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Aliens and “Galactic Federation” reported on by Major News Outlets as if ‘Real’

Above: Photo Collage / Lynxotic

NBC News,  Forbes and others all picked up a story relating to Alien confirmation by head of Israel’s security space program 

Professor Haim Eshed served from 1981 to 2010 as the head of Israel’s security space program, as well as having rank as a former Israeli Defense force general.  Eshed, an 87 year old with vast experience within the space program and reputable publications in academia broke news at an extraterrestrial level.  

According to the professor’s claims, aliens are real, they have made contact with some humans and are in fact working alongside various governments, and lastly, they (meaning the aliens) will not reveal themselves to the general public until they have decided that we (humans) are ready.  All this, based on an interview with The Jerusalem Post, along with another recent interview for the Tel Aviv newspaper Yediot Aharonot.

NBC, among more than a dozen news outlets that picked up the story, stuck to the facts, which is to say; the fact that these statements were made and what the detail was in the various claims. Only at the end of the article titled: Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it was any sort of pushback or questioning of the statements mentioned.

The equivocating comments were from Nick Pope, who, according to NBC, used to investigate UFOs for the British Ministry of Defense, described Eshed’s remarks as “extraordinary.” They also quoted him as saying “Either this is some sort of practical joke or publicity stunt to help sell his book, perhaps with something having been lost in translation, or someone in the know is breaking ranks,”

The implication is, either NBC and others are in tune with the idea that all of this (including Trump being in talks with aliens) is at least possible, if not likely, or they are writing entire articles, as if they are “The Onion“; from a perspective of total suspension of disbelief. Like a news story that is actually making fun of itself. Third option is aliens are definitely real, in contact with human governments and we need to just get used to it.

“There’s an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here. They, too, are researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers.”

Professor Haim Eshed, former head of Israel’s security space program

As if this year couldn’t get even stranger, in the last month of 2020, here comes bizarre news of the existence of aliens.  What is even harder to believe is big news outlets are covering this story not to debunk or fact check, instead, seeming to acknowledge there could very well be intelligent lifeforms beyond humans and Earth. Which, of course, there could be.

This comes after other news regarding mysterious monoliths appearing in strange locations, including: Utah, California, UK and even Romania, which begun the spark of the conspiracy they were planted by aliens. Apparently in that case human “art lovers” are more likely the source.

There has been a long history of people claiming they witnessed Unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Yet a UFO doesn’t necessarily mean aliens, just that they cannot be identified, with some sitings attributed to phenomena like astroids and meteors, etc. Yet it is not out of the realm of scientific plausibility that aliens can exist, thus the ongoing coverage. 

What sounds even more far-fetched than an alien- human alliance is that Eshed alleged that Trump was made aware of the aliens. According to Eshed, Trump was going to disclose their existence but the “Galactic Federation” told him to wait until humanity is further evolved and is more ready to absorb the information.  If you wren’t aware, the Galactic Federation is the alien formed organization with an underground base built on Mars.

Based on Trump’s inability to censor or filter any of his thoughts, let alone something as huge as ALIENS, it is hard to believe he won’t be tempted to tweet out the revelation.  

“The UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet. Trump was on the verge of revealing, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying: ‘Wait, let people calm down first.’ They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding.”


Naturally, the retired professor and former general isn’t the first high profile individual to make claims about aliens.  Canada’s former defense minister, Paul Hellyer made public back in 2013 he believes E.T.s are present on earth and have seen a UFO. Even Edgar Mitchell, the Apollo 14 astronaut and sixth man to walk on the moon  spoke out about Roswell and aliens in 2015. Many astronomers are confident there is life beyond Earth, but the actual proof or search for intelligent life, continues to be unsuccessful so far. 

So the big questions still posed, “are we alone?” and “where are they?”

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New Apple AirPods Max achieve Beauty sans Noise for a Price


Bose and Sony have a new competitor in the Noise Cancelling over-the-ear category

In 2020, Apple has released and announced new products and features at an unprecedented rate. In a continuation of that trend, today they added the AirPods Max which feature: “wireless over-ear design with high-fidelity audio, Active Noise Cancellation, spatial audio, and more” according to the official press release. 

As of the day before the announcements the leaks began to be confirmed and speculation of other products faded, as it was clear that December 8th would be the launch announcement for AirPods Max.

Availability begins on December 15th (shipping) and the price is an admittedly hefty $549 (US). 

A big year winds down with many new product details still to be revealed

Although some outlets speculated that other products, or news about upcoming releases would be forthcoming, for that it appears we will still have to wait. The December 15th availability to ship date coincides with last-minute shipping deadlines for Christmas this year which for services such as USPS Priority mail in December 16th.

For that reason it is unlikely that other news, not including unofficial leaks, would will be added. 

With only a single button to adjust the noise cancelling and a Digital Crown (with a nod to the one found on Apple Watch) that controls volume and playback, there is a minimal beauty to the design, which is no surprise considering the price and that these are from Apple. 

There are an assortment of carefully curated colors, and special attention has clearly been paid to the fashion value and aesthetics. At first blush there is even a kind of retro throw-back vibe, as to to envision a 60s socialite boarding PanAm and ready to settle in to the first class cabin.

AirPods Max require Apple devices running iOS 14.3 or later, iPadOS 14.3 or later, macOS Big Sur 11.1 or later, watchOS 7.2 or later, or tvOS 14.3 or later.

Though typically Sleek and doubtlessly Luxurious, some questionable issues have been identified 

The new headphones, the first over-the-ear model by Apple (other than Beats) weigh 13.6 ounces (384 grams), which sounds acceptable, but  compared to other over-ear noise cancelling headphones on the market, it is at the higher end of the range.

Next question: what if you want to use with a cable, rather than wirelessly via bluetooth? On a plane there if seldom, if ever, any way to use with a film via bluetooth, for that reason an input jack or other way to connect with a standard airline connector would be useful. Naturally a third-party adaptor is possible but that not an elegant solution. For example Sony, Bose, and others have solutions for this, but AirPods Max would require a work-around.

If your battery charge is depleted, an alternate way to still at least listen to music is something that may be useful. Of course, the noise cancelling system would require power so this is not something that would be idea anyway, but for those “emergency” situations where you want to use your AirPods Max as basic headphones in a pinch, that would also be a reason to wish for the alternate cabled option. 

If all this sounds a bit nit-picky, that’s what happens with a beautiful and expensive product and lots of scribes out searching for pros and cons to discuss.

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SpaceX Starlink awarded $885 Million out of $16 Billion Total from FCC for Rural Broadband


A massive broadband infrastructure build-out starting in 2021 is confirmed

FCC announced on Monday that the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I auction concluded on November 25, 2020.  Now, the 180 winning bidders in the auction were announced, with the 10-year support amount totaling $9.23 billion and covering 5,220,833 locations in 49 states and one territory.

In total, 180 providers yielded an allocation of $9.2 billion out of the $16 billion that was set aside for phase one of the auction. The remaining $6.8 billion that was not allocated will be rolled over into the future phase two auction, the FCC said, which will now have $11.2 billion remaining funds  earmarked to establish services in what they term “partially-served areas.”

Among the 180 winning bidders was SpaceX Starlink ($885 Million awarded).

Three other companies were also awarded large sums and all were wireline / fiber based broadband providers: Charter received $1.22 billion;  LTD Broadband got $1.32 billion; and Rural Electric Cooperate Consortium, was awarded $1.1 billion. 

The rise of real competition, between various providers and, with Starlink, alternative systems, is a big step forward

The real headline here is, as we have been reporting for some time, Starlink will be a major force in increasing competition among internet service providers. And with the added competition, including from 5G and other satellite systems, due to come online this decade, the coverage and speed will move overall internet access in the US to the next level.

The FCC estimates that, due to these awards,  only 0.3% of these locations would not receive broadband speeds of at least 100/20 Mbps, and that over 85% are expected to get gigabit-speed broadband.

This main thrust of the FCC program is the increase in service availability in rural areas, and for that, Starlink is particularly well positioned. 

While fiber or wireline providers have huge construction costs and difficulty to re-coup those via fees (which is the reason these areas are under-served in the first place) Starlink is building a system that will ultimately have nearly planetary coverage and, with approval in place for 1 million earth stations in the US alone, will be able to provide service to nearly any domestic location.

With a plan to have up to 42,000 satellites in orbit, the ability to serve rural areas with high speed internet at a reasonable cost is an integral strength of the system. The government assistance only makes it more viable and could accelerate starlink’s adoption and buildout.

”This auction was the single largest step ever taken to bridge the digital divide”

— FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

The work-from-home revolution will explode into cost effective areas as the pandemic fades

This news is also confirmation that there will be a trend toward faster cheaper internet access beginning in 2021. Further, that this will likely coincide with a mass exodus, which in reality has already begun, away from overpriced locations such as Silicon valley and “silicon beach” (in LA) to virtually anywhere that costs are favorable, as long as there is also fast enough internet access. 

There may even be an urgent need, due to flooding caused by global warming, to move inland away from dangerous costal areas. With the work from home revolution underway and software and internet cloud based jobs increasing exponentially, having inexpensive fast (gigabit+ in best case scenario) broadband internet access will complete the feasibility of this migration. 

While these grants, ultimately, may fall short of the funds needed to fully build-out affordable broadband for the entire country (or planet in the case of Starlink), the forces of market competition, including 5G and other space based systems, can kick-in as the viability of living and working in internet related businesses begins to converge. 

We structured this innovative and groundbreaking auction to be technologically neutral and to prioritize bids for high-speed, low-latency offerings.  We aimed for maximum leverage of taxpayer dollars and for networks that would meet consumers’ increasing broadband needs, and the results show that our strategy worked. This auction was the single largest step ever taken to bridge the digital divide and is another key success for the Commission in its ongoing commitment to universal service. I thank our staff for working so hard and so long to get this auction done on time, particularly during the pandemic.

— FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

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Apple 32-core M1X chips for Mac Pro are just the tip of the tip of a very important iceberg…

Photo / Apple

An eco-system about to emerge at a level beyond what any other company can match

The ultimate superiority of the “whole widget” concept at Apple: making not only the computer or device, the system software, add on software, and now, with the M1 chip, even the most important components that power the “widget” is something we’ve been writing about for years. 

With the release of the first macs powered by M1 chips, it was surprising, even to adherents inside our building, just how dramatic that superiority is turning out to be, and how quickly it has been confirmed in real-world tests. 

The focus has, rightly, so far been on benchmarks and tests using various software in typical real world situations. The consensus on the results has been in general; “astounding” or “amazing” or “shockingly good”, nearly unanimously. 

Why this has far more to do with the overarching “whole-widget” ecosystem than the traditional stand-alone cpu / gpu / architecture, however, seems, at least partially, lost in the brouhaha.

The layers of “synergistic” (not a word used by Apple) interaction and integration between the cpu, gpu, machine learning, code within the system, and, initially, the apple applications that are either free or standard paid software such as Final Cut ProX or Logic Pro X are where the real magic happens. Other developers such as Adobe, are going to have M1 optimized versions out soon, as well. 

While the long vaunted Moore’s law at a virtual standstill for nearly a decade, the timing couldn’t be better for Apple’s revolutionary “revenge of the turtle” strategy – where a long term end-game they have been working on the probably at least a decade comes to fruition – big time.

Looking ahead, even more exciting possibilities are beginning to emerge

All this leads to today’s headline, courtesy of Bloomberg. I can summarize but let’s quote directly the introductory paragraphs:

“Apple Inc. is planning a series of new Mac processors for introduction as early as 2021 that are aimed at outperforming Intel Corp.’s fastest.

If they live up to expectations, they will significantly outpace the performance of the latest machines running Intel chips, according to people familiar with the matter who asked not to be named because the plans aren’t yet public.

For higher-end desktop computers, planned for later in 2021 and a new half-sized Mac Pro planned to launch by 2022, Apple is testing a chip design with as many as 32 high-performance cores.

With today’s Intel systems, Apple’s highest-end laptops offer a maximum of eight cores, a high-end iMac Pro is available with as many as 18 and the priciest Mac Pro desktop features as much as a 28-core system.” 


Buckle up, Sunshine, the worm has turned and soon there’ll be no looking back

The bottom line here is: If you think the M1 MacBook air is faster, take a seat cause “you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet”. But this emphasis on the chip itself and various stats, such as, the number of cores, etc. belies just how backward the entire industry is, and how ground breaking the total concept is that Apple has planned to roll-out over, roughly, the next two years. 

In short, just as the entire world was changed forever once the iPhone took hold between 2007-2012, something similar will happen between now and 2024, but on a much larger scale. 

The most radical reality of this, that is in many ways so hard to comprehend, let alone explain, is that this is a “virtuous battle” that is being fought on so many different fronts simultaneously, that the actual outcome, should the potential be realized in full by 2022, goes far beyond what can be imagined today with regard to what a “computer” or “mobile device” is.

In short, just as the entire world was changed forever once the iPhone took hold between 2007-2012, something similar will happen between now and 2024, but on a much larger scale. 

The unification of the various system softwares, between iPhones, iPads, Macs, as well as peripheral devices such as Apple Watch, Apple TV and even the HomePod mini, will be combined with increasingly powerful “A” and “M” chips and that combination will be even more improved by integrated machine learning upgrades and applications that are specifically coded to maximize the benefits of the entire inter-dependent system, meaning the systems within each device and the larger ecosystem of devices, machines and software.

This is not Apples to Oranges, this is Horses to “beam me up Scotty” in magnitude. Don’t believe it? Check back in 2022 and we’ll talk…

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Trump tweets that Rudy Giuliani has now tested positive for the coronavirus

Not that anyone should be surprised

For months we have seen ex-Mayor Giuliani exposing himself repeatedly, no, not to Borat’s daughter in that movie, but to the coronavirus. He’s been on video and in photos in direct, maskless contact with contact with infected people, including Trump while the two of them were preparing for his first debate against President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. in September – even during the recent voter fraud hearings, fiascos and spectacles, he has often been seen maskless. 

Indeed, there is even a video of him blowing his nose into a handkerchief and then using it, wrong-side-out to wipe his face and hands. Honestly, it’s a miracle that this has not happened sooner. Hopefully, like Trump, he will get medical attention and recover quickly (and remain in quarantine to protect others)

@RudyGiuliani, by far the greatest mayor in the history of NYC, and who has been working tirelessly exposing the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA, has tested positive for the China Virus. Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!!”

__Trump in a tweet

Why Mr. Trump took to twitter to announce this is anybody’s guess.  It is unknown at this point, whether Mr. Giuliani, 76, is symptomatic, although he is clearly in a high risk group for covid-19.

As follows, a list of various other Republican establishment figures that have tested positive as well;

  • Melania Trump (First Lady)
  • Ronna McDaniel (Republican National Committee chairwoman)
  • Hope Hicks (White House communications aide)
  • Kellyanne Conway (Former White House counselor)
  • Bill Stepien (Trump campaign manager)
  • John Jenkins (University of Notre Dame president)
  • Chris Christie (Former New Jersey Gov.)
  • Nick Luna (Director of Oval Office operations)
  • Karoline Leavitt (White house assistant press secretary) 
  • Chad Gilmartin (White House press office staffer)
  • Kayleigh McEnany (White House press secretary)
  • Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)
  • Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.)
  • Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)

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Reflections on ‘Citizen Kane’, ‘Mank’ and the Demise of Live Cinema

A hall of mirrors, not only of reflections on “Kane” and “Mank” but this very moment in time

Seeing “Mank” on netflix, in painstakingly low tech black and white on and ancient 2004 vintage plasma flat screen many coincidences seemed to converge and collide. 

In the final sequences of Mank as the epilogue divulges the Oscar win for best screenplay and indicates that “Citizen Kane” was the final film written by Herman J. Mankiewicz, while as is part of Hollywood history and lore, it was the first by Orsen Wells, as a director and actor. 

Read more: ENTERTAINMENTHBO Max / Warner Bros. news Cast a Shadow over the Future of Live Cinema

And Mank was released a dat after it was announced that Warner Bros. would begin releasing all its films (the next 17, at any rate) simultaneously on HBO max and in theaters. For many, particularly those in the movie theater business, this was seen as a possible death knell for live cinema. 

And, taking this thread further, “Mank” also touches on the fact that Citizen Kane, which in many ways marks the birth of modern filmmaking, was only released at all due to legal maneuvering by RKO Radio Pictures, and Orson Wells only had the contract allowing him full autonomy because of his status as a radio star…

Radio, in other words, was present at the inauguration of modern cinema while Streaming attends the death of the movie theater experience, for the time being, at any rate. 

Read more: Will Movie Theaters Disappear?

And while these various technical marvels, the luxurious, sensual and powerfully stimulative immersion in a dark theater, on the one hand, and the inconsistent and convenient yet ever evolving systems of today both share, as a prerequisite to all creation the written, spoken and word and the imagination the imbues its invocation.

A movie for the ages and a single man’s creative life that was fulfilled through it’s creation

Adding to the layers of what seems like uncanny timing, “Citizen Kane” inspirational subject in real life, William Randolph Hearst, was at the time of the film’s initial release, rich on the level that would compare to Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos today, but was a newspaper Publisher. Newspaper publishing is yet another storytelling technology that, already at that time was considered on its way out, and in “Mank” there is even a scene where Hearst touts “Talkies”, movies with sound and dialog, as the technology that would captivate the future. 

Implying, inadvertently perhaps, that we are at a similar crossroads of change, and that, while streaming, digital publishing and beyond may be “the future”, the light of good works, and of a great story well told, will shine into eternity, as will “Citizen Kane” and the man who originally conceived it: Mank.

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The Social Dilemma 2.0: Follow the Money Edition

Above: Photo Collage / Lynxotic / Netflix

More than two months ago we published a review and commentary on the Netflix Documentary The Social Dilemma entitled :

The Social Dilemma: Forget the Critics and Watch this Important Netflix Documentary Now

As the title indicates, the original review finds the documentary important and more than worth viewing, even to the extent that it should be considered as something that’s important beyond the entertainment value. And while nothing in that article needs, from our perspective, to be altered and still stands, there is an omission that has grown in importance over the intervening weeks and months.

The omission was not only in the review, and virtually every other review we’ve seen, but also is a glaring one in the film itself. As a matter of fact that omission is so large and so glaring that it warrants a deeper look. Hence the title of this piece: The Social Dilemma 2.0: Follow the Money Edition.

Why “Follow the Money”? Because the film, in its admittedly excellent execution, chose to follow a personal, social and psychological thread in its storytelling arc, and, out of necessity, since the subject matter is so huge and complex, took the comments from the “insider experts” who comprised the on-camera interview segments, and featured mainly those that reinforced the personal, family and social perspective.

Indeed, the film included a fictional family, presumably meant to show how, mainly social media platforms such as facebook, were negatively affecting individuals and society as a whole, through fake news and internet-addictions fostered by the software and algorithm designs.

And this “slant” was carried almost to the point, by the very end of the show, of connecting the software based social media designs and corporate behavior of Facebook and others, to the larger growing malaise in society and the world at large.

Unfortunately, by using the fictional family, trying to show how both young and old are impacted, the scope, depth and severity of the underlying problem was, in essence, minimized.

Read more: Dig deeper into Netflix’s “The Social Dilemma” with these books on the dangers of Social Media

Above: Photo / Netflix

Based on online public comments people seemed to take away that the idea that the film was accusing social media and facebook in particular of, was of causing people to become addicted to social media, for greed and profit, and that this was pretty much the center of the problem.

