.”–Carl N. Degler, Stanford University

“A superb example of the way history can inform a current contentious controversy.”–Journal of American History

“Mohr makes it abundantly clear that Supreme Court decisions of the 1970s were not a modern weakening of moral standards but a return to what Americans believed and practiced a hundred years ago.”–The Christian Century

“An altogether lucid review of American abortion policy in the 19th century.”–Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, The New York Times

“The history of how abortion came to be banned and how women lost…rights previously thought to be natural and inherent over their own bodies is a fascinating and infuriating one.”–Chicago Tribune

James C. Mohr is the College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of History and the Philip H. Knight Professor of Social Science at the University of Oregon. He is author of Doctors and the Law: Medical Jurisprudence in Nineteenth-Century America and Radical Republicans in the North: State Politics during Reconstruction, both published by Johns Hopkins.

For purchase information on Amazon, check out below:

Abortion in America
Liberty and Sexuality
Before Roe V. Wade
Defenders of the Unborn
What It Means to Be Human

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