Google, Amazon and others were only mentioned in passing and the greed and economic problems associated with big tech was touched on and passed over in order to make the case, inadvertently, but nevertheless, that this was an individual, social and personal problem, and one that could be blamed on social media technology.

Arguments and rebuttals arose over the finer points of addictive behavior in general and how social media or internet addiction was just one of many human foibles, and how no hard proof could be compiled to link facebook or any other online platform indisputably to any particular individuals behavior, blah, blah, blah.

All of this became an easy, knee-jerk way to dismiss, out of hand, all the deep and serious problems that were hinted at in the groundbreaking documentary and thereby stop, effectively, any possibility for the film to become a general wake-up call to all who want to isolate and identify the massive, expanding and world destroying effect these monolithic tech behemoths are having on life on this planet.

Which is what the film aspired to and had to potential to be a beginning of.

In our original review we made an attempt to shift some of the focus, away from the more narrow one of looking at individual personal problems and affronts that are being perpetrated, bad as that is, toward a more global and economically based set of concerns.

To that end we cherry picked quotes from the on-camera interviews in the film in order to point out that there was a larger, even more dangerous set of issues at stake that were only hinted at in the film. (We have reprinted a few of them interspersed below)

“Companies like Google and Facebook are some of the wealthiest and most successful of all time. They have relatively few employees. They just have this giant computer that rakes in money, right? Now, what are they being paid for? That’s a really important question.”

-Jaron Lanier, founding father of virtual reality, computer scientist

This quote is and inquiry into the deeper issue; one that is car larger than the question of whatever dangers there may be for individuals who may experience negative symptoms of “internet and social-media addiction”.

Focusing on the personal problems of users of social media in this context is like looking at a planet whose economic system is based on brutal exploitive human slavery and wanting to discuss the food, or living conditions or wardrobe choices offered to the 7 billion slaves.

“This is a new kind of marketplace now. It’s a marketplace that never existed before. And it’s a marketplace that trades exclusively in “human futures”. Just like there are markets that trade in pork belly futures or oil futures. We now have markets that trade in human futures at scale. And those markets have produced the trillions of dollars that have made the internet companies the richest companies in the history of humanity”

-Shoshanna Zuboff PhD., Harvard Business School Professor, emeritus and author of “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism”

Like tobacco companies in the US 50 or more years ago the tech giants need helpless, addicted, impoverished victims to hold up their empire. And, just in the same way, the cost of using the “product” of big tech is pain, suffering and eventually death. And ultimately, just like with Big Tobacco , when the customer base “wakes up” all the empires will collapse, seemingly in a heartbeat.

In the meantime, unfortunately, misdirecting the scope and center of the problem is helping to maintain the empires and poses no threat to them, managing only to confuse and obfuscate the size and severity of the real problem that has emerged.

Above: Photo / Netflix

The real problem with having four companies control a massive percentage of the economy with virtually unlimited profit margins and almost no employees

As the quote above states. These “internet” firms are raking in trillions of dollars in a business model that is based on various forms of exploitation and virtual human trafficking.

This is where we diverge from, and must go far deeper into the problems, than the documentary was able to go.

Firstly, it was left unclear who exactly the firms are that are being singled out in the film. By calling the film “The Social Dilemma” which echos “The Social Network” film based on the origin story of Zuckerberg and Facebook, there’s an implication that Facebook is the “main” problem.

Naturally this choice was logical given that ex-Facebook and ex-Google heavyweights were represented in the interviews. However this is a huge, misleading and erroneous perspective.

Of the huge tech monopolistic-monoliths Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft are the most dangerous. (Apple, in an exception, however, for example, as it designs and builds actual physical products, although it is often unfairly combined with the other 4).

For the sake of simplicity, Microsoft, appearing, deceptively, like harmless-looking old grandfather by comparison, would be a complicated choice to tie into any exposé, therefore was never mentioned. (that we are aware of).

As a matter of fact, Amazon could have had a whole separate yet equally disturbing documentary assigned to its “alleged” crimes and misdemeanors, but ex-Amazon employees would be unlikely to come forward, potentially due to fear of retribution and possible bodily harm.

Thus, one is left with Facebook & Google and then Google becomes partially let off the hook, in the documentary, by focus on “social media”.

The Real Crimes are Economic and based on Inherently Evil Business Models that can not be Removed without causing the Giants Themselves to Collapse

And that’s why they can not be “reformed”. Like a somnambulistic slave population from some kind of dystopian sci-fi fantasy, within a short span of around twenty-five years of internet life, we have seen the emergence of an entirely new and, unfortunately ugly, economic system.

This new system created Jeff Bezos’ obscene, circa 200 billion fortune, as well as the behavioral diseases explored covered extensively in “The Social Dilemma”. The system has also created the sick twisted saga of WeWork and the exploitative business models of companies like Uber and Grub-hub and the like, thereby creating the “gig economy”.

The pandemic that began in 2020 has massively accelerated this highly problematic “new economic order” until Amazon is closing in on being the largest single employer in the USA. (currently #2 with over 750,000).

Why is that not something to applaud? Doesn’t that make them “ok” while Facebook is the real villain?

To the contrary, it can be argued that Amazon’s business model is even more destructive than Facebooks, with it’s vast system of not only exploiting workers but maintaining a serfdom of suppliers and small business “marketplace partners” who are eaten-up and spat-out with a viciousness no historical dictator could ever hope to match.

It is an historical fact that all of the (non-amazon) retail trade is seen by Amazon as an enemy to be eliminated, and that their explicit goal is to destroy the possibility of any economic transaction taking place, in countries where they operate, without Amazon earning a cut – a kind of Amazon-tax on all transactions. “Your margin is my opportunity” as Bezos famously cackled.

This mirrors, in products and computer services, the model of Facebook and Google have in online traffic and ad income, whose goals are to control and take a massive profit from at least 99% of all “digital” advertising revenues. These already represent the majority of all advertising and are growing in total amount and percentage every year.

“In 2019, digital will account for 50.1% of total media ad spending worldwide thanks to strong growth from major digital ad sellers like Google, Facebook, Alibaba and Amazon.” (emphasis mine)

— Source eMarketer

The turning point we have reached, in other words, is one where the sheer size, power and dominance of these firms threatens to overwhelm our entire economy (what’s left of it after the pandemic).

And further, to succeed in controlling it, so totally, as to raise the likelihood that their cancerous behaviors and business models will ultimately cripple and kill the economy itself. Just in time for Global Warming to hit home.

The reason for such pessimism (shared incidentally by those insiders interviewed in “The Social Dilemma”)? Isn’t this all just “good ol’ capitalism”? Isn’t complaining about it just the “whining of losers”?

The problem lies in the self-destructive and totally out of control algorithmic dictatorship systems that these “genius” firms have built.

Take Amazon, again, for example. It’s power and dominance is based on bilking it’s marketplace parters (which have, during the life of the company, contributed the lion’s share of the revenue and an even larger percentage of the profits), and then using those funds to sell it’s own products at a large loss (an illegal activity, rarely prosecuted in the US, known as the loss-leader strategy), in order to harm and, if they succeed, destroy all external competitors (try selling products at less than cost at a massive scale with no source of funds to pay for the disparity).

This neat “fly-wheel”, which is the real one, not the one Bezos has bragged about for decades, is supplemented by enticing Chinese producers to further destroy the domestic market for any US competitors, and, voilà! this wonderful project is actually subsidized by the USPS.

When this monstrosity of a “turbo-charged-Ponzi Scheme” manages to starve its “partners” (millions of small business marketplace sellers) and enemies (everyone else) literally to death, customers will also die (financially).

That is if the government doesn’t intervene first.

The fear of government intervention at Facebook, Google and Amazon is palpable. The lost cases and launched actions are mounting month by month and year by year.

The worst case scenario is only possible if the connection is somehow kept “secret” long enough to deflect blame onto the government, addicted and victimized individuals and / or anyone one else they can attack.

Just like the whistle blower in “The Insider” who was threatened and forced to live in fear until Big Tobacco was finally held to account, we are all hostages of the largest most virulent form of anti-competitive-monopolistic behavior in history. And it is time to wake up.

Forget your internet addiction and all the smoke screens blocking the truth from being seen. The internet, and the communication and economic lifeline that it has become for all of us, is too important to be controlled by 3 or 4 obscenely massive companies.

The longer it takes to dismantle the current malfunctioning system and build a new one, the more we will all suffer and contribute to future suffering, at a scale that is impossible to imagine.

There is a bright spot in all of this! The corner has been turned on people taking notice that there is a problem with the way things are, regarding monopolistic control of the internet realm.

Companies that create build and actually provide and sell physical products, such as Apple and Tesla (and others) are, while far from perfect, not part of the gang that grows almost limitlessly based on exploitation. They do depend on prosperity to survive, since they research and design and innovate cutting edge technologically advanced products (expen$ive), that need to be bought by someone, at the end of the day.

That is why I believe that they, and others like them, will, more and more, become part of the solution, rather than trying to compete directly by being even more exploitative and evil than the others.

Next up: “The Social Dilemma 3.0” will be about business models that need to emerge if we are going to survive and prosper. Thanks for reading and stay tuned.

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Above: Photo / Netflix

Netflix: 5 best new shows to check out

Two huge and highly awaited projects are live this weekend and offer a varied experience. They also have nearly nothing directly to do with each other, or the holidays. Perhaps that’s a plus as we still have weeks before the full-on holiday festivities hit a peak.

Another two are also non-holiday but each of these projects has something special, perhaps for a different audience, and are also each highly anticipated, by the appropriate group of fans, nonetheless. 

Alien Worlds (Season 1) is here for anyone that imagines humanity as a Multi-planetary species (looking at you, Elon)

Applying the laws of life on Earth to the rest of the galaxy, this series blends science fact and fiction to imagine alien life on other planets. The 4-episodes of this docuseries approaches each episode like a separate chapter focusing on a different world a.k.a. exoplanet and explores the likelihood of life being present on any of them. 

This explorative and visually stunning exercise in “what if” takes on the idea that, with at least thousands if not millions of planets in the universe potentially harboring some form of life, what form might that life take? Taking this leap of faith into the question of, not only are there aliens somewhere in the universe, but positing the follow-on query; “where are they and what might they be like and even look like”.

This may not be a journey everyone is ready to take. But if you enjoy stimulation for your imagination and want to join in the speculative scientific thought experiment, maybe this series if perfect for you!

Selena continuation digs into the drama of a superstar destined to shine only briefly, but who will never be forgotten

The first is, of course, Selena: The Series, which has been in the works for an incredible two years.  Fans of season one have been looking forward to this, of course. The possibility for new fans to watch both seasons is also a tantalizing binge option as well.

The continuation of the story Selena Quintanilla, and in particular her rise to music-super-stardom is being played by Christian Serratos – yes,  The Walking Dead star (who is also a Twilight cast member extraordinaire).  

Mank: The movie behind the making of the greatest movie ever made

Second huge release is the Mank which is directed by David Fincher of  Social Network and Fight Club fame. It’s hard to imagine awards shows passing up the chance to laud this legendary director taking on a story about, well the most legendary film production and film script ever: Citizen Kane. 

Herman “Mank” Mankiewicz,  played by Oscar-winner Gary Oldman, is a journalist-turned-screenwriter and as the titular character we see how the tortured genius behind Citizen Kane grappled with the drama of filmmaking during Hollywood’s golden age. The project gives Fincher a chance to make a movie inside another and reference what’s been called the greatest film in the history of cinema. 

New series debuts today: Detention (Season 1) 

On Saturday, December 5 we’ll be able to see a first glimpse of this high school horror drama, based on the eponymously titled videogame.

Made by Netflix in collaboration with the Taiwanese broadcaster Public Television Service, Detention is the first Mandarin series that Netflix has collaborated on and will be aired first on an episodic basis by PTS before streaming live on Netflix.

The synopsis for Detention has been provided by Netflix:

Detention: The Series starts at Greenwood High School in the 1990s. Yunxiang Liu (played by Lingwei Lee), a transfer student, steps into the forbidden area on the campus by accident, where she encounters the ghost of Ruixin Fang (Ning Han). Fang later unveils the hidden history and trauma over the past 30 years, and how a group of young students and teachers were persecuted as they fought for freedom in the era of censorship. Their stories keep coming back to the school like haunting nightmares, waiting to be told and revealed.

The series will be available to stream on a weekly basis each episode becoming available shortly after the original airing on PTS.

EpisodePTS Broadcast DateNetflix Release Date

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Memes are Multiplying after Wacko-witness Astounds in Hearing on Alleged Voter-Fraud

Rudy Giuliani’s “star” witness brings about all the LOLs

Late night hosts: Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel all weighed in on the very absurd testimony given in Michigan. No one knew the name Melissa Carone before Dec. 1, but the now viral videos will undoubtedly be turned into memes and SNL sketches very soon.

Amy Schumer!

Above: Amy Schumer does her, yes very funny, rendition!

“It’s not a good sign when Rudy Giuliani has to lean over and go, ‘You’re making a fool of yourself.’”


“I’ve watched this clip around 14 times now; I’m still not convinced she’s a real person.”


“She concluded her testimony by saying: ‘I would like to speak to America’s manager. I’ll wait.’”


“What are the odds she’s wearing a ‘Rosé All Day’ tank top under that scarf?”


“Once again, that was their star witness. Where does Rudy keep finding these people, LinkedInsane?”


“I don’t know that woman, but I can guarantee you her Uber rating is below two stars.”


Carone’s Testimony on the alleged Voter Fraud is like as kit from out of ‘SNL’

Even if Rudy Giuliani will retire from all the recent comedy he has provided, the baton has been passed Ms. Carone. With her “talent” and flair for the dramatics, we can all look forward to many more years of comedic rants from this oversight committee hearing.

It’s hard not to immediately compare the insanity that was called a testimony and not compare it to performances on “Saturday Night Live”. Specifically like the above video that hilariously showcases Cecily Strong’s drunk girl character.


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‘Selena: The Series’ Season Two live now on Netflix and getting Buzz

New Series installment finally drops after 2 years in the making

The highly anticipated Netflix release, Selena: The Series is finally live. As on Friday, December 4th so get ready to binge after checking out the trailer below. The show is inspired by the life story of the late Selena Quintanilla and has been in the works since the project was announced two years ago.

There’s been a lot of eagerness by Fans of the singer and the excitement has been building to finally to get another look into her life and her rise to fame.

It was 1997 (23 years ago!)  when Jennifer Lopez first  portrayed Selena in a feature film chronicling the the life and untimely death of the the singing star. For the Netflix series, Christian Serratos (The Walking Dead) is now playing Selena. The series is particularly focused on her rise to stardom, rather than being a biopic, as in the original movie version with Jennifer Lopez in the leading role. 

Season 1, also called Selena: The Series was focused on Selena’s childhood and her initial experiences in learning and beginning to rise in the world of music and ended at a cliffhanger moment where she was in a dilemma with her personal life.

When, After a period of time hiding their budding relationship from her parents, Selena’s (Christian Serratos) romance with guitar player Chris Pérez’s (Jesse Posey) became known, causing her father Abraham (Ricardo Chavira) to throw him out of the band.

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Margot Robbie, ‘Suicide Squad’, Brad Pitt and ‘Babylon’ Converging with HBO Max / WB News


Immediate Streaming option set after blockbuster WB / HBO max announcement

In great news for Harley Quinn aficionados, included among the 17 movie titles to be released simultaneously in theaters and on HBO Max, is the upcoming sequel, “The Suicide Squad”.  HBO Max subscribers will be able to reap the benefits and watch, for no extra charge, Harley and Crew in the DC movie on August 6, 2021.

Read More: ‘The Suicide Squad’ Teaser Trailer, Full Cast Reveal from Director James Gunn at DC FanDome  

The star studded cast, will be be reprising their roles from the 2016 version (Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn) and also a huge list of stars to play the DC villains. There are also set to be additional high-profile new additions including Idris Elba, Peter Capaldi and Sylvester Stallone.

Brad Pitt Coupling for Babylon in the works

In other Margot Robbie news, a major development: reports that she will replace Emma Stone in “Babylon” alongside Brad Pitt. 

Margot and Pitt have worked together splendidly in “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”.  Babylon, a Paramount production has a Christmas Day 2021 release date planned.

Read More: Matrix 4, Mortal Kombat and Godzilla vs. Kong will stream on HBO Max at Theater Launch

Because the California Film Commission coughed up a $17.5 million tax credit based on the film qualifying as a “period drama” and California project, and that “Babylon” is expected to generate $83.4 mil. in local economic activity, a.k.a. “qualified spending”, the shooting will need to commence within 180 days (or lose all that cash).

Oh wait, and in addition to director James Gunn’s new take on his version of  “The Suicide Squad” to hit theaters and HBO Max on Aug 06, 2021, Gunn is also working on a television series for HBO, a spin-off called “Peacemaker” which is currently in production. 

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HBO Max gets Huge Boost from Warner Brothers: All 2021 films to stream free same day in theaters


Immediate streaming option set after unprecedented, game-changing announcement

Warner Bros. has announced it will be releasing its 2021 movies in a unique hybrid, consumer-focused, yet very 2020 way.  Warner Bros. will release its films theatrically worldwide, while also adding exclusive access to the HBO Max streaming platform on the same day for a one month period (U.S. only). 

HBO Max and Warner Bros. are both owned by WarnerMedia, which is owned by AT&T.

This shift and strategic response by WarnerMedia is a game changer and highlights a major shift industry’s are recognizing in how viewers consume entertainment, or at least for the next year.  

There will be a wide range of releases on HBO Max throughout 2021 for every all types of movie lovers. Alongside Wonder Woman:1984 for Christmas release 2020, there will be an additional 17 movies to be released over the next 12 months.

  • The Little Things
  • Judas and the Black Messiah
  • Tom & Jerry
  • Godzilla vs. Kong
  • Mortal Kombat
  • Those Who Wish Me Dead
  • The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
  • In The Heights
  • Space Jam: A New Legacy
  • The Suicide Squad
  • Reminiscence
  • Malignant
  • Dune
  • The Many Saints of Newark
  • King Richard
  • Cry Macho
  • Matrix 4

The only other studio that is currently set up for dual release besides Warner Bros with HBO Max, is Disney with Disney+, which certainly will help to secure its position in the top tier of the very competitive world of streaming entertainment.  

Only time will tell if the pandemic will permanently alter the way we watch movies. Yet if  given  the option of getting access to blockbuster films at home and on the same exact date as the theatrical release, poses a serious question to how theaters will react.  

“No one wants films back on the big screen more than we do. We know new content is the lifeblood of theatrical exhibition, but we have to balance this with the reality that most theaters in the U.S. will likely operate at reduced capacity throughout 2021. With this unique one-year plan, we can support our partners in exhibition with a steady pipeline of world-class films, while also giving moviegoers who may not have access to theaters or aren’t quite ready to go back to the movies the chance to see our amazing 2021 films. We see it as a win-win for film lovers and exhibitors, and we’re extremely grateful to our filmmaking partners for working with us on this innovative response to these circumstances.”

-Ann Sarnoff, Chair and CEO, WarnerMedia Studios

What will come of Theater Chains and the future of the movie viewing experience

he debut for WB’s slate of movies to hit streaming services concurrently with theater releases, will undoubtedly have drastic consequences for the the already hard-pressed and struggling theaters.

Warner Bros. made mention that the hybrid release is strictly due to the pandemic, yet it’s unclear how the studio will navigate with movie releases for 2022 and beyond given the new model they are setting into motion.

Movie theater stock prices fell on the news. AMC shares dropped more than 15 percent, while Cinemark was down 14.5 percent.

Following the announcement, theater chain AMC’s CEO and president, Adam Aron made note they have “already commenced an immediate and urgent dialogue with the leadership of Warner on this subject.” He continued by saying “As for AMC, we will do all in our power to ensure that Warner does not do so at our expense. We will aggressively pursue economic terms that preserve our business.”

Theaters like AMC were agreeable to the one time exception of the Wonder Woman:1984 release to both theaters and streaming, however it appears they are less on board with the decision to upload  the entirety of 2021’s schedule of films with that same release model.

Another large theater chain, Cinemark, wasn’t able to comment on how the hybrid model would impact its theaters in the long-term,  “In light of the current operating environment, we are making near-term booking decisions on a film-by-film basis,”  said a spokesperson. 

It’s hard to not to have seen something like this coming.  Streaming videos are been on the rise. Earlier this year Disney+  released  “Mulan” and Universal released “King of Staten Island” and “Trolls: World Tour” straight to on-demand platforms.  

Warner Bros and HBO are doing it a little differently.  What has been typical during the pandemic, is the rise of premium video-on- demand (PVOD) where viewers are given access to blockbusters on the same day as theater release but you have to pay a premium price, upwards of $30.   Yet in the case of WB’s 2021 movies, if you are already a HBO Max subscriber, you get to watch these movies at no additional charge, other than your monthly fee. Compared to a PVOD price of $30 for one movie, $14.99 a month for the 17 movies for 2021 is a no brainer. 

Even though, announcements like those for WB are in a way a form of the studio experimenting to see what works while we are in a pandemic, there’s some major signs that this is the beginning of the end for movie theaters. 

It’s unclear whether the dual release model will become the new precedent for how Warner Bro operators in business, as currently only 2021 films are on the table.  However, at present,  theaters, like Regal Cinema are nearly at the brink of bankruptcy.   

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NBC Data might show that PPP Loans were Given to Trump & Kushner affiliated firms

Above: Photo Collage / Lynxotic

Nixon once asserted: “Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal”. The implication was not lost on Trump who has seemingly flaunted the law throughout his life and then appeared to shift into overdrive once in the White House. 

Naturally, as has been evident as well, also even boasted “I don’t pay taxes because I’m smart”, and when money, especially free money gained at the expense of the less fortunate, it seems Trump and his “Jr. partner Jared Kushner might indeed pull out all the stops. 

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that, once details on who received pandemic relief loans were revealed by the Small Business Administration, including the PPP or Paycheck Protection Program, multiple businesses linked to both were allegedly present.

NBC news: Over 25 PPP loans worth more than $3.65 million were given to businesses with addresses at Trump and Kushner real estate properties, paying rent to those owners. Fifteen of the properties self-reported that they only kept one job, zero jobs, or did not report a number at all.

NBC News

While there have been many reports of fraud and abuse related to this and other pandemic relief programs, most stories on these were slanted towards shaming various individuals who had engaged in fraud to obtain the loans. 

There were also numerous accounts of, in some cases, public companies with access to billions in capital applying for and receiving $100s of millions of dollars in forgivable loans. Names like Shake Shack, Ruth’s Chris, Potbelly Corp. and others were embroiled in controversy when some information leaked, and in some cases the companies, fearing public boycott or backlash, returned funds. While these examples show no specific wrongdoing on any particular company, the appearance of impropriety is nevertheless in question.

Now with more data the headlines are expanding to include potential impropriety , if not possible criminal action of Trump and Kushner seen as bilking the program at will, as well as massive and tragically-comical mismanagement of the “relief” funds with 100s of examples such as loans payed to companies that did not supply a name and many larger companies using multiple subsidiaries to gang together groups of smaller loans into sums totally tens of millions or more. 

According to NBC, All these tricks and potentially more were employed (surprise!) by Trump and Kushner affiliated firms. 

NBC: Sweeping [analysis of] data released by the Small Business Administration…found that properties owned by the Trump Organization as well as the Kushner Companies, owned by the family of Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, profited from the program.

NBC News

The potential abuses, beyond the obvious one that this money was meant to relieve business not connected to government officials, and those who’s business were damaged by the pandemic in general, followed a pattern where the money flowed to those that needed it least (due to massive wealth, such as stories that have circulated about Kanye West) or due to already having existing access to nearly unlimited capital (such as the public companies that lined up to access relief funds rather than use billions they had in reserve).

Other examples of Trump allegedly using and exploiting the presidency are so common as to make it almost redundant to cite these massive, and if true, unethical and potentially criminal abuses. So many have already been noted and cited in the press – from the profits flowing into his properties directly from taxpayer dollars or by diverting foreign officials to them, tax cheating, dirtying money to his daughter and son-in-law, on and on it goes. 

The only question that remains is why there appears to be “no-one home” when it comes to holding Trump and his family of abusers accountable. Much has been made of his soon-to-be gone immunity from federal prosecution, but what about the family? Pardons and tra-la-la? 

That can’t be the way this ends. Otherwise the rest of us are just as corrupt by letting it happen without a response of appropriate magnitude. 

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Ryan Reynold’s Match.com Ad perfectly encapsulates the hellish year that is 2020


A “Match Made in Hell”  

2020 has been a hard one, almost everyone can easily say, they were affected negatively one way or another by the raging pandemic, whether reasons be economic, physical or even our personal relationships. 

Actor and director Ryan Reynolds and his production company, Maximum Effort, hilariously delivered to viewers just how crazy this year has been in an extremely entertaining video ad for the online dating service Match.com

Reynolds, who is known for his quirky sense of humor described the commercial as a “A Love Story for the ages. Or at least this age”. 

The devil himself, Satan is seen swiping on the doing app and matches with a woman with the user name “2020”. We see Satan and 2020 go on a series of date, including working out at a socially distanced gym, starting a dumpster fire, stealing armfuls of toilet paper, and eating scorching hot chili peppers at an empty sporting stadium. The two break all the rules and jokingly references in some form or another exaggerations on some of the struggles, limitations and restrictions set for covid-19.

The ad ends with the couple, in love, watching what looks like the end of the world, an apocalyptic backdrop with asteroids destroying buildings and the city around them. With the truly devilish end comment “ I just don’t want this year to end”. Although, unquestionably we all can’t wait for 2021 and better times to come. This ad brings much levity to the seriousness brought on this year.

The cherry on top is, we get to hear Taylor Swift’s romantic ballad and 2008 smash hit “Love Story” play in the background. Swift who is in the process of re-recording her songs due to battling with Scooter Braun, gave Reynolds a sneak peak for the advert. 

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‘Juno’ star Elliot Page’s transgender coming-out trends worldwide: massive curiosity and encouragement

Above: Photo / Netflix

The meaning of him coming out for the LGBTQ community and beyond

Elliot Page, formerly known as Ellen, announced Tuesday,  he identifies as a gender non-binary transgender person and uses both he/him and they/them for pronouns.  If you are not familiar with the term, gender non-binary, it means that someones gender identity and who they know themselves to be is neither man nor woman. And the use of pronouns, as we all have them, whether we are conscious of it or not, for a transgender person, they preferred pronouns are a way of showing and giving respect for who someone authentically is.  

He took to his social media to post the very candid letter.   Below is a portion of the letter, the entirety can be seen on the below post from Elliot’s Twitter.

“Hi friends, I want to share with you that I am trans, my pronouns are he/they and my name is Elliot.

I feel lucky to be writing this. To be here. To have arrived at this place in my life. I feel overwhelming gratitude for the incredible people who have supported me along this journey.

I can’t begin to express how remarkable it feels to finally love who I am enough to pursue my authentic self. I’ve been endlessly inspired by so many in the trans community.

Thank you for your courage, your generosity and ceaselessly working to make this world a more inclusive and compassionate place.”

This disclosure from Page, is a game changer for the entertainment industry, as it will give more trans visibility on screen.  Hollywood has been in need of the depiction of more accurate representation in TV shows and movies.  Even though Elliot announcing he was transgender is for obvious personal reasons, there also comes significant and impactful steps that affect the audience. 

Page known for his breakout role in “Juno”, as well as other varied characters including  work in “X-Men”, “Inception”, “Tallulah, “Whit It!” and much more.  Currently starring in Netflix’s “The Umbrella Academy”, reports for next season, Page will continue to play the cisgender woman, with no plans to change the character’s gender.  Netflix does have plans to change the credits for all his past work. 

Prior to the announcement, Page has been one of the most visible and publicly gay actors in Hollywood.  Now, Page will be one, if not the, highest profile actor that has publicly identified as transgender. There are a small but growing number of out tran actors and public figures including: Laverne Cox,  Chaz Bono, Caitlyn Jenner, Jazz Jennings, Brian Michael Smith and Trace Lysette.   

GLAAD’s Director of Transgender Media, Nick Adams, commented on the announcement: 

“Elliot Page has given us fantastic characters on-screen, and has been an outspoken advocate for all LGBTQ people. He will now be an inspiration to countless trans and non-binary people. All transgender people deserve the chance to be ourselves and to be accepted for who we are. We celebrate the remarkable Elliot Page today.”

Anytime anyone is able to be their authentic selves, that should be celebrated. Coming out as transgender takes strength and vulnerability, Elliot sharing in such a public way is incredibly up-lifting. 

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MacOS Big Sur: Apple’s Ultimate Ecosystem Triumph is almost here

Photo / Apple

Apple software upgrades are now so deep and extensive that it will take months to absorb the potential benefits

Mac OS upgrades, which have been free going back more than 20 years, have been bordering on spectacular recently, but also do carry some dangers. Early adopters have been known to experience buggy not-100%-ready-for-primetime features that do, however, generally get fixed fairly quickly once live bugs are identified. 

The upside is that there is, just as in the iOS systems, a literal cornucopia of free built in apps and features most of which benefit from the periodic upgrades.

As a matter of fact, many, many of the improvements are not detailed or listed in any manual and not used in the marketing materials for the free software upgrades. As the saying goes, they just “work”.

Read more: How Apple Created the Tech Universe

Probably the biggest of these invisible improvements, one that spans multiple apps and functions is the now, fully established, system known as iCloud. Born as “Mobile-me” and a nightmare until about 3 years ago, this system for syncing across all Apple devices, apps and software has become a powerhouse that has no comparable rival.

An evolving system nearly two decades in the making

The idea, sometimes maligned as overkill, is simple in theory. An Apple aficionado might own a desktop mac such as an iMac, Mac Mini or Mac Pro. For travel; a MacBook Air, Pro, etc, an iPhone (of course), an iPad and, whew, maybe wear an Apple Watch. There might be an Apple TV unit in the house and perhaps a HomePod mini (and so on!).

All of these can benefit from iCloud. Many functions, particularly with the Apple Watch, for example, are mandatory and help to link various functionality between devices. 

But where this software enhancement has really begun to shine is when using built in apps that have a version on both the mac family and also within iOS and iPadOS, such as Notes, Photos and, of course, Safari.

Read more: Apple Search Plans & Potential are Casting a Massive Shadow on Google Anti-Trust Case

Although these have been around since Yosemite and have had the benefit of iCloud Sync since at least that time, with Catalina they really started to function at a very high level. With Big Sur the potential is off-the-charts. 

One caveat that is still a work in progress is the need for identical, or nearly identical, functionality across all devices (mac, iPhone and iPad at least). For the photos app this is nearly the case but for Safari and Notes there is still a way to go before all functions match on every device and OS. 

Of course, this is the very lofty goal, already underway with the new M1 chips and the gradual goal of total interchangeability between macOS and iOS / iPad Os.

Many actions are still more functional on a mac than on iPhone or iPad: but that’s changing

Much attention is paid to the idea of using and featuring iOS apps on a mac, but for practical applications it is the ability of the software on iOS devices to have all the functionality of the macOS versions that is even more important and desirable. 

A great example, and a glaring one, is Safari. Differences between browsing on a mobile platform (with iPad being a sort of in-between experience) and on a desktop or laptop can be frustrating and difficult.

For surfing news or browsing static content the differences are not significant, but if you start trying to do banking, or eCommerce or other more complex tasks you can hit a brick wall. 

Read more: The Exaggerated Confusion around 5G and iPhone 12 is the beginning of a new era for internet access

Much of this is on the server side where the websites themselves either block or are not compatible with all versions of Safari in every OS version. 

However, particularly on iPad, there should be an eventual ability for Safari on iPad to emulate laptop / desktop browser specs for those purposes. And, with macOS Big Sur that is already nearly a reality. 

Similarly when using the Notes app, which we do at Lynxotic extensively for story development and shared processing, the functionality is nearly seamless between macOS Big Sur and iPad or iPhone. 

As a matter of fact, the differences are so minimal that, when switching between devices, finding a “missing” function, such as the ability on an iPhone to format the text into Title, Heading, Body and so forth, as you would do in WordPress or other text editing system, it is a shocking experience. 

Beyond detailed individual features it’s the overall end-result that’s astounding

The overall experience from mac to mac – when using full iCloud Sync, is that you can move from machine to machine and a have 100% seamless transition. Although some files can be specially segregated by machine, if you choose, making them only available locally on that machine, this is up to the user.

You can have an expanded iCloud storage limit added to your account (2TB is currently $9.99) and have access to all files on all machines and devices. 

Although still not 100% functional in all situations, even the files app and iCloud storage system on the iPhone can access and store all files and allow you to save or access many important documents on the go. 

Starting with macOS Catalina, and now even more with Big Sur, the invisible and seamless “clone” experience when moving from desktop to laptop has been very functional and hugely beneficial, and now the iPhone and iPad are rapidly realizing a similar potential. 

Shared Albums in photos, Shared Notes, Safari’s vast and ever improving ability to safely  store 1000s of passwords and other site specific data, obviously the huge privacy upgrades, and soon, the identical user experience for all these apps across all devices, this amounts to a must-have success in software that easily matches the acclaim that the new hardware built-in with the new M1 chips have rightfully received. 

The future is coming, faster than you think, and that’s a good thing (in this case)

Another big, I mean huge, factor that is coming into play with Big Sur and the various OSs, is the emergence of machine learning and “over-the-air” updates, including some that are unannounced and take place within individual apps without requiring user interaction.

The photos app is a huge example of this but the phenomenon is also spreading into other built in software. 

Read more:iOS14 quick & easy with Wiley Simms – how to create Perfect Shapes in Markup Mode

This means that improvements in functionality and sometimes even added features are taking place faster and can be major, even between the official updates themselves. 

In the end the “whole widget” approach will provide benefits so astounding that a user of Apple products will be in a “universe of capability” that has no comparable alternative and certainly no rival. 

The improvements across all apps and functions are so vast that it would take thousands of pages to catalog even a fraction of them – basically it is better to do what we have always done with Apple system software; wade through while learning by doing and rejoice each time the “singularity”, that is now a stated goal, becomes a little bit closer. 

With macOS Big Sur, your mac via iCloud and your other Apple devices are now already a vastly more powerful network of tools working together than they ever could be separately. 

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#DiaperDon trends as Trump has a T-day Tantrum behind a Very Tiny Desk


Don’t you know who I think I am?  I’m the President of the United States?! 

It has been well over three weeks since Trump lost the presidential election to Joe Biden, yet like a broken record, he continuously tries to peddle the still unsubstantiated claim that the election was somehow “rigged”.

Trump has been adamant that he will continue the fight to overturn election results, however,  at the same time saying that he would leave on his own accord.

That being, only after Biden has officially been deemed the victor by the Electoral College, which will take place come Dec. 14.  

On Thanksgiving, Trump held a press conference to answer questions from reporters, a first since Biden was called as the projected winner of the presidential election.  

One could easily find humor with just the small desk that Trump sat behind in the Diplomatic Room of the White House. 

But wait, there was more, Trump decided to flip out on a reporter, lashing out saying, “Don’t talk to me that way,” ….“You’re just a lightweight…I’m the president of the United States. Don’t ever talk to the president that way.”

Coming just about as close to a concession as we realistically are ever going to get from 45, he says, “It’s going to be a very hard thing to concede because we know there was massive fraud,” while again spouting lies without backing anything up with evidence.

He continued to ramble on, “As to whether or not we can get this apparatus moving quickly — because time isn’t on our side, everything else is on our side, facts are on our side, this was a massive fraud.” 

The combination of the tiny desk, which many compared it to a child’s desk  and Trump lashing out at a reporter, made for the perfect storm in social media content creativity.  Almost immediately #DiaperDon started trending on Twitter and Donald Trump tried to call upon Section 230 for purposes he deemed at levels of National Security.  Check out the hilarious video 


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As Trump’s reign of Clown-terror Fades: A look back at the Greatest Ads that helped Biden Win

Above: Photo Collage / Lynxotic

Wisconsin & Arizona Certified results while Georgia Republican Governor says he won’t break the law for his “hero”. The cards are stacking up against the criminal grifter in the WH and not in any way that was “rigged” by anyone but him. 

We are all still waiting for him to recede from the public discourse (haha not discourse in his case) but in the end it is ok to want to congratulate Biden and all of those that helped him win so we can all be rid of the terrorist clown club.

Read More: Trumps Legacy to the Press: a Rare Gift from an Evil Man

Though there are many who do not look fondly on “never-Trumpers” like The Lincoln Project and plain that they had a self-serving agenda, nonetheless, they were a powerful force in countering the Russian-bot army that would possibly otherwise have made 2020 more like 2016. 

And the MeidasTouch, RVAT and others all contributed to the fight with great ads that kept people informed of the dangers of a second term for the maniac, and at the same time used his own words, actions and inactions to prove that he had to go, one way or another. 

Read More: Trump Demands “Proof” of votes: Do 80 Million need to Visit Him at his Residence?

We’ve compiled some of the greatest hits here and think we should all give ourselves permission, one last time, to revel in the absurdity that this man was ever “leader of the free world” and how glad we are that ads like these will soon be in the history books (internet archives).

Trump will only accept victory otherwise election is rigged in Lincoln ad

Trump’s grand entrance emulates Putin during RNC 2020 and Twitter responses explode

Trump’s Cocaine Convention – Don Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle and more Screaming in Lincoln Project Ad


Get off the Trump Train Wreck this November in MeidasTouch ad

Paranoid. Delusional. Unhinged. Dangerous: Presidential?

Trump says “I will never speak to you again” if loses in new Joe Biden ad

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AI, Machine Learning and Neural Filters Astound in Photoshop 2021

Above: Photo Collage / Lynxotic / Adobe

Adobe has added some significant updates to Photoshop in the last 6 months. As a daily user in a digital publishing environment, we have been able to test and use many of the new features in a real-world setting. 

By way of some general background. I was a user of the CS4 bundle up until 2013 when the Creative Cloud system first launched. At first the idea of paying a monthly subscription fee rather than upgrading only when “absolutely necessary” was not immediately a comforting proposition.

However, over time the improvements, along with the huge list of including software, in addition to Photoshop, won me over. 

Adobe does face steep competition from Affinity Photo, which continues to have the “buy once-use-forever” model and also has free updates quite often.

We also use Affinity Photo and it is in many ways more user friendly than Photoshop – particularly if you are not already deep into the Adobe software UX.

At the same time, it appears that the competition has only done what competition is supposed to do: made both products better. 

The world changed when the 99% of the labor disappeared from replacing photo backgrounds 

That same competitive marketplace may even be the reason that, during the last year, Adobe’s upgrades have accelerated and become more than just ho-hum superficial changes: they are now mind-blowing, and that on a regular basis. 

Read more: Books on Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro X and DaVinci Resolve for content creators

In our shop, it really started to get interesting with the upgrade to the “quick selection tool” in June 2020. A new button was added: “select subject” removed the need to painstakingly manually select a subject (such as a person or object) and the new “select and mask” option opens a fine adjustment window to fine tune the mask.

Very often no further adjustments are needed to separate a subject from the background and then begin background layering and various other typical uses for these features. Once again, the time of this upgrade seemed to coincide with competition: a web based platform (that also built a photoshop plug-in) called Remove BG gained some popularity in late 2019, apparently prompting Adobe to fight back.

“Beginning with Photoshop 21.2 (June 2020 release), Select Subject is now content-aware and applies new custom algorithms when it detects a person is in the image. When creating a selection on portrait images, treatment around hair area has been vastly improved to create a detailed selection of hair.”

— Adobe Support

And fight back they did. The new automated “select subject” system was pretty usable at first release. But the upgrades since then have been nothing less than astounding. Sometimes it seems like the performance of this new system gets better daily, as if stealth over-the-air upgrades are happening outside of the official ones. Probably not but the bottom line is this really reduces the time and effort to nearly zero. 

Naturally, for complex or difficult photos, or for situations where an absolutely perfect high resolution separation (of, say, a very fluffy haired top model for a huge ad campaign etc.) the old, time consuming and labor intensive techniques would be required. 

But for everyday digital news style creative collage applications and any situation where it just have to look realistic (or create a fantasy tableau) it is lightening fast and very very usable. 

Neural and AI based updates have begun and will accelerate big-time in 2021

In October, 2020 Adobe introduced 8 new neural filters to the platform. In the video above you can see the general state of the filters around the time of the release. Without getting into granular detail in text, you can see the highlights and the carious methods of use in the video. 

What I want to emphasize beyond the existence and fascinating implications for these new tools is the fact that they represent just a tiny hint at the potential for these and many more totally new functions and applications that are going to explode on the scene in 2021.

These kinds of new capabilities for photo manipulation software are likely to take years to be absorbed in to the workflow and toolkit of the millions of users across the globe. And, even as we “struggle” to learn how to benefit from the lack of expertise needed to achieve results heretofore either impossible or only realized with many hours of painstaking profession work, new even more mind-blowing upgrades are coming. 

Some examples can be seen in the video below. Additionally there will be a new version of Photoshop available in 2021 to take advantage of the Apple Mac M1 chips and mac OS11 Big Sur.

These will accelerate even more the image manipulation and automated creation options within Photoshop and creative cloud. Honestly, it is now the user, with minimal effort, who will be using imagination and creativity, nearly in isolation, to create previous unimaginable images. Think = do. That’s where this is headed. 

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Amazon declines to join Google, Facebook and Microsoft in French “Tech for Good Call”

As antitrust suits loom, a digital tax appears as additional government option

Related to French “digital tax” hopes, and which may have future repercussions for other tech related regulation attempts, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook have” signs on for the “Tech for Good Call”. Amazon has declined which Apple continues to negotiate, according to reports. 

A list was released by the French government with signatures of 75 executives of tech companies who have signed up to the initiative so far. Notably, the list included Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft President Brad Smith. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Apple’s Tim Cook were absent, however. 

Read more: Apple is Coming: Facebook, Amazon and Google Surveillance facing US scrutiny and danger from New Software

For nearly three years President Emmanuel Macron of France has attempted to  convince  tech giants to begin collaborating with governments to seek remedies for a list of global challenges. Examples are; fighting hate speech online, preserving privacy or paying a so-called “digital-tax”, presumably to offset negative economic effects of the overwhelming dominance of big tech.

Reuters reports that Macron’s advisers said on Monday that the president had asked tech companies to sign up to a new initiative called “Tech for Good Call” underlining principles for the post-COVID world. This development comes as “anti-big-tech” sentiment is increasing, particularly during the massive profit spike the giants are enjoying due to a devastating world-wide pandemic.

A general publicity based initiative could be leverage for negotiations to rein in tech giants

Also, according to Reuters, the “Tech for Good Call” includes a non-binding pledge to “contribute fairly to the taxes in countries where (they) operate”; refrain & prevent  the dissemination of “child sexual abuse material, terrorist or extreme violence online contents”; and “support the ecological transition”, in addition to other things.

Read more: Cracks in The Wall: Apple, Google, Amazon and Facebook Silently Declare War

Though not legally binding, it is expected that the French will use this tentative agreement to in negotiations during upcoming global forums on regulating Big Tech.

In addition to antitrust suits underway in the US and Europe, the idea of a “digital tax” is being explored and attempted with France and Australia leading the way.

In an article in today’s Wall Street Journal, citing multiple sources, that federal and state regulators are preparing four or more antitrust cases against the two online giants, separate from the antitrust case that the DOJ and 11 states launched against Google in October

The building chorus for regulation against Google and Facebook stem from the extremely dominant position each holds online, with Google having near total control of search traffic and advertising, while Facebooks monopoly in social media concerns its use of that position to monetize private data through advertising.

Also, according to Reuters, the “Tech for Good Call” includes a non-binding pledge to “contribute fairly to the taxes in countries where (they) operate”; refrain & prevent  the dissemination of “child sexual abuse material, terrorist or extreme violence online contents”; and “support the ecological transition”, in addition to other things.

Read more: Cracks in The Wall: Apple, Google, Amazon and Facebook Silently Declare War

Though not legally binding, it is expected that the French will use this tentative agreement to in negotiations during upcoming global forums on regulating Big Tech.

In addition to antitrust suits underway in the US and Europe, the idea of a “digital tax” is being explored and attempted with France and Australia leading the way.

In an article in today’s Wall Street Journal, citing multiple sources, that federal and state regulators are preparing four or more antitrust cases against the two online giants, separate from the antitrust case that the DOJ and 11 states launched against Google in October

The building chorus for regulation against Google and Facebook stem from the extremely dominant position each holds online, with Google having near total control of search traffic and advertising, while Facebooks monopoly in social media concerns its use of that position to monetize private data through advertising.

“The supportive chorus of elected officials is giving assurance to [the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)] and the [Federal Trade Commission (FTC)] that they have the political support they need to blunt [the companies’] efforts … to pressure the agencies to back off or water down their cases,” former FTC Chairman William Kovacic told WSJ.

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Trumps Legacy to the Press: a Rare Gift from an Evil Man

Above: Photo Collage / Lynxotic / Adobe Stock

Witnesses of Evil and survivors deserve a decompression phase

For nearly all of 2017 the word “lie” rarely if ever appeared in an article written about the president. The reasons for this are more complex than it would first appear, and relate to the history of political journalism reaching back at least 50 years. The reason why, beginning in 2018 and early 2019, “lie” became a daily and oft used word in connection with this lying-president is a more subtle and interesting story. 

As of this writing it is 100% clear that Trump has lost the election (odd to even have to say that, considering how obvious it is to any sane, rational observer) and that, ultimately, we will all benefit from forgetting about this attention-addicted-sociopath. However, with regard to something we all experienced, witnessed and endured over a period of four plus years; before forgetting there must first be a remembering.

Read more: Trump Demands “Proof” of votes: Do 80 Million need to Visit Him at his Residence?

 And, for the benefit of those of us who have various forms of PTSD as a result of what he perpetrated and what we had to witness, that remembering is a healthy, necessary step. 

For nearly all of 2017 the word “lie” rarely if ever appeared in an article written about the president. The reasons for this are more complex than it would first appear, and relate to the history of political journalism reaching back at least 50 years. The reason why, beginning in 2018 and early 2019, “lie” became a daily and oft used word in connection with this lying-president is a more subtle and interesting story. 

As of this writing it is 100% clear that Trump has lost the election (odd to even have to say that, considering how obvious it is to any sane, rational observer) and that, ultimately, we will all benefit from forgetting about this attention-addicted-sociopath. However, with regard to something we all experienced, witnessed and endured over a period of four plus years; before forgetting there must first be a remembering.

Read more: Trump Demands “Proof” of votes: Do 80 Million need to Visit Him at his Residence?

 And, for the benefit of those of us who have various forms of PTSD as a result of what he perpetrated and what we had to witness, that remembering is a healthy, necessary step. 

Perhaps rushing forward to “fix” everything he broke, destroyed or tried to destroy must be combined with looking back.

Seeing some of the events that shaped the last four years through the eyes of the media and the press

The public perceptions and reactions to history during significant and extreme events are shaped over time, and meaning are not always clear until we look back. If this article was a typical “2020 Looking Back” year-end recap, and did not run 5000 words or more it’d be about the coronavirus, the election, and a skim through the various events on the periphery. Instead, we must begin on June 16th, 2015 when Donald J. Trump began his assault on America. 

And, as we all remember, it started with “Mexicans”:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best, they’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us [sic]. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Donald J. Trump, as he descended on his golden escalator

This technique of viciously attacking a particular ethic group, generally, and pandering to negative stereotypes was just getting started. 

Also couching broad statements, that often included boldfaced lies, within statements that could have a tiny sliver of truth would also be a propaganda technique he would use, sometimes dozens of times in a day, over the next nearly 4.5 years. 

Read more: Trump Transition Chaos is subject of Obama produced ‘The G Word’: Netflix Comedy

Then came the nicknames. Again, maybe “little Marco” was not the tallest guy and “Low-energy Jeb” was not the most exciting. But Trump’s character traits that would later expand and multiply were not pretty, and were on full display even during the initial phases of the election. 

Belittling opponents in an ugly personal way, pushing all dialog away from substance and toward personal attacks of the lowest form was standard operating procedure. All the signs were there of a mental sickness, one that we would all later experience more intimately, but at the time it was all an amusing diversion, since most believed he had “zero chance” of winning the 2016 presidential election. 

Phase 2, 3, 4 and beyond: testing the limits of outrage

Just making a laundry list of outrageous and disgusting behavior by this man is easy, but of little value, beyond our mutual sharing of “I was there” recollections publicly. More interesting, it seems, would be an exploration of how “we”, the media, and the public, reacted and adjusted to having such a malignant presence in the White House. 

It’s easy to forget that, around the time of the 2016 inauguration, many in the media went on and on about how the outrageous tactics were just a ploy, and a successful one at that, for him to get elected, and now that the election was over, Trump would magically become “Presidential”.

Then the lies began to multiply. All during 2017, however, it was very difficult to find the word “lie” in any article from a mainstream outlet that was about Trump, well, lying. The lengths that journalists went to avoid that word was, in a word, incredible. To look further into the history of not saying the word “lie” when a president lies, this Politco article from 2017 is a great deeper dive.

In the final paragraph summation the overall view at the time was encapsulated:

“Using the word “lie” promiscuously may, in the short term, score a point against a president who has shown a contempt for the facts. But over the long-term, the authority and credibility of aspirationally objective mainstream news organizations like the New York Times are best served by scrupulously trying to report the news in ways that can be trusted by readers of any political viewpoint. And it’s by upholding and reinforcing that authority and credibility that the Fourth Estate will best guide readers to the truth amid the misinformation, propaganda and lies produced by the administration of Donald J. Trump.”

David Greenberg, a professor of history and media studies at Rutgers in Politico Magazine

This viewpoint, ultimately, disintegrated and was abandoned, generally, by the middle of 2018 into the beginning of 2019. Trump literally bashed down that wall of civility with thousands and thousands of lies. 

Read more: 20,000 of Trump’s false claims plastered for display on ‘Wall of Lies’

Terms and phrases like “decorum”, “deference”, “non-partisan” and “civilized discourse” became meaningless in the endless assault of lies, hate speech and outrageous acts. At Lynxotic, we made a decision fairly early that this was not a “normal” president and these were not normal times. We seriously had to ask ourselves, if this was an emerging danger to this country and to democracy itself, who would we be serving by mincing words?

And further, the news has always been, to a certain degree, opinion infused facts with a, sometimes, thin veneer of artificial authoritative eminence. And wasn’t the media often guilty of using “impartiality”, similarly to an arms dealer, selling ammunitions to both sides in a civil war?

As time went on, the incredible border “cages” scandals, then the impeachment drama came and went and on and on, until Trump’s massive coronavirus failures, and finally the election madness. 

In the end all pretense of, and use for civility, any belief that a non-corrupt outcome was possible, revealed a truth that the choices for the nation were, and are, to jail the man famous for chants of “Lock her up” or let him continue until he destroys the democracy and possibly, ultimately the country itself.

The good thing that was bestowed upon all of us by a bad man

Of course, in all of this, he did do one good thing for the media and journalism. Not “ratings” or prosperity through scandal. No, what he did was to help us to remove the hypocrisy of the long standing “deference” to any and all sitting in the White House, just because they are there. 

“When he “won” in 2016 it was on the shoulders of Russian hackers and social media “bots” that influenced the thinking of real, living, breathing humans. In 2020 those real humans showed up, 80 million strong, and took back the country.”


The blurred lines between observation, opinion, facts and fiction are ones that have, in reality, always been blurred. To face that fact, and to grapple every day with the issues of how to communicate the hard truth, is also a legacy of this evil man. 

When he “won” in 2016 it was on the shoulders of Russian hackers and social media “bots” that influenced the thinking of real, living, breathing humans. In 2020 those real humans showed up, 80 million strong, and took back the country. 

That is also a lesson we owe to “The Donald”. That, if a pretender rises up, the rest of us have to rise up as well, to put him down. 

The favor he did us all was to force us to examine the real facts, and make the real news and not the fake news matter, even if that news is that he is a liar, a grifter, a cheat and a criminal. And if any of his ilk come to power again, or continue to remain in power, they should be treated the same way, as needed. 

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Small Business Dilemma: are Big Solutions Hiding in plain sight?


Above:Content Discovery App – River video Clip Introduction

An Unlikely Holy Grail: User Sophistication and the Will to Exist Online

In late 2018 a small firm was looking into opportunities in organizing an online co-op for small businesses (CSSinc), similar to the co-ops created by farmers during the great depression. Where else to start than a trade show of more than 1000 small businesses in Las Vegas. In an informal test, they checked all the web sites listed in the show directory as an indicator of the state of web sophistication among the participants.

Story Cover feature image by Joshua Chun 

Shockingly, nearly 90% were either primitive and barely functioning or not functioning at all, yielding a 404 error or “site not found”.

Read more: How Apple Created the Tech Universe

Naturally the 10% that were functioning, a few of which at a high level, were all the largest companies attending the show. With costs to set up, and even designing a company web site, at an all time low, why would so many pass up the opportunity to make use of this powerful tool?

‘This is Water’  and the internet dilemma that has swallowed the world

From The New Yorker:

In 2005, David Foster Wallace addressed the graduating class at Kenyon College with a speech that is now one of his most read pieces. 

In it, he argues, gorgeously, against “unconsciousness, the default setting, the rat race, the constant gnawing sense of having had, and lost, some infinite thing.” He begins with a parable:

There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, “What the hell is water?”

This oft quoted passage is about how the world around us can be easily misunderstood by lack of awareness. And, maybe, by the lack of any perceived need to notice what’s really going on. 

The two most shocking things about the anecdote above, regarding 90% of small businesses lack of internet presence (or sophistication), are how this could be the case after more than 20 years of the internet being at the center of commerce and, well, life, and what it says about the “water” we are all swimming in. 

Read more: Apple Search is Coming: Google, Facebook & Amazon Surveillance

2020 is the year that the internet became even more important for all our lives. Less obvious is that it is also the year that the problems and obstacles are more important than ever to overcome, and that starts with seeing the water we are all swimming in. 

The Social Dilemma’ is also a Small Business Dilemma

In this acclaimed documentary (available on Netflix) a lot of both problems and solutions focus on the dangers of the current giant-tech dominated internet environment on the “end-user” and the general public. 

The Social Dilemma on Netflix

While that sphere of influence is a serious and growing problem, it is the control and domination by a few massive companies, to the virtual exclusion of smaller businesses, that, to a large degree caused the sick, twisted inequitable and unfair system in the first place. 

The relative size imbalance is literally so massive that it is rendered incomprehensible, and, like water to the fish mentioned above, invisible. 

A happy shiny logo of, say, coca-cola, looks just as harmless (or menacing, depending on the perspective) as that of Amazon or Facebook, who may be hundreds of times larger in market-cap than the soft-drink giant with long history as a “big” American company. Size of this magnitude is impossible to conceive of by most of us.

But the perception of the giants that control the internet as harmless, or even beneficial and to be admired, is rapidly changing. Therein also lies the potential for probably the only hope of positive change for small business and for society in the US and across the globe. 

A Revolution of Perception is Required and already Underway

Part of the problem, one that is growing, admittedly, every day, is the sheer scale of the inequity and corruption. Why even try, as a small business, to go up against the giants that “own” the water we swim in?

Ultimately what is necessary is a sea-change (forgive the continued metaphor) within overall population, both consumers and small businesses. And that starts with the perception that it is the “people” that decide how and what the internet will be who will be “permitted” to interact. An Algorithm own as proprietary secret software by an internet behemoth? Or a decentralized more kaleidoscopic solution that was an inherent promise from the initial days of the internet’s creation?

The signs of change are all around. The “direct to consumer” trend that has produced massive success stories also paved the way for the emerging system of smaller companies being able to reach out directly and actually do business with customers with, sometimes, minimal involvement of the giants. 

The signs that this can work are gradually being seen – shopify’s success in offering software and services to businesses wanting to establish a direct connection to buyers is a growing trend. There are many other companies that have recognized the trend and are trying to ride this wave toward a different method of communication between businesses and so-called consumers. 

Here are some examples of companies that are taking a new approach to the way we communicate and interact online:

However, the ultimate driver of positive change in the internet will be the increased sophistication of users, both professional and at the individual level. 

User Sophistication and Trust: an unlikely but all-important Grail

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, TikTok and more have all embraced direct in-app-shopping as a way to expand beyond content.  Even Google has started a program to allow buyers to purchase from search results without leaving the platform. While these initiatives are all coming from the giant tech firms themselves, they are, ultimately, sowing the seeds of their own demise. 

They are, in essence, teaching buyers to forego the now standard system of choosing between Amazon and “the rest” in online shopping. This choice, helped along by billions in losses to subsidize “impossibly low” prices plus free shipping paid for by Amazon’s loss-leader strategies, was never a fair or realistic one and created the massive, unsustainable imbalances in online commerce we see today. 

The massive and very real paranoia of the giant companies is based on the clear and deep understanding that the competition is always “1-click-away”, which is the unfulfilled promise of the internet in the first place.


The greatest obstacle has never been the massive price-dumping schemes or even the sell-at-a-loss free shipping concept that kept buyers from having a second choice in e-commerce. It has been the lack of user sophistication of the sellers and the buyers in the online forum which prevented easier movement from one online option to another. 

The massive and very real paranoia of the giant companies is based on the clear and deep understanding that the competition is always “1 click away”, which is the unfulfilled promise of the internet in the first place.

So called “moats” and systems to block users from initiating and exercising choice are built-up and keep getting deeper and more complex. But sophisticated users can, and eventually will, easily just opt-out at any time, when alternatives that they prefer begin to proliferate. 

And there is a growing and invisible ocean that already exists all around us. As far-fetched as it may seem “the ocean we swim in” will one day be in no way similar to the deeply problematic one we swim in today and a thorough a change from the bottom up as well as the top down will, finally, bring about a new era in online communication and commerce. 

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